Want to apply eyeliner smoothly? Try using your hands to draw thicker eyebrows using liquid eyeliner. This paint-like liquid will give you a thicker and smoother lash line than other types of eyeliner.

Step 1. Choose your liquid eyeliner
So you have decided to use liquid eyeliner, so now you need to choose the method of application that is most suitable for you. Liquid eyeliner is available in two options, namely "Felt tip" which is like a marker and eyeliner with a brush.
- Felt tip liquid eyeliner is very similar to a marker, and liquid eyeliner can flow through it like a pen.
- While eyeliner with a dip brush is similar to nail polish which is available in a small bottle along with a brush that must be dipped in it before use.

Step 2. Prepare your eyelids
The use of eyeliner should be done after you apply eyeshadow but before you apply mascara. So, first apply eyeshadow primer on your lids and/or pencil eyeliner on your lids so that your eye makeup lasts all day. If you want to use eye shadow then do it now and your eyeliner will stand out.

Step 3. Find the right position
The biggest problem with using eyeliner is relaxing your hands, so the lines you draw will be messy and uneven. To solve this problem, place your elbows on the table and your hands on your cheeks while using them.
If you can, hold a small mirror with your other hand and avoid a large mirror so you can see your lines more clearly

Step 4. Draw tight dots or dashes of lines, don't try to draw one line at a time; as this will increase the chances of you drawing an uneven line
Try to make tight dots or snippets of lines on your upper lash line by spacing them apart.

Step 5. Connect the dots you have created
Use short, small, slow strokes to connect the dots or cut lines you've made. You can create even lines across your eyes using this method. Avoid connecting all the lines and dots with one stroke, use small strokes in between.

Step 6. Refine your lines
If you find that above your line there are gaps between the line pieces, calm your hand and draw a thin line at the end to refine your drawing. Do the same at the bottom of the line to fill in the gap between the eyeliner and your lash line.

Step 7. Add the tail
Regardless of the type of eyeliner you use, a small tail can be created on the outer edge of your eyelid to give the illusion of lengthening your lash line. Use your eyeliner to draw a small line that extends beyond your lash line, drawing it at the same angle as your lower lash line. Draw small triangles at the ends of the lines and fill in the gaps between them.
You can stop here if you want to create a natural-looking makeup, or go further for a cat's eye

Step 8. Perfect your makeup
When you're done with eyeliner, apply your mascara and other finishing touches to your makeup. Use a large brush to remove any shadows or drops of eyeliner that may have fallen under your eyes. Use a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover to correct mistakes you make when applying eyeliner or mascara.
Method 1 of 1: Options Other Than Regular Liquid Eyeliner

Step 1. Try a cream eyeliner
Although not exactly the same as liquid eyeliner, cream-based eyeliner in the form of a thick paste can be used with a thin brush. Cream eyeliner will give you a smoother line than pencil and a very similar look to liquid eyeliner.

Step 2. Make liquid eyeliner from eyeshadow
Believe it or not, you can make your own liquid eyeliner using a mixture of powder eyeshadow and water. Mix the two together to form a runny paste, and use a clean eyeliner brush to apply it.

Step 3. Heat the pencil eyeliner
When heated, usually the material will melt into a liquid; the same goes for pencil eyeliner. Use low heat to heat the pencil tip until it is soft. Wait 10-15 minutes and then draw the lash line with this slightly melted pencil.

Step 4. Done
- If eyeliner gets into your eye, rinse and gently clean the area. If you are injured by pencil eyeliner, lightly press your eye with a warm, damp cloth until the pain subsides.
- Do not rush. Take it slow and take a look at the guides on Youtube to help you out.
- Open one of your eyes. Certainly not what you are drawing. That way it will be easier to make pretty straight lines.
- Liquid eyeliner is a good choice and will give a beautiful finish, just make sure that your eyeliner doesn't clump as it won't be as smooth as you think if it clumps.
- Use a quality eyeliner that contains ingredients that can promote eyelash growth. This will also prevent eyelash loss from cleaning or rubbing mascara.