Since March 2, 2020, Indonesia is no longer free from transmission of the new corona virus (COVID-19, previously called 2019-nCoV). Since President Joko Widodo issued an official statement regarding the first two positive cases of the corona virus in Indonesian citizens in the country, until the time this article was published, 34 people have tested positive for COVID-19 or the disease caused by the transmission of the new corona virus. This increase in the number of cases may make you worry, especially if your current health condition is not good. Unfortunately, the government has its own inspection criteria so that up to now, random inspections have not been carried out as has been implemented by other countries. However, there is no need to worry because if you feel you are experiencing relevant symptoms, you can contact your doctor or the corona virus hotline center (119 ext 9) and get full treatment, the cost of which is guaranteed by the government. Specifically, the doctor will take a sample which is then sent to Balitbangkes.
Part 1 of 2: Meet the Examination Criteria

Step 1. Monitor body temperature for fever
Most people infected with the corona virus will experience a fever, which is a condition when their body temperature is higher than the normal human body temperature. In general, most people's normal body temperature is around 37°C, although your normal temperature could be slightly lower or slightly higher than this number. That's why the easiest and most accurate way to detect a fever is to use a thermometer, although you should also be aware of the common symptoms that accompany fever, such as sweating, chills, muscle aches, muscle weakness, or dehydration.
- If you are an adult with a temperature of 38°C or higher, call your doctor immediately!
- If a child under 3 months old has a body temperature of 38°C or higher, see a doctor immediately. Do this also if your child aged 6-24 months has a body temperature of 38°C or higher.
- For children older than 2 years, call the doctor if the fever persists for more than 3 days or is accompanied by severe symptoms.

Step 2. Watch for symptoms of respiratory distress
The most common symptoms of coronavirus infection are coughing and difficulty breathing. In addition, there are also symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, itchy and dry throat, and fatigue. However, understand that these symptoms may also accompany other illnesses so you don't need to panic right away when you experience them.
Do you know?
About 80% of cases of transmission of the new corona virus are mild and do not require special treatment methods. However, if you are elderly or have other medical disorders, such as heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure, your risk for serious complications will increase.

Step 3. Evaluate your risk level
Unlike in China, Korea, or Italy, currently the risk of transmission of the new corona virus in Indonesia is still low, except for those of you who have traveled to affected countries within the last 14 days, or have recently had direct contact with infected people. people who have tested positive for COVID-19. So what if you meet both of these criteria but don't show any relevant symptoms for 14 days? According to the spokesman for the Indonesian government regarding the corona virus, dr. Achmad Yurianto, you should keep checking yourself or at least report to the doctor because some people who have been proven positive actually show asymptomatic indications or do not show any symptoms.
Currently, some of the countries hardest hit by the transmission of the new coronavirus are China, Iran, Italy, Japan and South Korea

Step 4. Consider the possibility of other diseases
Just because you feel sick, doesn't mean it's COVID-19! If no one has tested positive for the new coronavirus around you, and if you're not traveling to another country in the near future, you're most likely experiencing the flu or the common cold.
However, if one of your colleagues at work has tested positive for COVID-19, you are more likely to have the disease instead of the common cold

Step 5. Immediately contact a doctor or visit the nearest referral hospital if you feel you are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19
If you feel you have a fever and have difficulty breathing, and/or if you think you may have been exposed to the new coronavirus for any other reason, call your doctor immediately! Get checked immediately so that the doctor can take medical steps to make sure the virus is not transmitted to other people, and so that they can instruct the next steps of treatment.
Although doctors cannot detect the new corona virus infection, they will take samples to be sent to Balitbangkes and examined more deeply
Part 2 of 2: Checking Samples at a COVID-19 Referral Hospital

Step 1. Check with a government-appointed referral hospital for sampling, if possible
So far, there are 132 hospitals that have been appointed by the government to handle cases of corona virus transmission. Even though the doctor at the hospital cannot detect the presence or absence of the virus in your body, they can take a sample which will then be sent to Balitbangkes for further examination, if you are proven to meet the predetermined examination criteria. Here are the steps you need to pay attention to:
- If you feel unwell with cough/cold symptoms and a fever of 38 degrees C accompanied by shortness of breath or rapid breathing, visit a health care facility.
- Health workers at health care facilities will screen for suspected coronavirus, and if you meet these screening criteria, you will be referred to a COVID-19 referral hospital.
- Be sure to wear a mask when visiting health care facilities, and avoid coming on public transport.
- The results of the sample analysis will come out within a few days after being sent by officers from the Health Service.
- Before the results of the examination come out, you will be treated in an isolation room. Follow the guidelines or medical advice given by the doctor.
If you feel healthy, but have a history of travel within the past 14 days to a country affected by COVID-19, or have been in contact with a person with COVID-19, please contact the corona virus hotline center at number 119 ext 9 for further instructions.

Step 2. Understand the sampling procedure
In particular, there are three types of samples to be taken, namely swabs from the nasopharynx (nose) and from the throat. While the procedure is being carried out, try not to move to make this process easier.
The doctor will wipe both areas for 5-10 seconds to collect about 2-3 ml of the sample. Be patient even though the process will feel a little uncomfortable

Step 3. Allow the doctor to take a sputum or sputum sample, if necessary
If you are coughing up phlegm, chances are your doctor will also take a sample of your sputum. Before doing this, you generally need to first rinse your mouth with water, then cough up phlegm into a special sterile tube.
In some very rare cases, such as when you have acute respiratory distress, your doctor may need to spray a saline solution into your lungs to get a sputum sample. However, these measures are generally not performed on those of you who only experience mild symptoms

Step 4. Be patient waiting for the results to come out
After being sent to Balitbangkes, the sample will be examined by a special health officer, and the results can be released within a few days.
Basically, laboratory tests are also carried out to eliminate the possibility of other respiratory disorders. This means that the results of the COVID-19 disease examination will be negative if the officer finds another viral infection, although the standard of operation can of course change along with the increase in information related to the new corona virus and COVID-19 disease

Step 5. Adhere to the treatment plan recommended by your doctor if you prove to be infected with the new coronavirus
Although there is currently no cure for the new coronavirus, at least doctors can recommend treatment procedures to suppress symptoms and prevent them from getting worse. Therefore, do not neglect these recommendations!
Until now, all people who are proven to be infected with the new corona virus will be directly referred to a hospital designated by the government to be treated in isolation rooms, regardless of the mild symptoms

Step 6. Be careful not to pass the virus on to other people
If you are sick, do not travel other than to the clinic or hospital, and try to isolate yourself in a separate room from your household. Also, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, then immediately throw the tissue in the trash.
- Wash your hands often with soapy water, and don't forget to clean all areas in the house to prevent further transmission.
- If you are sick, don't forget to wear a mask to prevent transmission to others. However, if your condition is still fine, there is no need to wear a mask.
Until there is more comprehensive information on COVID-19, stay away from pets if you prove to be infected, especially since the new coronavirus can be transmitted from humans to animals.