Talking to girls is hard enough -- but seducing girls is an art. If you want to know how to seduce a girl, then you have to be able to make a girl feel special, without making her think you're just joking. Whether you want to seduce your boyfriend or a girl who catches your eye from across the room, wikiHow can help you. If you want to start your seduction, read Step 1.
Part 1 of 3: Preparation

Step 1. Don't be ashamed of how you feel
If you really want to seduce a girl, then you have to make it clear that you really like her. This doesn't mean that you have to tell him how charming you think he is as soon as you greet him, but it does mean that he has to see that you really like him. Don't be rude, look around the room, or make him question your motives. Once he knows you like him, then it's up to you to win him over with your words.
Don't worry if you're usually shy when you talk to girls. If you are confident when you approach a girl, and are sweet to her from the start, she will also respond positively and will make you feel relaxed talking to her

Step 2. Keep it casual
Don't make it too obvious that you're flirting with him. Don't say, "Hey, baby, how are you?" or, “Beautiful girl, what are you doing?” or he will want to stay away from you. Just approach him and say, "Hello, what are you doing?" or, “Hello, my name is _, what is your name?” You don't need to rant or exaggerate the fact that you're talking to a cute girl you like. Make it all feel natural, as if the two of you have been friends for a long time, and build on it.
If you act too nervous, formal, or excited when you talk to him, you can make him feel a little nervous too. The more relaxed and relaxed you are, the more relaxed he will feel too

Step 3. Be respectful
Seducing girls has its limits. If you want to seduce him, then you have to respect him, don't go overboard or make him feel uncomfortable. If you don't know her very well, or even if you do know her very well, you should avoid saying anything overly sexual or pornographic because, otherwise, she'll quickly want to get away from you. Instead, respect her boundaries, both by not making her feel pressured or sitting too close to her or by not making comments that are too gross and which could be misinterpreted.
- Do not praise her breasts, buttocks, or other prohibited body parts.
- If he starts talking dirty, you can join in, but don't start your flirting this way.

Step 4. Give him your full attention
An important part of seducing a girl is making her feel like the only person in the room. Make eye contact, occasionally looking the other way so you don't sound too intense. Turn your body towards him. Stop checking your phone or looking at your friends. Make him feel that all you care about is spending time with him and listening to what he has to say. It will make whatever you say sound a lot sweeter.
If someone calls or texts you and you absolutely have to answer the call/text, say sorry or excuse the girl. Let him see that you are really focused on him. Nothing makes him lose interest in you faster than watching you text constantly with your best friend
Part 2 of 3: Praise Him

Step 1. Praise him
Girls love to be flattered, just like you. Pay attention to the things about him that make him special to you and make sure you let him know that you are aware of those things. Don't just give him general compliments like, "You look great tonight," but be as specific as possible. Tell him, “That sweater you're wearing makes your eyes look so pretty,” or something to let him know that you really care about him. Compliment something you like about his demeanor or character. Here are some nice compliments you can say to him:
- "I love your laugh. I've never heard anything like it before."
- "You really know how to make people feel good about themselves."
- "You're easy to talk to. I feel like I can tell you anything."

Step 2. Give him a nickname
If you two are close enough to each other, you might consider giving him a cute nickname that makes him feel special and knows how you really feel about him. This nickname can also be a personal joke between the two of you, or related to his character or appearance. Just make sure you're close enough to him to give him a nickname so he doesn't feel like you're being too close.

Step 3. Praise him in front of others
This doesn't mean you have to embarrass her and say something like, "Mandy is the most amazing girl I've ever met," but it does mean that you can find ways to sneak compliments about her when you're with someone else. Say something like, “Have you ever seen him play basketball? Nobody shoots the ball as well as she does," or, "Lisa always knows what to do when you're having trouble with your friend." Just casually come up with something nice about him and see how much this makes him feel good.
- Look him in the eye a little when you compliment him, so he knows you're just trying to seduce him.
- Bonus points if you can compliment him in front of other people about things you never said to him when it was just the two of you.

Step 4. Say that your friends or family will “like” him
Girls "love" hearing this -- not the first time you meet her, of course. But if you've been friends with the girl long enough and the moment feels right, you can say something like, “Join me and my friends. I know they're going to like you," or "You're the kind of girl my mom would definitely like, I can guess." He'll be totally flattered and will start to think you're serious about him, because mentioning the idea of introducing him to your friends and family is a big step.
However, don't say this unless you are really serious! You don't want him to think that you're serious about him if you just want to be friends with him

Step 5. Flirt with him
Flirting is a big part of flirting. To flirt with a girl, you have to joke with her, tease her a bit, and let her know that you think she's cute without saying it outright. It takes practice to master the perfect flirting style, so umm be careful, start slowly and then only get more playful as he responds to your flirting. You can even touch him lightly to show him that you like him, such as lightly touching his knee or arm with your hand.
Say something like, "Do you usually wear so much pink or is this a special occasion?" You don't have to be super serious to be a great flirt

Step 6. Tell him that he is smart
Girls hate to feel that you only see her as an eye wash or only see her as a pretty face with a blank mind. Complimenting a girl's mind, these days, can be more flattering than simply complimenting her appearance or outfit. Say something like, “You're really smart. I like the way you think,” or “I've never heard anyone put it that way. You are an original thinker,” can really make him feel special. Of course, only say this if it's true!
Don't try too hard to force this into the conversation. Wait until the right opportunity presents itself. If you tell him he's smart when you two are laughing about his pet dog, Bobo, he'll probably think you're weird
Part 3 of 3: Show Your Sincere Interest in Him

Step 1. Let him know how much you love spending time with him
Say something like, “It's always fun to chat with you,” or “I always enjoy the best times when I'm chatting with you.” While he may already suspect that you like spending time with him, it may be best if you tell him this in person. Don't be afraid to tell him how you really feel. He will really appreciate it and he will be impressed by your subtle compliments.
Of course, make sure you "really" really enjoying your time with him before you tell him that you always enjoy chatting with him

Step 2. Mention your personal jokes
Make some secret words between the two of you. Use these words when you're with other people and laugh quietly as if you're remembering something funny. This is a great way to make him feel like you like him. If you didn't like him, then you wouldn't share a secret language with him, would you? Don't be too obvious about it, but if you can find a way to make him laugh or smile when you're alone or with other people, that's a great way to seduce him.

Step 3. Let him know how much you love him/her
If you're at the "I love you" stage of your relationship, then make sure you tell him how you really feel. Don't just say it once every full moon; if you love him, tell him every day, several times every day, without making him feel pressured. And if the two of you often date or spend time together, always remind him that you really like him. You can do this without making him feel pressured and let him know that you really care about him.
Find a way to naturally slip this into the conversation. Don't just say "I really like you" or "I love you" when you need him to do something for you or to forgive you. Make this feel spontaneous

Step 4. Make him laugh
Making a girl laugh is the key to seducing her. You don't have to be the funniest comedian in the world to put a genuine smile on his face. Don't be afraid to be a little stupid or silly or just say something a little off the mark. As long as he doesn't feel that you're trying too hard, he'll appreciate your effort. You can tease him a little, or even laugh at yourself a little, as long as you don't put yourself down too much. Remember that when you flirt with a girl, you want to keep the conversation light, not talk about how your life has lost all meaning since your grandfather died. Make him feel relaxed and light and laugh as much as possible -- you can do serious things later on.
If you try to joke but fail, just say something like, “You can't win over everyone,” or just laugh at yourself a little. There's no need to look sad or make things awkward. In fact, in no time at all, you'll both be able to laugh at your failed attempt

Step 5. Thank him
Take time to appreciate the good things he has done for you. You could say, “Thanks for our conversation. That was really fun,” or “Thank you so much for helping me last week. I wouldn't have been able to pass the test without your help. Let him know that you appreciate what he has done for you and that you realize how much he means to you. This will make him feel like he is an important part of your life and that you really care about him.
You don't have to overdo it when you do this. If it's just a small thing, just say, “Hey, thanks for getting me this coffee. I really need it.” You don't have to act like he's doing something extraordinary while rewarding his actions in a positive way

Step 6. Tell him that he is unique
If you really want to seduce a girl, then you have to let her know that she's not like the other girls you know. Make him feel unique, and be genuine when you do that. Find something about her that other girls don't have and tell her how you feel. If he knows that, to you, he is different from other girls, he will be very flattered and touched by your efforts. Here are some ways to make him feel unique:
- "I've never met a girl who is as comfortable with herself as you are."
- "You're a good listener. That's a great ability."
- "You really know how to make people feel good about themselves. I don't know anyone who can do that as well as you."
- "You're not like any other girl I've ever met."

Step 7. Ask her opinion
Another way to seduce a girl is to genuinely ask her opinion about something. If you say all the flirting, constantly talk about how much you like him or shower him with flattery, he can get bored quickly. Instead, take the time to earnestly ask her opinion on certain matters. This will let him know that you see him as more than an object and that the things he says really mean a lot to you. You can ask his opinion, among others, about the following:
- Someone who is friends with you two
- Music group that will perform in town
- New TV show
- Recent events (as long as you're not too early on controversial topics)
- His opinion on what you should do in certain situations

Step 8. Ask about his life
One way to seduce a girl is to genuinely show interest in who she really is. Let her see that, to you, she is more than just a cute girl and that you see her as an individual with dreams and desires. You don't have to ask too many questions to let him know that you're really interested in knowing who "he" really is. Avoid topics that are very personal and stick to topics he can comfortably talk about. Here are some things you can ask:
- Hobbies and interests
- His favorite
- Her friends
- His family
- Her pet.
- Weekend plans

Step 9. Ask how the day was
It's really simple, and really effective. Sometimes the only thing a girl (or anyone, really) wants to hear is, "How was your day?" Nothing sounds sweeter to someone who's just had a bad day, or had an interesting day, and wants to talk about it. He'll be touched that you really care about how his day went, and if it's heard that you really do care, he'll say more than just “Good” or “Not too bad,” and will start to open up to you.
To really seduce a girl, you have to strike a balance between flattering her and making her feel that you really care

Step 10. Listen to him
Listening can be as important as talking, when it comes to making a girl feel special. All the flattery in the world won't work if you don't take the time to be quiet and really listen to what he has to say. Look him in the eye, nod occasionally as you get his point across, and don't interrupt him when he's trying to tell you something. Don't tell him that you know exactly how he feels and don't say, “That's how I felt at that time too when…” Let him see that you care about what “he” says, not what your experience is.
- Admit it: most guys are pretty bad listeners. Set yourself apart from the rest as someone who is not only interested in impressing him but also interested in hearing what he has to say. And if you're a good listener, he'll be impressed.
- It's important to remember what he has said so you can mention it again later in the conversation. He'll feel special if you can bring back a casual comment he made two hours or two days ago.
- Stop talking when he's talking. Listen to him. Look into her eyes and give her your full attention.
- Tell her often how beautiful she is. That way, he will know that you like him. But make sure to keep the words well-meaning.
- Act like you're sure he likes you. Pretending to be arrogant makes most people laugh, especially when flirting.