Understanding the concept of numbers is a basic knowledge that is very important in everyone's life. From preschool age, children have been introduced to the basic concepts and functions of numbers; These exercises are especially needed so that they can more easily understand complex mathematical concepts when they touch school later. Want to introduce the concept of numbers to preschoolers? Read on for more information on this article!
Method 1 of 2: Teaching Key Concepts

Step 1. Teach the concept of counting
Teach children to count from 1 to 10 at any time. In fact, most preschoolers can remember these 10 numbers (and pronounce them) easily and quickly.
Many children find it easier to learn by touching. Therefore, allow them to touch the object being counted so that the concept of numbers sticks in their minds more firmly

Step 2. Introduce the concept of numbers
First, write down the numbers you are going to teach on paper or on the blackboard, starting from the numbers 1 to 10. After that, say the number name out loud while pointing at the symbol for the number. This exercise will improve children's numeracy skills with the help of the visualization method.
You can also use number cards. Pick up the card, say the name of the number aloud, and ask each child to look for the same number in their deck of cards. After that, ask each child to practice naming the number

Step 3. Discuss each number one by one
Starting with the number 1, spend as much time as possible introducing the number. Write down the symbol for the number and the name of the number, illustrating its meaning by showing one dice, one finger segment, etc. After that, move on to number 2.
Don't leave until all the kids really understand. Make sure they master one number before moving on to another

Step 4. Engage the image
Most preschoolers can understand concepts better with the visualization method. For that, try to write a number and complete it with a picture that can represent the number. For example, if you teach the number 2, try drawing two eyes, two apples, or two flower stalks.
- Teaching number concepts with the help of dice and dominoes works equally well.
- For best results, let the children draw on their own.

Step 5. Take advantage of the sensation of touch
Prepare dice, beans, or other objects with the amount you will teach. After that, ask them to count while touching the objects you have prepared one by one. In fact, children can absorb concepts faster if using this method.

Step 6. Show how to write the correct numbers
When discussing specific numbers, teach them how to write them correctly. After that, have them imitate you.
Be a creative and entertaining teacher! Tell them that number 1 has a slim body and a big, pointed nose. Trust me, they'll find it easier to remember the material if they learn it in a fun and entertaining way

Step 7. Emphasize the importance of the sequence of numbers
In fact, understanding the sequence of numbers is very important. Therefore, start teaching the concept by drawing a number line on paper or a blackboard, and filling it with consecutive numbers.
Help them understand the sequence of numbers by asking them a card with the numbers in the correct order. You can also pretend to be wrong when counting and ask them to point out where the error is

Step 8. Teach the concept of “counting”
Once they understand the numbers and their order, try asking them to count from any number (not just from 1). If necessary, illustrate the concept with the help of cards or other materials. For example, have them stack 5 cards and add 2 cards to it. To count the numbers, it would be much more efficient if they didn't start counting from 1; instead, they can start counting from 6, 7, etc. In the future, this concept will be the basic foundation of their knowledge of addition.
Method 2 of 2: Practice the Ability to Understand Numbers

Step 1. Play the basic numbers game
After introducing the basic concepts of counting and the correct sequence of numbers, try to practice their basic skills by taking advantage of interesting games. There are many different types of games that you can practice, some of which are:
- Game build a tower from dice. Set a specific number or invite them to discuss a number; After that, have them build a tower out of a predetermined number of dice.
- Creating the concept of stairs. Using the dice, have them build several towers of different sizes. First, have them build a tower out of a single dice. Next to it, have them build a tower from the combination of two dice, and so on. This game will force them to sort numbers and understand their relationship to size and number.
- Board games. Have them count the number of dots on the face of the die and the corresponding number of moves based on that number.

Step 2. Count using the song
Believe me, counting using songs or rhymes is effective in making children remember the sequence of numbers better.

Step 3. Use a picture book
Don't worry, bookstores and libraries provide a variety of counting books for preschoolers. Choose a book that is rich in color and contains a variety of interesting pictures.

Step 4. Ask “how much?
as often as possible. Whenever the moment is right, encourage them to count. For example, how many plates do we need? How many books did you take off the shelf? How many candies do you hold?

Step 5. Emphasize the relationship between numbers and quantities
Create games to help children understand the relationship between numbers and their corresponding quantities. For example, ask them to name a specific number of nuts; then ask them to take or add some nuts to the amount. After that, ask them to name the new amount and explain whether it is more or less than the old number.

Step 6. Introduce ten frames
Make a rectangle from 10 small squares (2 rows of 5 squares each). After that, mark or color a small square to represent a certain number (for example, color two squares to represent the number 2).

Step 7. Train them to compare numbers
Explain that in fact, numbers are moving towards a larger nominal (use the numbers 1-10 to explain this concept). First, prepare the beans, dice, or other single ingredient on the table. After that, divide the tools you choose into two groups with different numbers; Place one group on the left side of the table and the other group on the right side of the table. Then, ask them to name which side has the greater number and calculate the correct number for each side.
You can also use this technique to teach the concept of equality. For example, try making two groups of tools with the same number of tools (each group contains five, ten, etc.). After they have successfully counted the number of each side, try to explain what they mean
- Encourage them to practice the results of the exercise as often as possible. Believe me, regular practice can actually work more effectively than any amount of teaching material to improve their basic mathematical abilities.
- Praise them if they manage to master the concepts above, and don't scold them if they have difficulty understanding a concept. In fact, children will be more confident in their abilities and motivated to learn if you continuously provide positive encouragement and motivation to them.