Pearly penile papules, which are medically known as hirsuties papillaris genitalis, are small bumps around the head of the male penis that usually appear after puberty. Usually, these bumps appear in 1-2 neat rows and while they may look like genital warts, they are actually harmless or potentially contagious and do not need to be removed. However, some men still choose to eliminate it for aesthetic reasons. If you also have pearly penile papules and want to get rid of them, try to consult the appropriate method with your doctor, while making sure that there are no other medical conditions that need to be treated first. If your insurance service does not cover the cost of pearl penile papule surgery, try applying the natural treatment methods listed in this article to disguise the lump. However, always remember that the effectiveness of all the recommended natural treatment methods has not been scientifically tested!
Method 1 of 3: Performing Medical Treatment

Step 1. Consult a doctor if the presence of papules is causing problems
In fact, pearl penile papules are a normal, harmless, and non-infectious anatomical variation. However, if the appearance of papules poses certain difficulties for you, please check with your doctor to confirm that the papules you have are benign. After that, you can also discuss appropriate treatment options with your doctor.
Warning: Understand that all medical procedures to remove papules carry negative risks. Therefore, do not hesitate to consult all these risks with your doctor, then consider all the options you have before making a decision.

Step 2. Consult the possibility of removing papules with the help of a CO2 laser
In fact, it is the most effective method for removing papules. In this method, the doctor will use a very hot laser beam to scrape off the papule, and the patient will be sedated before doing so. Within 5-7 days after the procedure, the tissue around the head of the penis will be replaced and the skin in the area will feel smoother to the touch.
- Chances are, you will feel a sensation of pain after the procedure. However, don't worry because your doctor can prescribe medication to manage the pain.
- Generally, 1 laser session is sufficient to remove the entire papule. However, in some cases, the patient will need to do 2-3 laser sessions to fully clean the papules.

Step 3. Consult the doctor about the possibility of performing a radiosurgery procedure
If the CO2 laser treatment method is not suitable for you, your doctor may recommend a radiosurgery procedure, which is specifically aimed at removing papules with the help of high doses of radiation. Radiation is what will kill the tissue behind the papule and make the papule fall out by itself. Although this option is not as effective as the CO2 laser treatment method, it is actually still better than other procedures.
- Radiosurgery, also known as Cyberknife, does not actually involve surgery to remove papules. Instead, the doctor will perform this procedure by delivering a beam of radiation to the targeted area. Generally, this procedure is painless and can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. However, you may need to have more than one radiosurgery session to remove all the papules.
- While the procedure is being carried out, the doctor and other health workers will be in a different room. However, you can still chat with them over the intercom. In particular, the doctor will control the operation process with the help of a robot to deliver radiation.

Step 4. Consider the possibility of performing excision surgery
In this surgical procedure, the doctor will use a scalpel to slice through the papules in the anesthetized patient. Generally, patients will have scars afterward, and have to go through a fairly painful recovery process. However, do not worry because the doctor can always prescribe pain medication to minimize the pain.
In fact, surgical excision is rarely used to remove papules, mainly because the patient is at risk of scarring afterward. However, if no other option is available, your doctor will most likely recommend it to you

Step 5. Consult the possibility of performing electrosurgery with the help of a curette
In this procedure, also known as hyfrecation, the doctor will use a device called a hyrefractor to deliver a certain dose of electric current to the area that has pearly penile papules. The electric current aims to dry the papule, and after the tissue behind the papule is completely dry, the doctor will use a special tool called a curette to scrape the papule.
In this procedure, the patient must be sedated and will have scars afterward. In addition, this procedure will also cause quite intense pain, although the doctor can prescribe pain medication to minimize the sensation

Step 6. Consult the doctor about the possibility of cryosurgery
In the procedure, the doctor will use liquid nitrogen to cool the papule and freeze it. After the procedure, the skin in the area will heal and the papules will disappear on their own. This procedure may cause a very mild burning sensation in the patient, although generally the patient does not need to be sedated during the procedure. However, understand that cryosurgery still has some potential complications, such as:
- The appearance of scars
- Swelling occurs
- Numbness in the affected area for 12-18 months
- Changes in skin pigmentation
- The appearance of blisters and bleeding in the affected area
- Slow recovery process
Cryosurgery is not necessarily suitable for everyone with the same complaints. Therefore, do not forget to consult the benefits and risks for you to your doctor.
Method 2 of 3: Eliminating Other Possibilities

Step 1. Check the uniformity of the papule shape
Remember, pearl penile papules will not appear in random patterns. In other words, pearly penile papules will generally appear in 1-2 neat rows around the glans penis. Therefore, if you find a lump that is scattered randomly, or does not surround the head of the penis in a neat and even pattern, immediately consult a doctor.
For example, if you find only a few papules on the head of the penis, it is most likely due to another medical condition, such as genital warts or Fordyce spots

Step 2. Watch out if the papules don't just appear on the head of the penis
If the bumps you think are papules also appear on the shaft of the penis, it's very likely that your condition is not pearly penile papules, especially since pearly penile papules will only appear on the head of the penis.
For example, a sore on the shaft of the penis may be an ectopic sebaceous gland or lichen nitidus

Step 3. Watch out for discharge with a cheesy color and texture that comes out of the papule
Supposedly, the pearly penile papules should not ooze. Therefore, if the opposite is true, it is most likely that you are experiencing not a pearly penile papule, but an ectopic sebaceous gland. To get the right diagnosis, don't hesitate to see a doctor when you notice fluid coming out of the papules.

Step 4. Observe the changes in the papules
Supposedly, the shape and location of the papules will not change at any time. That's why, if the size, shape, and/or location of the papules seem to change, see a doctor immediately. Most likely, there are other problems that need to be addressed by a doctor immediately.
Tip: If the condition of the papules makes you worried, don't hesitate to see a doctor. In particular, do this to make sure that the condition you have is a papule, not another dangerous health problem. As a result, you can be calmer afterwards.
Method 3 of 3: Using Unscientific Untested Natural Remedies

Step 1. Apply toothpaste to the area that has papules, once a day
Although the effectiveness of this method has not been scientifically tested, some men acknowledge its benefits for removing their papules. If you are interested in trying it, take a little toothpaste with your fingertips, then immediately apply it to the area that has papules. Let the toothpaste sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it clean.
- It's best to do this method just before you shower.
- Repeat this method 4-6 times per week and observe the effect.

Step 2. Try applying castor oil to the papules, once a day
Some men recognize the success of this method after applying it every day, for several weeks. If interested in trying it, try applying castor oil to the papules with the help of a cotton swab or cotton bud. Then, let the oil sit for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it clean.
Do this method 4-6 times per week and observe its impact on the condition of the papules

Step 3. Apply fresh lemon juice to the papules daily
Although its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven, some men use this method as an alternative to removing pearly penile papules. The trick, you just need to squeeze a fresh lemon and take the juice. Then, dip a cotton swab in lemon juice, then apply it to the area that has papules. Leave the lemon juice for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it clean.
Repeat the method 4-6 times per week and observe its effect on the condition of the papules
Tip: Never apply lemon juice or any other substance to an open wound. If there is an open sore on your penis, do not apply anything until the penis is completely healed.

Step 4. Try applying diluted eucalyptus oil once a day
Some men claim that eucalyptus oil is able to work effectively to remove pearly penile papules. Therefore, please try these options. The trick, just dilute a few drops of eucalyptus oil with 1 tbsp. solvent oil, such as almond oil or baby oil. Then, dip a cotton swab in the oil and immediately apply the oil to the area that has papules. Leave the oil on all day and don't need to clean it.