3 Ways to Respond to Love for Fiction Characters

3 Ways to Respond to Love for Fiction Characters
3 Ways to Respond to Love for Fiction Characters

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Feeling in love with a character in a book, movie, or television series? You are not alone! In fact, many people feel that they develop an emotional attachment to the characters they meet in fictional worlds such as books, movies, television shows, or even video games. There's no need to worry too much as long as the situation doesn't interfere with your real life. After all, a love for fictional characters can also open the door for the development of your creativity, you know! In addition, these feelings can also be used to get to know yourself more deeply and find out what you are really looking for in a romantic relationship.


Method 1 of 3: Sharing Love with Others

Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 6
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 6

Step 1. Realize that you are not alone

Remember, you're not the only person in this world who feels in love with a fictional character. Chances are, you're not the only person who loves the character!

Although not "in love", readers or viewers can generally absorb the emotional and verbal signals sent by characters in the fictional world. In fact, romantic feelings are only one door for fictional characters to influence someone's real life

Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 2
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 2

Step 2. Share your feelings with those closest to you

Chances are, you're not the only person who enjoys fiction of a similar genre. Even if your friends don't read or watch the same works of fiction as you, they will likely be able to understand how you feel.

Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 9
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 9

Step 3. Allow yourself to fantasize

In fact, fantasizing is like creating a "fake" new world for you and the character. However, fantasizing is a natural response to a love that is hindered by various limitations. In your case, the biggest limitation is the fact that the person you like isn't real.

Your fantasy can be realized in many ways. For example, you can imagine the physical interactions that occur between the two of you. Alternatively, you might imagine yourself being married and living alone with the character. Some people even expand their imaginations by thinking about situations that forced the relationship to end, such as divorce, war, or death. Believe me, anything is possible in your imagination

Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 3
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 3

Step 4. Write a work of fan fiction

One way to express your feelings for the character is through writing. Try creating a story that involves you and the character. After that, create a moment when the two of you can finally meet and face to face! Feels good, doesn't it?

  • Let your imagination run wild. Think about what character or action makes that character attractive to you, and highlight that character or action in your work! If you want, create a new world that opens the door for you and the character to date or even get married.
  • If you're a visual person, try drawing your favorite character on a piece of paper. In fact, visual works are no less imaginative than written works, you know!
Deal With the Pain of a Door Being Shut on Your Finger Step 5
Deal With the Pain of a Door Being Shut on Your Finger Step 5

Step 5. Share your work with others

Upload your story to a dedicated site or forum that publishes fan fiction. Your target audience can be a general audience or an audience who also enjoys the book or film. By joining such sites or forums, you too will have the opportunity to comment on other people's work!

  • If one of the characters in the story is yourself, never write down personal information about your life. Remember, other people can easily track your whereabouts based on various personal information that you upload to the internet.
  • Some people have even managed to make a lot of money by making fan fiction. However, always remember that this doesn't happen to all writers and don't be surprised if your work attracts only a few fans.

Method 2 of 3: Trying To Forget It

Deal with Sleep Apnea Step 25
Deal with Sleep Apnea Step 25

Step 1. Realize that love is starting to interfere with your life

Of course everyone is allowed to dream or fantasize, but make sure that fantasy doesn't take over your life! If your love for the character is starting to affect your social life and is preventing you from having a romantic relationship with a "real" person, understand that the situation is unhealthy and should end immediately.

If you're having trouble stopping your fantasies or imaginations, try taking therapy or taking an antidepressant. If your daily life begins to be disrupted by it, immediately consult the appropriate treatment options to the doctor

Know When a Girl is Hiding Something Step 8
Know When a Girl is Hiding Something Step 8

Step 2. Always remember that the character is not real

In the end, realize that you are in love with someone who doesn't really exist. If necessary, reiterate the fact over and over in your mind!

  • Try to find flaws or negative aspects in your favorite character. Having no real flaws is also a drawback, you know! Remember, no one is perfect, and you wouldn't want to be in a romantic relationship with someone who doesn't have any flaws.
  • Sometimes, you need someone else's help to confirm that the character isn't real. For example, explain your desire to escape the character's bondage. Afterward, they can help make you aware of what's real and what's not.
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 13
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 13

Step 3. Understand the concept of stereotypes

In fact, the visual character of a fictional character is a stereotypical portrait of people in the real world. In other words, the fictional character you like is just a representation of reality! In fact, no one in real life can be as perfect, romantic, funny, or as simple as your favorite character. Try remembering the concept to forget it!

This method is also worth applying to let go of excessive hatred towards characters you don't like. Remember, there will always be characters who are created to get a certain negative reaction from the readers or viewers! For example, the teacher character in the book or film may have a character like an elderly person who is difficult and always wants his students to fail. Although people with these characters may also exist in the real world, the teacher figures are not absolute representations! Therefore, his existence in the fictional world should not affect your interactions with teachers in the real world, especially those who are young and very friendly

Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 11
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 11

Step 4. Remove the character from your life

In fact, this advice can also be applied in the real world, you know! If you want to stop thinking about and caring about someone, why not try “throwing” them out of your life? Apart from giving you more room to grow, doing so will also make you realize that life without it isn't that bad.

Don't read the book, watch the movie, or get involved in anything to do with it. As such, you should also not open sites or forums that have the potential to discuss this person. After all, you don't want to re-open your ex-partner's social media after breaking up with him, right?

Method 3 of 3: Dealing with Loss That Appears

Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 1
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 1

Step 1. Understand that feeling sad is a natural response

After all, you've allowed that character into your life (especially if your interest in the book or film that's overshadowing it has been around for a very long time). After all, grieving is a natural response to feelings of loss that arise.

For teens and young adults who have never been confronted with the death of a loved one, the fictional world can be a great entry point for contemplating and discussing this issue -- and many other serious issues -- with others. Don't be afraid to share your feelings with others

Make Yourself Emotionally Numb Step 17
Make Yourself Emotionally Numb Step 17

Step 2. Express your emotions

If your favorite character is killed or “disappeared” by the author of a book or movie, you are likely to feel very angry and disappointed. If that's the case, don't hesitate to share your feelings with those closest to you! After all, extreme and disturbing emotions should be vented rather than kept to themselves, right?

Be careful not to give spoilers or spoilers. Remember, not everyone reads or watches a work of fiction at the same pace as you. In other words, it's possible that other people haven't reached the part you're about to cover! Therefore, if you want to post comments on social media, focus on implicit sentences like, "I can't believe that happened" instead of explicit ones like, "Why did they kill my favorite character?" Make sure you discuss the details only with people who have already watched or read them

Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 8
Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character Step 8

Step 3. Find a way to remember your favorite characters

Think about what makes his existence so important and what made you fall in love with him. Tell the characters of these characters to the people closest to you; explain what you liked most about him and why his death left you feeling so frustrated.

  • Read or re-watch chapters featuring your favorite characters. Remember, one of the advantages of loving a fictional character is that you can always “see” him back whenever you want!
  • Find a way to make the character "live" in your eyes. For example, you could try writing fan fiction or immortalizing the character on a piece of paper so that the person doesn't actually die in your life.
Make Your Eyes Stop Hurting Step 17
Make Your Eyes Stop Hurting Step 17

Step 4. Keep reading or watching related works of fiction

A quality fiction work will definitely explain the situation that occurs after the death of a character. So, keep watching or reading to find out how other characters react after your favorite character leaves. Believe me, doing it is effective in expanding your chest to accept the situation that occurs.

Another option you have is to take a break from the book or movie for a while. If the situation is really affecting your emotional state, don't hesitate to leave the book or film for a while to make sure the fictional world doesn't mess with your real world

Recognize Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms Step 2
Recognize Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms Step 2

Step 5. Remember, there is a director who controls the life of your favorite character

As a fan of fiction, you certainly know that the life story of a fictional character will inevitably end. In the end, all their actions are a representation of the creator's imagination. In other words, there is only one person who really knows what will happen! After all, even if your favorite character is still alive at the end of the story, his life story will still end at one point.
