Enterobiosis is a parasitic infection that lives in the intestines; These parasites are also called pinworms. Enterobiasis is common in children. In this article, you'll learn how to get rid of pinworms so you can treat them if your child and other family members become infected.
Method 1 of 4: Treating Enterobiasis

Step 1. Make a diagnosis for enterobiasis
One of the easiest methods for diagnosing enterobiasis is the tape test. Take a piece of clear tape and wrap it around your finger with the sticky side on the outside. As soon as the child wakes up in the morning, press the tape around the anus. Worm eggs will stick to the tape.
- Carefully remove the tape and place it in a plastic clip bag. Remember that the tape contains worm eggs and can pass it on to other people
- Make sure you do the test before your child goes to the bathroom or takes a bath. Some doctors recommend doing a tape test in the morning for three days in a row, but it's possible that one test will suffice.

Step 2. Consult a doctor
Even if you see worm eggs stuck to the tape, take your child or infected person to the doctor. The doctor can confirm whether the child is infected with pinworms, or other parasites. Bring a piece of tape and show it to the doctor.
The doctor can examine the tape with a microscope to make sure it's the pinworm eggs on the tape

Step 3. Treat enterobiasis with drugs
Pinworm infection can be treated with two doses of medication. The first dose of the drug is given when pinworms are first detected. The second dose is given after two weeks. This scheme is implemented to ensure that all adult worms that hatch since the first dose are killed because the drugs given are not effective in eradicating pinworm eggs.
- Other family members should also take medication at the same time.
- The most common drugs for the treatment of pinworms are mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate and albendazole. Pyrantel pamoate can be purchased without a prescription. For other drugs, you will need a doctor's prescription. Consult with your doctor which drug is most suitable to handle your case.
Method 2 of 4: Using Alternative Methods

Step 1. Try natural remedies
It should be understood that alternative methods are not supported by scientific evidence. Evidence that this treatment works is anecdotal or based on personal experience and information passed on by word of mouth. Since no scientific studies have been conducted to prove its effectiveness, you can't be sure whether these alternative treatments are really effective at treating pinworm infections.
If you want to try an alternative method, it's best to consult your doctor first. These alternative methods should be applied in conjunction with medication from a doctor and should not be considered as independent medical therapy

Step 2. Use garlic
Garlic is considered a powerful alternative medicine to fight pinworms. First, consume fresh garlic in large quantities. Garlic can help reduce or kill pinworms as they pass through the intestines. You can also make a garlic paste and rub it around the anus. Garlic can eradicate worm eggs and its oil content will help relieve itching.
- To make garlic paste, crush 2-3 cloves of fresh garlic. Add a few teaspoons of castor oil or mineral oil. You should get a paste-like consistency. You can also make a garlic paste by mixing onions and petrolatum.
- Consult a doctor before you decide to use an alternative method.

Step 3. Try turmeric
In laboratory studies, turmeric has been shown to be effective at killing parasites, but scientists are not sure whether turmeric can kill parasites that infect humans. However, spicy foods, such as turmeric, are considered effective in getting rid of pinworms. Take 300 mg turmeric capsules, 3 times a day.
- You can also try consuming turmeric in the form of tea. Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of hot water and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Drink 2-4 cups of this turmeric tea.
- Do not take turmeric if you are taking blood-thinning medications as it can increase the risk of bleeding.

Step 4. Drink wormwood tea
Wormwood plants have long been used by the community to help get rid of worms from the digestive system. Add 3-4 drops of wormwood extract to a cup of warm water. The dose for children is one cup a day, while for adults two cups a day.
- Consult a doctor before using this method.
- Do not take wormwood if you are taking anticonvulsant drugs. If you are allergic to ragwee, there is a good chance that you are also allergic to wormwood.
Method 3 of 4: Preventing Re-Infection

Step 1. Wash your hands
Every family member must make it a habit to wash their hands. Make sure you wash your hands, especially after taking a duct tape test or coming into contact with an infected child. Wash your hands before eating or putting your fingers in your mouth. Don't forget to use soap to wash your hands thoroughly.
- First, wet your hands. Rub the soap until it foams. Make sure you rub between your fingers and the area around your nails.
- Use a soft brush to scrub the area under the nails because worm eggs can get caught under the nails, especially if the sufferer has just scratched.
- After washing your hands with soap, rinse with warm water. Then, dry your hands until they are completely dry.
- Try to keep your nails short at all times to prevent irritation and reduce the possibility of parasites spreading.

Step 2. Take a shower in the morning
People infected with pinworms should take a shower every morning. Pinworms lay eggs at night. So, the anal area will be filled with thousands of eggs. These eggs can be passed on to other people or hatch. As soon as the child wakes up in the morning, remove the contaminated clothing and bathe him.
It's best to take a shower under the shower, don't take a bath. Soaking in baths increases the risk of eggs spreading in the water, sticking to the body or getting into the mouth, causing re-infection

Step 3. Ensure the cleanliness of underwear and sheets
Since pinworms lay eggs in the anal area, you should make sure the sufferer changes his underwear every day. Do not put the patient's dirty clothes in the basket with other clothes. To reduce the risk of spreading pinworms or their eggs, separate the patient's underwear in a separate place.
- Wash clothes, sheets and towels in very hot water. If you don't have time to wash them every day, store the patient's dirty clothes in a tightly closed plastic bag. Rinse clothes at least twice.
- Make sure no one else is using the towel more than once during this period to reduce the risk of spreading worm eggs.
- Consider using disposable gloves when handling items that may be contaminated with worms.
- Don't rush clothes or bed sheets that are contaminated with eggs until they are properly washed. Doing so can cause the worm eggs to scatter in the air and spread, resulting in repeated infections.
Method 4 of 4: Understanding Enterobiasis

Step 1. Learn how pinworms are transmitted
Transmission of pinworms occurs when you eat food, touch something or someone infected with pinworm eggs, and then put your finger in your mouth. After the eggs enter the digestive system, they mature and hatch in the intestines. The female pinworm exits the intestine through the anus and lays eggs in the surrounding skin.
- Adult pinworms are white in color and measure less than 2.5 cm or about the size of a staple. Worms migrate at night to the anus and lay eggs there. Pinworms can lay up to 10,000 eggs. Pinworm eggs will hatch within a few hours and can cause infection.
- Pinworm eggs can survive up to 2 weeks on clothing, bedding, food, and other surfaces. Pinworm eggs can also survive for 2 weeks in animal hair, but only humans can become infected.

Step 2. Identify risk factors
Children under the age of 18 have the highest risk of being infected with pinworms. It is estimated that about 10-40% of children are infected with pinworms at any one time. Young children are at greater risk of being infected with pinworms and potentially infecting family members and caregivers.
- Children can unknowingly spread pinworms among their family members. If your child is infected with pinworms, you should also treat the whole family as they are more likely to inadvertently spread the infection.
- Children can also spread pinworms at school or in daycare.

Step 3. Recognize the symptoms of enterobiasis
Unfortunately, most cases of pinworm infection are asymptomatic. So, the sufferer does not suspect that he is infected. If the patient does not show signs or symptoms of infection, enterobiasis can be recognized by itching around the anus, especially at night when the female worm lays eggs and when the eggs hatch. The itching can be so intense that the child is very uncomfortable. Enterobiasis can also be manifested through urinary tract infections and sleep disturbances.
- Infection can also occur if the sufferer scratches so hard that the skin blisters.
- You can diagnose enterobiasis at home with the help of tape, but in any case you need to take the child to the doctor for further examination.