Finally you choose to enter the world of politics. Entering the world of politics is not easy, but with a good attitude, good thinking, and with wisdom, anything is possible. In this article, you will get input that can really be used as a reference in your political career, whether in government or government organizations, schools, etc. You will become one of the leading politicians in your organization!
Method 1 of 4: Entering the Levels of the Political World

Step 1. Start volunteering
When you get a “Driver's License”, starting volunteering is an option. If something is happening in your community – find out what's going on. Come to your community meeting, find someone who is leading your community, and ask what you can do to solve the problem.
- In general, there is usually about 5-10 months for volunteers to get ready before election time, whatever election it may be. Every four years there will be a presidential election campaign, but every two years there will be a smaller campaign that also needs help
- If you start getting into politics at the right time, you'll be venturing into the fun world of politics. Being a politician is not an exciting job, but you need to start trying. If you find a candidate who thinks the same as yours, it will be easier for you to enter that world of politics.

Step 2. Enter a college
This will not only help you to more easily achieve your success in the political field, but will bring you into contact with a myriad of organizations and people you have never met or met. You're better off majoring in political science, law, communications or statistics, depending on your primary goal.
- If you've already spoken to your fellow students, find an organization on campus that is associated with political parties. Each campus must have an organization associated with a political party and you can ask for their help to achieve your wishes as a politician. After that, become an active member in your campus politics.
- When you have started to join organizations on campus, it would be better if you get involved in your local election. You should contest your local elections as often as possible. The more people who know you, the easier it will be for you to get help getting into politics and the easier it will be for you to get into politics.

Step 3. Create your cover letter in a different way, by adding military organizations and non-profit organizations
At least, some names who have served as Presidents must have military titles in their names.
- If you are thinking about entering a military academy, this will be the way for you to enter politics. If you are thinking about joining as a member or studying to become an officer, leadership, discipline and experience can make your political cover letter more attractive. However, getting into the military is more important than politics, so make sure that you are aware of your dangers and responsibilities before making a final decision.
- Another career option you might consider is working as a volunteer in a non-profit community organization in your area. By working for the organization, you can create a job application letter that illustrates that you care about the people around you.

Step 4. Become a field organizer
After you have done the above and met the right people, now is the time for you to continue your career. A field organizer is a sensible position – you'll be hiring volunteers to do what you're already doing in your local area or in a coordinated campaign.
- Campaigning in the region is good enough to explain yourself. You work for a candidate running a variety of domestic political positions, from Secretary of Agriculture to senator. Sometimes the group is quite small – fewer than thousands of members, so that one person can harm the whole group (depending on candidate and region of course).
- A coordinated campaign is one in which you work for the entire party. If the entire office is open to elections, you'd better do the campaign like “one row, two or three islands over”. So, rather than Mrs. Jenkins only working for one party, then changing her affiliation party, it is better for her to work for all parties on the same day so that she can enjoy the following days.

Step 5. Rise to a leadership position
Now that you've proven yourself, it's time for you to oversee field organizers and work with parties in your area. You will be speaking to a diverse and truly representative group of your party and candidate.
You can also appoint a field officer if you have mastered the Field Leader material

Step 6. Set up the campaign
Now it's time for you to oversee the implementation of the overall campaign plan. You'll join a team of directors (fundraising, communications, financial and deposit control) and make sure everything runs smoothly.
If your candidate wins, you may receive a job offer in a government office. So, from your perspective, it would be better for you to work with candidates who actually have a chance to win. This is the time for you to work in your own position
Method 2 of 4: Customizing Your Profile

Step 1. Relationship, relation, relation
To keep your political office, you should communicate with people. Make sure that you are comfortable talking to people, anywhere, and ready to work with the relationships you have. An easy way to do this is to attend meetings (from your community to your national party meeting). Be a public figure in your party as much as possible.
Achieving any career you desire usually has to do with who you know, and politics is an example. Connecting with those who can support you, campaign employees, and even just the daily voter is the key to success in politics. If you have the opportunity, you should make friends and befriend a lot of people

Step 2. Master yourself
If your Facebook is filled with photos of you having fun, you're not the right person to represent your party. Buy a suit and make sure it fits you – literally, yes, but metaphorically it may be more than that.
- Develop your attractiveness when speaking in public. If you're good at public speaking, and your opinions are in line with the majority of voters, your business will fail if you can't get them to believe in you.
- Get excited, wherever you are. If you regret going to the city council when you want to be in higher ground, it will be known to the public. Be patient and care about the difference you are trying to make.
- Take care of your appearance. At least when it comes to electing the President, the candidate with the more attractive appearance almost always wins. The more worthy you are seen as President, the more likely you are to be trusted. The more likely you are to be trusted, the more votes you get. Dress in a neat suit, and maybe a hat to make you look better.

Step 3. Commit
From the first day you choose this path, you must know that your time will be wasted. Your career will be a big part of your life – are you ready? Even if it only takes a few hours to work, there will always be days (even weeks) when you don't have any time at all. Therefore, ask yourself the following questions:
- Are you ready for your whole life to be known, including your mistakes? Remember that many politicians have been the target of scandals in their careers.
- Can you honestly express your opinion even if some or even many people hate you?
- Can you commit to always having a professional attitude in any situation, even in trivial circumstances?
- Are you passionate about making decisions that benefit the people you serve?
Are you and your family prepared that you may have an unstable career path?
If you answered "yes," "easy enough," "that's right," "definitely," and "why not?" then you deserve to be in this career
Method 3 of 4: Running Your First Position

Step 1. Start small
If you have big ambitions in your political career, remember that Rome was not built in one day. Politics is one of those careers where you have to spend some time before you get to the top. If you're young and don't have some significant accomplishments, this is the problem. Here is a good first point for you:
- School Board: Becoming a member of your school may be easy enough, and it will give you the opportunity to connect with important people in your area. Having this experience in your cover letter will make it easier for you to “go up the ladder”.
- City Council: It's the same as studying on a school board, but you'll face more than the education system.
- Mayor: For smaller cities, becoming Mayor won't be so difficult if you are well-liked by the people and have experience. It is also a great starting point for your political career.
- State Legislators: Becoming a legislator is a good way to get into the political system. These politicians are usually well paid, and they have influence on a larger scale than local offices. Having this career will make your job application letter better so that it can make it easier for you to advance to the next stage.

Step 2. Believe in yourself
It may not be very useful to you, but it is one of the most important parts of achieving your success. If you don't believe in yourself, you'll be like “out at 10pm when your opponent is screaming at 2pm”. Knowing that you have the ability on your own is often an upheaval within you.
It is very important for you to always be motivated. You will always be motivated if you believe in yourself that you are better than your neighbors, society or the people around you. Surround yourself with other people so they can help you when you fall – they'll remind you to believe in yourself when it's the hardest thing for you to do

Step 3. Raise funds
To run a political party, you need money. Ideally, the money used is not your money. Form a team you trust to raise funds.
The best place to start is “Friends&Family”. When you don't have names that might help you, here's how. Think about your “Friends&Family” rosters that range from childhood friends to other people

Step 4. Make everything in order
Before you start making preparations for your campaign, you need to make sure you're in line with your peers. First and foremost, make sure your financial affairs are in order. If your bid for elections is unsuccessful, you will become unemployed. So before deciding to run a political party, make sure you have enough money to save for at least a few months after the campaign is over.
- After that, make sure you manage everything well with your current employees. Let them know that you are running the party, and let them know how the election turned out. They will always support you and help you as much as possible if you give advance warning.
- Finally, make sure your friends and family are fully aware of what your decision means. They need to know the responsibilities you will have if you are elected, as well as how busy you are during the election year. And you can also make someone important to you unhappy because you didn't give them a clear picture of what was going to happen.
Method 4 of 4: When Everything Starts Up

Step 1. Be a friend to others
Maintaining a political career requires friends and socialization. Make sure that you are not on the wrong side. Know when it's time to roll up your sleeves and put in the effort – with any kind of life: Rich and poor have one voice.
You have to be a "servant" in the eyes of the people. Don't be the kind of person who wants to be rewarded and expects people to serve you just because you're in politics. You must extend your help whenever you can, and you must be willing to sacrifice your personal time whenever they need you

Step 2. Use your money wisely
Overcome things that make it difficult for society, such as the lower middle class. Aggressive campaigns do work, but they don't always work. Managing your finances carefully can also benefit you, as you will not be seen as trying to “replace the money” you spend in a corrupt way.
So if your money is spinning, don't let it fly like a canary. Your reputation is what you are “keeping” in right now – don't defame you

Step 3. Avoid the problem
If you commit adultery, questionable sources of income, and other issues, know that the public will know about them. There are some secrets in politics that are not revealed.
Do your best to avoid becoming an accomplice in such difficult circumstances. There will be a lot of people who like to see you fall – don't let them settle

Step 4. Join the people out there
When you have free time, arrange a meeting and deliver a speech. It would be better if people knew you personally rather than remembering you from a banner. This makes them trust you and appreciate your efforts to talk and join them.
- If you're at the town hall or the school gym, move closer. Offer to help others and join people, then shake hands. The friendlier you are, the more you become yourself, the bigger impression you leave on people.
- Don't forget to spread positivity wherever you are. Positive energy can attract people around you, but negative energy will not give you a chance to make your campaign successful. Not only that, your competitors will turn your negative energy into resistance in the next campaign.

Step 5. Maintain your gaze
You may have a political ideology, but make sure you have a strong stand on every issue that comes up during your campaign, and any other issues that may come up. Politicians who fail are those who change their opinion on a particular issue. They tend to be viewed negatively by voters. Give an opinion and defend it.
Never change your view on a certain situation and at a certain time. Your stance at a formal dinner and your stance at the town hall should remain the same. Of course, change your clothes, but don't say what you don't mean to say. With all kinds of media and technology available, whatever you say will be recorded and compared to your previous statements
- In government: mostly, the people prefer the oppressed candidates. You must refrain from slandering other candidates in the political world because those who slander will be angered by society. “Better to be stoned than to throw a stone” – unknown
- The school environment will help you to make friends with people from all social circles. You will know how each group feels. The school environment can also help you to understand the situation if there is a misunderstanding between you and a certain social circle.
- Never be the one to ask for a favor, because you may end up being called a “getting revenge” person, and you will lose your credibility as someone you can trust.
- Don't hide anything. Hiding something often means that it is not a good thing. Transparency will be much more appreciated by people, especially nowadays trust is hard to find, and it is even harder to be trusted.