Joking in class can reduce tension, improve your mood, and earn you the admiration of your classmates. What's more, laughter is actually contagious! Joking can increase your popularity and boost your social status, but it will take a little effort and practice to find the right sense of humor.
Part 1 of 4: Different Styles of Humor

Step 1. Humor style “do you realize it?
” (“affiliates”). This style of humor uses existing similarities to build a connection with the audience in the jokes that are thrown. By taking advantage of everyday events that are familiar with humor lovers, you can bring them together so that they can laugh together because of the funny side of everyday events.
An example of a humorous style of “are you aware of it?” is what Jerry Seinfeld used to say. Jerry often uses personal experiences that are familiar to the audience, such as standing in line at the bank, then conveys his observations on the funny side. Learn about Jerry Seinfeld's usual jokes through a quick internet search, so you can better understand this style of affiliative humor

Step 2. The humor style is “poke here and there” (“aggressive”)
This style of humor uses ridicule to someone to make the entire audience laugh. In certain situations, this means you are mocking one of the audience or listeners, but you need to understand that some people will not respond well to this, as they may not feel comfortable with the ridicule. If this style of humor is used to attack someone or hurt someone psychologically, it is classified as bullying.
Two examples of humorous artists who have a "fucked here and there" style of humor are Joan Rivers and Don Rickles, who are well known as "put-down artists" ("mockers"). If you find this style of humor compatible with your sense of humor, find out more on "YouTube" about these two humorous artists, or about other put-down artists

Step 3. Self-enhancing ("self-enhancing") humor style
Laughing at yourself in a healthy way is a useful ability and an excellent way to deal with stress. Plus, the humor in your life will make it easier for humor connoisseurs to pick up on and understand, so the core of your jokes will hit the ground running more.
John Stewart is a humor artist known for his own laughable jokes. Sometimes, when he starts making jokes, John will say something like, “I'm pretty stupid…”, as a guide for the audience to continue the joke, which contains the funny side of him that he just realized

Step 4. Self-defeating ("self-defeating") humor style
This style of humor is done by ridiculing and insulting oneself to the full in order to get a concerned laugh or a pity laugh from the humor connoisseur. This style can sometimes be unhealthy for you psychologically, and can come from a humor artist background who has experienced severe bullying in the long term, because the victims of bullying laugh at themselves in the midst of their suffering.
If you want to understand more about this “poor self” style of humor, do an online search with the keywords “Rodney Dangerfield”, a humorist known for his self-deprecating humor
Part 2 of 4: Understanding Humor

Step 1. Find things that you find funny
People are usually aware of stories or made-up jokes, so you need to find things that are naturally funny to you. Think of things that you find funny and enjoyable. Do you like playing pranks? Do you like telling jokes? Or do you just like to act silly?
Maybe you haven't found the style of humor that best suits your taste, so you'll just have to experiment until you find a style that suits you better. Don't be afraid to practice basic skills until you become strong first, then develop more difficult advanced skills

Step 2. Identify some situations that are generally considered funny
You and your classmates may have different senses of humor, but there are certain situations that almost everyone finds generally funny. Finding the funny side of everyday situations is an important part of being a funny guy.
- Pain is almost always seen as something funny. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the heart of a joke in English is called the “punch line”, and why characters in television comedy shows use physical jokes. Due to certain reasons, humans tend to think of the pain experienced by other people and the events that cause pain as something funny.
- For example, when you hit your elbow while sitting in class, show your overreaction by howling and rolling on the floor. Your overreaction is very likely to make your classmates laugh.
- Strange things are also usually considered funny. Things that seem completely unrelated to the current situation and people's reactions to them are very likely to be material for humor. Odd things can also be very useful for turning around nervous situations because something went wrong. For example, if you drop a whole pile of paper and feel embarrassed about it, just announce your mistake out loud throughout the room. Don't pretend no one noticed the scattered papers. Announcing it will make people laugh because they didn't expect you to react that way to the falling paper.

Step 3. Find things that humor lovers find funny
At school, you can find two groups of humorists: your classmates, and your teacher. In order for most people to find your humor funny, you need to find things that almost everyone will find funny. Jokes from pop culture, puns, puns, and physical jokes are usually the stuff of jokes you can rely on for humor.
Observe friends who are smart at school. What are they doing? How do they make their usual jokes? These will all help you come up with ideas for humorous jokes to your own audience of humor, but don't feel like you have to copy someone else's style at all

Step 4. Be polite to others
Some people may take even safe jokes too seriously, and they may feel hurt or angry about it. Pay attention to who can accept your jokes and who is easily offended. A big part of being funny is telling jokes that are acceptable to all.

Step 5. Practice an appropriate style of humor
You may want to be known as the funniest in your class, but you still have to remember that there is a difference between being funny and insulting. A good choice is always to avoid jokes and pranks that could hurt or offend others. Similarly, some of your friends may be upset if you keep on pranking or making jokes about them. Remember, you want to be funny, not bully.
Acting silly in class will also work very well if your friends know you very well. If you're a new student in class, don't joke too much, and just take it slow, so your friends see that you're funny, not funny

Step 6. Know the boundaries
There are times when the jokester makes everyone laugh, but there are also times when being funny will make people mad. Don't joke too much, and don't continue to joke if you're asked to stop.
An expert comedian or humorist is usually able to read the mood of a humorist. If you've already cracked a joke on a "hot" topic, or you see that people aren't enjoying your joke, you may be better off cracking a joke next time
Part 3 of 4: Developing the Personality of a Funny Pig

Step 1. Trust your instincts
Humor is born of truth, and your jokes have to feel natural and natural to you, in order for others to find them funny. You may not be able to get a good laugh at first, but keep being honest without being pretentious, and making jokes about things you feel comfortable with.
Some people are naturally funnier than others. But don't worry, even though you have to learn and and try at first, you can still learn to joke through the practice process

Step 2. Tell a "poor yourself" joke
Many professional humor artists, such as Louis C. K. and Chris Rock, did this and made themselves the butt of jokes. These are called “suicide” jokes, and humorists feel more secure when they hear or see them, because they don't feel that the joke will be directed against them.
- The "poor self" joke is very common in everyday jokes about the lawyer profession, which are made by the lawyer himself! This joke is based on the common assumption that lawyers tend to be corrupt and like to cheat. An example would be: “What are the characteristics of a lawyer who is speaking the truth? The lawyer with his mouth shut!”
- The “poor self” joke is a great way to ward off attacks from other people, especially bullies. Making jokes about your own weaknesses, such as poor math skills or thick glasses, will discourage other people from making fun of or insulting you about those things.

Step 3. Include surprises and diversions in your jokes
Usually, people will find the point of a very unexpected joke to be very funny. The discrepancy between what they expected and what you ended up saying or what ended up happening can be at the core of the humor that makes them burst out laughing.
For example, you could also ask your teacher if he or she would punish you for something you didn't do. If the teacher says no, you can reply back, "Good, because I didn't do my homework." This joke will be even funnier if you're actually doing your homework, because it's going to be an unexpected ending

Step 4. Develop jokes that embrace your humor audience
Joking means sharing stories and experiences with people who can understand them. If you joke a lot in front of your classmates, make fun of topics they also experience and understand, for example, how difficult math is or how bad the food in the school canteen is. This will make them view you even more as the funny guy.

Step 5. Turn your weaknesses into strengths
Admit your weakness. If you are careless, don't be ashamed of it. Instead, make carelessness your unique trait, showing up in your physical jokes! Confident people are usually found to be funnier by others than those who are not.
Part 4 of 4: Practicing Humor

Step 1. Practice sarcasm
Satire is a classic weapon for humor artists, as well as a great brain teaser! Innuendo is actually an “honest lie,” that is, saying something that goes against what you really mean, in a very obvious way. For example, when your teacher gives homework to the whole class, you can say, “Looks like there isn't much homework, here! Can we have some extra homework, ma'am?"
You can also reply to the satire with the next satire. If someone is sarcastic, just reply, “Wow, satire! Habat yes you, can say self-made satire!” The difference between what you say (“the satire is his own creation”) and what you mean (“the satire is not his own”) will make those who hear it laugh. The use of satire to reply to satire has a humorous element to it, because you are using satire to criticize the satire

Step 2. Deliberately pretend you don't understand what the other person is saying
This technique relies on the multiple meanings of the spoken words. Often, you can use this kind of joke if the context is right. For example, when someone says, “I have to go to class now,” you might respond with, “Oh my gosh, you're just going to class now? The other guys have been in class since the age of six!!”
- You can also try it on your teacher. For example, if your teacher says you can't sleep in class, simply reply, "I know you can't sleep in class, but it's definitely quieter here than in the cafeteria."
- This technique will be most successful if you do it with people you know. Pretending not to understand someone you don't know can make him angry, hurt, or frustrated.

Step 3. Complete the other person's sentence
This can also be done with your teacher, if he or she is not too stiff. When he talks, you can think of a sentence ending that will sound more exciting. For example, if he says, “When I was a kid,” just finish the sentence with, “Let me guess, Mom loved riding dinosaurs!”
Keep your jokes to the teacher light and not hurtful. For example, if you know that your teacher tends to be sensitive about her weight, don't joke about her weight

Step 4. Collect your joke bullets
Part of being funny is telling a joke without bothering to think about it first. Think of jokes, scenes, or topics that you found funny in the first place. Then, practice throwing it in front of the mirror, so you can practice facial expressions too. Some jokes are funniest when they're told with a straight face, so you'll need to practice your regular facial expressions and facial expressions and then decide which one looks funnier.
Keep the joke on the appropriate topic area. A joke on a math topic is funny when it's said in math class, but not funny when it's said in history class. Likewise, puns on the topic of language are not funny when they are said in physics

Step 5. Answer the question in strange and unexpected words
If your teacher throws a question, give a completely different answer. This could be an original word like “banana”, or an actually appropriate answer to another question, such as “The foundation of our country is Pancasila!”
Use this technique only once in a while! If you do this too often, your teacher may get angry and your classmates will think you're rude

Step 6. Consider using tools
Humor with aids will work very well for jokes that are a play on. For example, you can bring a bunch of red balloons to school. If someone starts to look displeased, give him a red balloon saying, "Hey, don't be mad, just red!"
Situational jokes (appears from time to time without planning) can be very funny when using tools. If your teacher used to say that you or your friends seemed to “go in left ear out right ear” during class, come to class one day with cotton balls glued to your ears. If your teacher asks about these cotton balls, just say, "I'm trying to keep the material I've heard, so it doesn't come out of the other ear!"

Step 7. Practice your physical jokes too
For example, you could raise your hand and form a peace symbol in class. When your teacher mentions your name because of it, just say that you are not asking questions, but that you are supporting world peace. The funny part is that your teacher shouldn't be angry with the peace symbol, because it means the teacher.
- Physical jokes can be very funny, but remember that you shouldn't insult other people. For example, imitating a friend's handicap is not funny at all, it's evil.
- You may have a certain style of movement, a way of dancing, or a way of doing things that is different from other people. You can use this special feature to make physical jokes. If someone asks, "What are you doing?", just say "Sometimes we just have to dance!"

Step 8. Do harmless pranks
Pranks that are harmful, malicious, and hurtful to others are unacceptable and can be classed as bullying. There are tons of ways to do some harmless but very funny pranks. For example, final year students at a high school in Maryland, USA, hired a mariachi band to follow the Headmistress wherever she went for a whole day. He found it very funny and put it on "Twitter".
- Don't be in a hurry, because developing the funny culprit in you takes time. You may need to try different things before you can find one that works for you.
- Don't pretend to be someone else. The best jokes always come from things that you find funny yourself and you feel comfortable with.
- Joking too much or telling harsh jokes can have serious consequences, such as being called out by the principal, being punished by the school or by parents, missing breaks, or even being suspended.
- Don't be rude or bully your friends. Being rude, belittling other people, and hurting them is not funny at all.
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