How to Keep White Colors White (with Pictures)

How to Keep White Colors White (with Pictures)
How to Keep White Colors White (with Pictures)

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One of the things that can be frustrating is watching your white clothes slowly turn a little yellow, brown, and gray. Over time, white clothes tend to absorb the color of objects that come into contact with them, including other laundry. While it's not easy to keep clothes clean and bright, there are ways to keep white clothes white. Some of the things you can do include using the right washing settings, washing clothes thoroughly, and wearing white clothes with care.


Part 1 of 4: Wearing White Clothes Carefully

Keep Whites White Step 1
Keep Whites White Step 1

Step 1. Avoid wearing white clothes when you are out of the house for a long time

If you know that you will be outside for a long time, or if it is raining or windy, avoid white clothes and wear clothes in colors that match the weather conditions. While white clothes don't have to be tucked away in the back of a wardrobe or just worn to sit back and relax in a quiet home to keep them bright white, you still have to be careful about how and when you can wear them.

White clothes can be useful for wearing in hot weather, so sometimes you have to wear them outside or in bad weather. If you have to wear it, try wearing only a white top because white pants and shoes can easily change color

Keep Whites White Step 2
Keep Whites White Step 2

Step 2. Be careful what you eat

White clothes and pizza don't go together. This also applies to almost any dish based on ketchup, or food that must be dipped in sauce. If possible, choose fresh foods (try vegetables and lettuce) as these will stain less.

If you wear white clothes when you go out and have to eat foods that are prone to stains, use a napkin. Tuck a napkin into a shirt collar, or lay it on your lap to catch dropped food

Keep Whites White Step 3
Keep Whites White Step 3

Step 3. Avoid wearing white clothes on children

Children who wear neat clothes on holidays are adorable. The children who are covered in dirt and food are also very adorable. Keeping the white clothes that children wear white is difficult. While the tips and tricks in this article may help you, it's best not to wear white on children to make your task easier.

  • If children do have to wear white clothes, clean the stains immediately after wearing them.
  • The white overalls and T-shirts worn by children are often stained yellow with saliva. To prevent these hard-to-remove stains, put aprons or handkerchiefs around children's necks.
Keep Whites White Step 4
Keep Whites White Step 4

Step 4. Wash white clothes after wearing

Although some types of clothing can be used 2-3 times before washing, white clothes should be treated unequally. Every time you wear white clothes, you should wash them. Even if the clothes don't look dirty, the sweat or chemicals in the deodorant can turn them yellow or gray. The sweat or chemicals should not be left on clothes for long periods of time.

For jeans and skirts, wash them every 1-2 times. Underwear is usually made of a tougher fabric and can withstand a stronger impact

Part 2 of 4: Sorting and Pre-Cleaning White Clothes

Keep Whites White Step 5
Keep Whites White Step 5

Step 1. Treat stains immediately

When you go about your daily activities, carefully clean the stain, but don't rub it. If you have a laundry pen with you, apply it to the stain. If you don't have one, remove the stain from your clothes as soon as you get home. Use a stain remover or a toothbrush and detergent to clean the stain.

When dealing with stains before washing clothes, always use a white cloth to remove stains as colored fabrics can leave color on white clothes

Keep Whites White Step 6
Keep Whites White Step 6

Step 2. Separate white clothes from colored clothes

You can even sort them into separate piles of white clothes. For example, one pile is for dull white clothes, such as underwear and socks, and another pile is for whiter clothes, such as nightgowns or work clothes. Whichever method you use, this step should not be left out under any circumstances.

  • While it may be tempting to mix light-colored clothes with white, or even light gray, never mix white with any other color.
  • Separating white clothes means you'll be washing them in small batches. If this happens, adjust your washing machine settings as using too much water can interfere with the detergent's ability to clean clothes properly.
Keep Whites White Step 7
Keep Whites White Step 7

Step 3. Soak white clothes in hot water after you've cleaned the stain with detergent or stain remover spray

Once the stain is removed, rinse and soak the garment for 30-60 minutes in hot water. This can help lift any lingering stains, and dissolve any stain remover ingredients.

  • If you use a large amount of soap, you may have to repeat this step twice. Gently squeeze the garment before soaking it again.
  • If your clothes are sensitive to hot water, you can soak them in warm or cold water for the same effect, albeit to a lesser extent.
Keep Whites White Step 8
Keep Whites White Step 8

Step 4. Sort by fabric type

The proper way to wash clothes will depend on the type of fabric. Some types of fabric can be washed in very hot water, while others may shrivel or wrinkle. Sort your whites by color and type of fabric so they don't discolor or damage.

Cotton is a strong type of fabric, while wool and linen are prone to shrinking. If cotton can withstand high temperatures, wool and linen should be washed in cold or warm water. Synthetic fibers also have to be handled differently depending on the manufacturer

Part 3 of 4: Using the Right Washing Machine Settings

Keep Whites White Step 9
Keep Whites White Step 9

Step 1. Check your clothing labels

The type of fabric and the cut of clothing have an important role in the settings of the washing machine you use. Don't just sort by white and wash them in the same setting in the washing machine for all white clothes. Wash and dry each white garment according to the specifications listed on the label.

While it will be easier for you to wash all the white clothes at the same time, different types of fabric require different washing treatments and settings. If you don't follow the instructions on the label, the fabric may be damaged and the color may fade. It may also void the warranty and return policy

Keep Whites White Step 10
Keep Whites White Step 10

Step 2. Use the hottest setting

Hot water can lift dirt and kill germs. To keep your whites white, use the hottest setting available in the washing machine or the one allowed for your fabric. Of course there are exceptions to this rule, namely for delicate types of fabrics such as silk, linen, and wool.

While using hot water is a very good practice, your washing machine should still be cleaned regularly to prevent the transfer of dirt to the clothes. Once a month, run the washing machine (without loading the laundry) with hot water and vinegar to remove dirt and residue

Keep Whites White Step 11
Keep Whites White Step 11

Step 3. Make sure the rinse cycle on your washing machine is working properly

The rinse cycle is designed to rinse away detergent, dirt and debris. If the rinse cycle does not work properly, the dirty water will seep into the white clothes. If possible, rinse the white clothes twice to make sure that all the dirt has been removed.

Using an extra rinse cycle can be expensive. If you find it difficult to use multiple rinse cycles per wash, pay close attention to how you clean your washing machine, and the amount of detergent you use. Do not exceed the recommended dose

Keep Whites White Step 12
Keep Whites White Step 12

Step 4. Avoid using a dryer

The heat generated by the dryer can cause the stain to sink deeper into the fabric. If possible, don't dry white clothes in the washing machine, but hang them dry. As an added benefit, your white clothes will last longer. The extreme heat in the dryer can damage the fabric more quickly, so you'll have to change out of your favorite white clothes more often.

Keep Whites White Step 13
Keep Whites White Step 13

Step 5. Dry the clothes in the sun

If possible, dry white clothes in the sun to dry them. Sunlight can act as a great bleaching agent, and can be an indispensable tool for keeping white clothes white. In addition, the air outside the house can make your clothes fresh and clean naturally.

  • When drying clothes, don't forget to check for fleas on the clothes before you bring them into the house. You certainly don't want to come across large beetles or spiders when folding the clothes.
  • If you can't dry them outdoors in the sun, you can dry them near a sunlit window.

Part 4 of 4: Using Additional Bleach

Keep Whites White Step 14
Keep Whites White Step 14

Step 1. Pour the vinegar into the washing machine

The acidic nature of vinegar helps to kill germs and remove stains, and can remove unpleasant odors, such as mold and body odor. If your white clothes smell bad, the best way to get rid of them is vinegar. All you need is between 1 tablespoon to cup of vinegar poured directly into the sink or detergent container.

Don't overdo it, as vinegar is acidic. Using too much vinegar can damage clothes over time

Keep Whites White Step 15
Keep Whites White Step 15

Step 2. Pour pure lemon juice into the laundry

Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. You can use lemon essential oil, squeezed lemon juice, or juice taken directly from the lemon. If you're making your own lemon juice, be sure to strain the juice using cheesecloth or a fine sieve to keep the lemon juice from getting on your clothes.

  • If using lemon juice, you can put the juice made from 2 lemons in a bowl or tub filled with 4 liters of warm water and soak the clothes for 30-60 minutes.
  • If you are using lemon essential oil, simply apply 2-3 drops of the essential oil directly into the sink.
Keep Whites White Step 16
Keep Whites White Step 16

Step 3. Make a paste of baking soda

If you want to remove the stain, make a paste of baking soda and warm water, then apply the mixture directly to the stain using a clothing brush or toothbrush. Allow the stain to soak into the mixture for 10 to 15 minutes before you wash it off with warm water.

This treatment is gentle so you can repeat it several times to remove stubborn stains. However, make sure you rinse the garment thoroughly between soaks as the baking soda left behind can make the garment brittle

Keep Whites White Step 17
Keep Whites White Step 17

Step 4. Grease the stain with peroxide

Peroxide is a powerful and safe ingredient for removing stubborn stains from clothes. Peroxide is very useful for removing blood and other stains that are dark in color and difficult to remove. After you've treated the stain, place the stained or discolored garment in a tub filled with hot water and peroxide. Peroxide will kill germs and clean clothes, and can be a safer alternative to bleaching clothes.

Peroxide can be used as an alternative bleach because it acts as a bleaching agent, not just a lightening and cleaning agent. Don't use peroxide on clothes you don't want to bleach

Keep Whites White Step 18
Keep Whites White Step 18

Step 5. Use bleach as a last resort

Although bleach is useful for killing germs and bleaching clothes, there is some doubt as to whether it is safe to use or not. As a harsh chemical, bleach can damage the fibers of fabrics, making them brittle and prone to tearing.

If you want to use bleach on white clothes, be sure to store it out of the reach of children and pets, and away from sources of ignition such as stoves or dryers


  • The less often you wear your white clothes, the less likely they are to break or change color.
  • Storage is also important. If possible, store white clothes in a sunny place, not in a dark, musty corner of your wardrobe.
