How to Find Your Spiritual Animal: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Find Your Spiritual Animal: 12 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Find Your Spiritual Animal: 12 Steps (with Pictures)

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Is your spiritual animal a wolf, owl, bear, crow, giraffe, lizard, or butterfly? Spiritual animals can help us feel more in tune with the earth and guide us to make the right decisions in life. Even so, you cannot choose a spiritual animal. According to ancient beliefs, your spiritual animal chooses you. Read the following article on how to find and connect with spiritual animals, a quest made by countless people thousands of years ago.


Part 1 of 3: Achieving Consciousness

Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 6
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 6

Step 1. Spend time in nature

Earth is inhabited by countless animal species with something to teach us. If you are lucky enough to have a pet, you may interact with animals occasionally, but many people spend most of their time with other humans. Making nature a bigger part of your life will open up possibilities for you to connect with spiritual animals.

  • Don't look for spiritual animals; that way won't work. For now, be open to learning more about all non-human beings.
  • Look for inventive ways to spend time in the great outdoors. If you don't live near a forest, go to a national park or city park.
  • When you spend time outside, get rid of headphones and reduce distractions. Be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to things you might otherwise normally ignore; a bird peeking out of the bushes or a caterpillar walking by the roadside.
  • If the time does not allow for long trips in the wild, make the room in the house more open to the outdoors. Turn off the air conditioner. Open the curtains and windows. Listen to the wind and crickets instead of turning on the music.
Find Your Spirit Animal Step 2
Find Your Spirit Animal Step 2

Step 2. Recognize the wisdom and intelligence of animals

Spending time in nature, especially around animals, will help you start thinking about them in a different way. Pay attention to their habits, the way they communicate with each other, and the elements of the animal's behavior that surprise you. Animals have their own intelligence, different but parallel to humans. If it is difficult or impossible for you to see it, then it will be difficult to find your spiritual animal.

  • Intelligence is more than just solving math problems. Think about the type of intelligence that different animals have. Migratory birds, for example, can fly thousands of miles to unplanned destinations without using a map.
  • Don't associate human nature with animals. They are not human, so don't expect them to express themselves in the same way. It's important to respect animals for who they are, rather than assuming that they will communicate the way you want them to.
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 1
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 1

Step 3. Meditate and pray

Finding your spiritual animal is a spiritual and supernatural practice. Do meditation or prayer as long as you concentrate on being open to your spiritual animal communication. Do it in natural places like meadows or beaches or man-made places like parks. Trust your instincts.

  • If you want concrete answers to yes or no questions, you probably won't find them in spiritual animals. It is not aimed at getting what you want, but rather to forge a deeper connection to nature, which will ultimately lead you on the right path.
  • Seek your spiritual animal if you are ready to open up to a different kind of wisdom and intelligence and relate more deeply to nature. Remember, this has to be a mutual relationship. You cannot “summon” a spiritual animal at will. You can get it by being open to all possibilities.
  • Try doing it again at a different time or when your mind is in a different state. During that time, try to become more open and spiritually aware, by spending more time with Mother Earth.

Part 2 of 3: Getting to Know Your Animal

Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 5
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 5

Step 1. Pay attention to the repeated displays of a particular animal in your life

Have you ever had days or weeks when the same symbol seemed real? Maybe you see a mural of a wolf drawn on one side of the wall and it looks so beautiful that you freeze and stop to look at it. Another time you see a tattoo of a wolf on a woman's ankle in a coffee shop. One night when you come home and turn on the TV. If you pay close attention, there may be a chance the animal you see often appears on TV. The repetition of the animal symbol could mean your spiritual animal is trying to get in touch with you.

Find Your Spirit Animal Step 5
Find Your Spirit Animal Step 5

Step 2. Watch the animals in your dream

Spiritual animals often come to humans at night in dreams, when the mind is at rest and the subconscious is working. If you tend to ignore or forget your dreams, change your attitude to pay more attention. Pay attention to the animals you meet.

  • Sometimes the appearance of a spiritual animal does not appear immediately. You may dream about the animal in the painting on the wall or a conversation in which another person mentions a certain animal. All references related to animals are important to note.
  • Write down your dreams and notice patterns over that time. What message do the animals seem to want to communicate? Be open-minded and try to interpret it.
Find Your Spirit Animal Step 6
Find Your Spirit Animal Step 6

Step 3. Watch for animals with unusual behavior

Many people claim to encounter spiritual animals in physical form. Don't shy away if an animal approaches you, makes constant eye contact, runs towards you, wanders through your yard, or otherwise appears to be trying to communicate something.

Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 4
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 4

Step 4. Keep a journal of your meditation

Some animals can come and go and some stay. Keeping a journal of your interactions with these animals will help you learn to get to know yourself and your animal totem better.

Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 8
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 8

Step 5. Consult a supernatural expert

This spiritual intermediary may have methods or suggestions for finding your spiritual animal. Be aware that finding a supernatural expert in your area is not as easy as doing a Google search or the phone book. You may have to go around asking questions or do your own investigation.

Part 3 of 3: Connecting with Your Spiritual Animal

Find Your Spirit Animal Step 9
Find Your Spirit Animal Step 9

Step 1. Study your animal

Once you have identified your animal, learn things about it. What does he eat and where does he live? Read about the animal's history, behavior, and how it is depicted in literature and the media. What does this animal represent?

  • Certain wisdom of an animal is called "medicine" or strength. This medicine can be used to help when needed. For example, the eagle's medicine is its ability to see clearly when other animals cannot.
  • If possible, spend time near your animal's habitat. Don't bother, but try to learn as much as you can about how these animals live in the wild.
Find Your Spirit Animal Step 10
Find Your Spirit Animal Step 10

Step 2. Apply animal wisdom in your life

Take what you've learned and use it to help you make big decisions, deal with difficult situations, and reach your goals. You can also use animal wisdom in your daily life as well as in treating other people and the earth.

Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 2
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 2

Step 3. Be open with messages

Watch each time your animal appears in various forms. Do your best to interpret the message the animal appears to be sending. Remember, the message won't appear immediately, because animals don't communicate in the same way humans do, so you'll have to think deeply to understand it. Here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  • What emotions did you feel when the animal appeared?
  • Does the animal appear to be a cue or a sign of comfort?
  • Does the animal seem to be leading you in a certain direction?
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 9
Find out What Your Spiritual Animal Is Step 9

Step 4. Respect your animal

In supernatural beliefs it is believed that you gain a deeper connection with your spiritual animal by appreciating it. By doing this, you let the animal know that its help in helping your life is appreciated. You can do this by supporting the environment and animal rights especially your spiritual animal welfare. Remember that every time an animal species goes extinct, we lose the wisdom of that animal.


  • The spiritual animal that chose you. You may realize that your spiritual animal is not the one you actually expect to come to you.
  • Fill your house with objects related to your animal. Let the animal know that it is welcome in your place.
  • Don't always expect good animals like cats or dogs, some of people's spiritual animals are poisonous snakes.
  • In the end, you may have been with your spiritual animal the entire time and you may have had more than one spiritual animal.
  • If you don't know your animal, at night say, "You may come into my dream." Then the animal will come in your dream and you will find your power animal.
