Manga is a Japanese style comic. Reading manga is different from reading comics, books, or magazines in Indonesian and English. To understand and enjoy manga, you should learn to read it from right to left and from top to bottom. In addition, you also have to interpret the panel elements correctly and observe the emotions of the characters by recognizing the emotional iconography that usually appears in them.
Method 1 of 4: Selecting Manga

Step 1. Learn the different types of manga
There are five main types of manga. Seinen is a manga devoted to male readers and josei is a manga devoted to women. Shojo is manga for girls, while shonen is for boys. Meanwhile, kodomo is a manga for children.

Step 2. Read various genres of manga
Manga has many genres that cover a wide variety of topics and themes. Some of the common manga genres found include action, mystery, adventure, romance, comedy, slice of life (comedy stories that tell the daily lives of characters), science fiction (science fiction), fantasy, gender bender (genres that tell life stories). someone who wears the clothes of the opposite sex or turns into the opposite sex), historical, harem (a romance story that tells the life of a man surrounded by several women), and mecha.

Step 3. Know some of the popular manga series
Before you start reading your first manga, try to take some time to study the popular manga series. Notable science fiction manga include Ghost in the Shell and Akira. Popular fantasy manga include Dragon Ball and Pokemon Adventures. Love Hina is a popular slice of life manga and Mobile Suit Gundam 0079 is a manga that combines the mecha and science fiction genres.
Method 2 of 4: Start Reading Manga

Step 1. Choose a manga that matches your interests and personality
After looking at the various types and genres of manga and knowing the popular manga series, it's time to decide what kind of manga you will read. Follow your heart, and choose the manga that interests you.

Step 2. Start reading the manga series from scratch
Many manga are serialized and have many stories. Make sure you read the manga from the beginning and continue in chronological order. If a particular manga series gains high popularity, the manga volumes (chapters) may be collected and released in book series format (volume or tankōbon). The name of the volume and manga will usually be printed on the cover of the book.

Step 3. Place the spine on the right
To read manga well, you should place the spine on the right. When placing the manga on the table, make sure the book block is on the left and the spine on the right. Manga should generally be placed opposite to books in Indonesian or English.

Step 4. Start reading the manga from the side of the book that contains the manga title, author's name, and manga edition
Read the manga from the right side of the book. The front cover usually contains the manga title as well as the author's name. Reverse the manga if you read the following warning: "You're reading the wrong way".
Method 3 of 4: Reading the Panel

Step 1. Read the panels from right to left and from top to bottom
As with manga pages, it's best if the individual panels are read from right to left. Start reading the page from the panel located at the top right of the page. After that, read the panel from right to left. When you have read to the far left of the page, read the panel at the far right of the next row of panels.
- If the panels are arranged vertically, start reading the manga from the top panel.
- Even if the rows of panels are not arranged perfectly, continue reading the manga from right to left. Start reading from the highest row or column and continue reading from right to left towards the lowest row or column.

Step 2. Read the dialog bubble from right to left and from top to bottom
We recommend that the dialogue balloon containing the text of the conversation between characters is read from right to left as well. Start reading the individual panels located at the top right of the page. After that, read the dialogue bubble from right to left and from top to bottom.

Step 3. Note that the black background of the panel indicates that the panel is telling a backlight
When a manga panel has a black background, it indicates that the events depicted on the panel occurred before the story told in the manga. A black background indicates a flashback to an event that has occurred or a previous period of time.

Step 4. Recognize that a fading setting signifies a transition from the past to the present
The time shift from the past (black panel) to the present (white panel) is characterized by the following characteristics: a page containing a black panel and background at the top of the page; faded gray panels and backgrounds; panels and white background.
Method 4 of 4: Reading Character Emotions

Step 1. Recognize that the sigh bubbles indicate the relief or annoyance the character feels
Often a manga character is illustrated with a blank bubble drawn near or under his mouth. This indicates that the character is sighing and can be interpreted as relief or annoyance felt by him.

Step 2. Understand that the lines drawn on the character's face indicate that he is blushing
Manga characters are often illustrated feeling embarrassed by drawing lines on their noses and cheeks. When you see these lines on a character's face, you can interpret the illustration as a character who is embarrassed, happy, or in love with another character.

Step 3. Know that a nosebleed is a sign of bad thoughts, not an injury
If a manga character is depicted having a nosebleed, this usually indicates that he or she is having obscene thoughts about another character or is looking at other characters, usually beautiful women, with lust.

Step 4. Know that water drops signify shyness
Sometimes a water drop will appear near the character's head. Usually this indicates that the character is feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable in certain situations. However, the feeling is not as big as the shame that is portrayed when the character blushes.

Step 5. Recognize that the shadows on the face and the dark aura that surrounds the character signify anger, annoyance, or sadness
When a manga character is drawn on a panel with purple, gray, or black shadows or blobs appearing in the background, it usually indicates negative energy surrounding the character.