Reporting an emergency is one of those actions that is quite easy to think about, but difficult to carry out when the time comes because at that time you will feel very nervous. It's still good to be able to remember your own name! If you are caught in an emergency, take a deep breath and remember the following instructions.

Step 1. Consider how urgent the situation is
Before reporting a particular situation, make sure that the situation is indeed an emergency. Call Emergency Services if you think the situation is life-threatening or really bothersome. Here are some emergencies that you should report:
- Crimes, especially those that are ongoing.
- Fire.
- A medical emergency that requires immediate treatment.
- Car accident.

Step 2. Call Emergency Services
Emergency Services telephone numbers vary by country. In the United States, the phone number is 911, and in most countries in Europe, the phone number is 112. In Indonesia, dial 110 for the police, 118 for the ambulance, and 113 for the fire department.

Step 3. Report your position
The first thing the Emergency Services operator will ask is where you are so they can get there immediately. If possible, provide address details. If you are unsure of the address details, use your best guess.

Step 4. Give your phone number to the operator
This information is mandatory for the operator so that he can call you back if needed.

Step 5. Describe an emergency you experienced or observed
Speak calmly and clearly, then tell the operator why you are calling. Provide the most crucial information first, then answer follow-up questions from the operator.
- If you are reporting a crime, also provide a physical description of the perpetrator of the crime.
- If you are reporting a fire, describe the origin of the fire and give the exact position of the fire. Don't forget to tell the number of injured or missing victims.
- If you are reporting a medical emergency, explain how the accident started and what symptoms the person in front of you is showing.

Step 6. Follow the operator's instructions
After gathering the required information, the operator will ask you to help people who need help. You may receive guidance on providing emergency assistance such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Pay close attention to the instructions and don't hang up the phone until it's allowed. Then follow the instructions that have been given.
Step 7. Do not hang up until you are prompted
While you can't put the phone to your ear or turn on the speakers, you shouldn't disconnect or hang up.
Step 8. Hang up the phone after you are advised to do so by the staff
If you need to call the other party, you can do so now. Just step in this article again.
- Never call on a whim. You will endanger the lives of people who do need emergency help. Prank calls to Emergency Services are illegal and can result in fines and/or imprisonment in certain countries.
- If you have an emergency in the form of a fire, don't stay indoors. Get out of the house immediately and call Emergency Services from a neighbor's house.
- You'll be nervous and have a hard time remembering your street name or address when calling, even if you're at home. Write all this information down on a piece of paper ahead of time and stick it near the phone. This way, you can read out the information that the Emergency Services operator asks for.