Tomatoes are very good for the skin, as they have cooling and astringent properties. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which can remove acne and brighten dull skin. Tomatoes also contain vitamin A, which is necessary for healthy skin. This fruit is naturally acidic, so it helps balance the skin and get rid of excess oil. Tomatoes also contain various antioxidants.
Method 1 of 4: Tomato Mask for Face

Step 1. Cut the tomatoes in half
With a sharp knife, cut the tomatoes in half on a firm surface, preferably on a wooden cutting board. Be careful not to hurt you.
Always cut with a knife away from hands and body

Step 2. Rub the tomato pieces on the skin
Take two slices of tomato and rub a large amount on the face. Squeeze a little of the tomato when rubbed on the face, to extract the tomato juice from the fruit.
It is best to wash your face before doing this treatment. If the pores of the face are clean and free of dirt and bacteria, the tomato juice will be easier to absorb and work

Step 3. Let the tomato juice sit
Leave the skin to absorb the tomato juice for at least 15 minutes, so that it can enter the pores of the face. If necessary, repeat the scrubbing process so that the tomato juice absorbs more into the face.
Do not hesitate to leave the tomato juice on the face longer. This will not damage the skin

Step 4. Rinse the skin
Rinse the tomato juice with cool or cold water. Cold water closes the skin pores and prevents the spread of bacteria. It can also lock in moisture. After rinsing, dry the skin by patting it with a towel.
You can use this treatment two to three times a week

Step 5. Add honey
To make the tomato mask thicker, mix honey with tomato juice in a bowl and apply this mixture on your face. Honey is a natural moisturizer that has antibacterial properties, which are needed to get rid of the bacteria that cause acne.
- Honey is not only great for the skin, it also helps the tomato mask stay on the face so it doesn't drip and make the house messy.
- Tomato face mask, besides being able to remove excess oil, is also very effective for dealing with acne and brightening dark spots on the skin.
Method 2 of 4: Tomato Mask to Shrink Facial Pores

Step 1. Mix the lime juice and tomatoes
Mix one tablespoon of tomato juice with 2-4 drops of fresh lime juice. Stir these two ingredients until well blended. Be sure to use fresh limes and not lime concentrate for the treatment to be effective.
- Again, washing your face before using this treatment is a good thing.
- Alternatively, you can use lemon instead of lime. Since lemons and limes are both citrus fruits, they both contain the same beneficial skin care ingredients.
- Do not add too much lime or lemon juice. Citrus acid that is too much attached to the skin for a long time can make the skin sore.

Step 2. Apply the mixture
Apply this mixture in large quantities on the parts of the face that have excess oil buildup. Be sure to wash your hands before applying this mixture to the skin. Leave the lime and tomato mixture on your face for at least 15 minutes.
It is common for the skin to become itchy or tingly when this mixture is left on the face. There are ingredients in citrus fruits that cause itching for some people. It's a good idea to leave this mixture on your skin for less than 20 minutes, as skin that has been exposed to orange juice for a long time will sting

Step 3. Rinse and dry
Using cool or cold water, rinse off the lime and tomato mixture. Dry the skin by patting it with a clean and soft towel or washcloth. Do not rub the skin while drying it, as rubbing the skin can cause unnecessary redness and irritation.
Always pat the skin dry and do not rub the skin with a towel. Rubbing can spread bacteria

Step 4. Use this treatment weekly
There is no limit to how often you can use this treatment. To get rid of oil buildup regularly, do this treatment every week. If there is a very large buildup of oil, do this treatment 2-3 times a week.
Again, tomatoes have a number of benefits for the skin. In addition to shrinking pores (thus reducing mild or moderate acne), this mixture of tomatoes and lime to shrink pores can also lighten dark spots on the skin, so the skin looks brighter and younger
Method 3 of 4: Tomato Mask for Face Cleansing

Step 1. Puree a tomato with an avocado
Cut the tomatoes in half and the avocado in half. Using a spoon, scoop out the avocado flesh and remove the skin and seeds. Mash the tomatoes with a pestle or other kitchen utensil and mix the mashed tomatoes with the avocado flesh.
No need to wash your face before using this treatment. A mixture of tomatoes and avocados is made to clean the pores of the face

Step 2. Apply the mixture on the face
Wash your hands to avoid spreading bacteria in the pores of the face. Then, using your fingers, rub a large amount of avocado and tomato mixture on the oily areas of your face.

Step 3. Let the mixture sit
Leave the tomato and avocado mixture on your face for at least 20-30 minutes before rinsing it off. This mask can also help cool the skin. Tomatoes work to remove oil while avocados have antiseptic and moisturizing properties.
You can let the tomato and avocado mixture sit a little longer for deeper pore cleansing. 45 minutes to an hour can help with deeper cleansing

Step 4. Rinse and dry
Use cool or cold water to rinse the skin thoroughly after the avocado and tomato mixture has been left for half an hour. Dry the skin by patting it with a clean towel or washcloth.
This treatment will leave your skin feeling younger and fresher and will help clear up mild to moderate acne. The mixture that penetrates deeper into the pores can remove oil and bacteria that can clog pores, thereby eliminating the cause of acne and blackheads
Method 4 of 4: Tomato Mask for Cooling Face

Step 1. Puree a whole tomato
Using a kitchen knife and a strong cutting board, cut the tomatoes into quarters. Then put the chopped tomatoes in a bowl and mash them with a pestle or other kitchen utensil.

Step 2. Add yogurt
Mix two tablespoons of yogurt into the mashed tomatoes. Mix the two ingredients until smooth. Be sure to use plain yogurt to avoid unwanted additives and chemicals from absorbing into the pores of the face.
You can use an egg beater, spoon, or other utensil to mix the tomatoes and yogurt

Step 3. Apply the mixture on the face
Apply a mixture of yogurt and tomatoes evenly on the face. Let the mixture sit for at least 20 minutes for best results.

Step 4. Rinse and dry
Unlike the other treatments listed in this article, you can rinse the cooling tomato mask with warm water to completely remove the mask from your face. It's best to finish the rinse process with a quick splash of cold water to help close the pores after the skin is rinsed clean. Then dry the skin by patting it with a clean towel.
While this treatment can help remove oil, it is also effective at relieving the painful symptoms of sunburn. Another benefit, this cooling mask can brighten and reduce acne scars
- Tomatoes are acidic and contain potassium and vitamin C. That's why they are great for oily skin!
- You can use this treatment as often as you like. 2-3 times a week is the ideal time for most people.
- Always dry your face by patting it with a towel. Drying by rubbing can spread the bacteria that cause acne.
- Adding plain yogurt to a tomato mask can help brighten your face and reduce acne scars.
- Do not do this treatment if you are allergic to tomatoes or other ingredients.
- Be careful when handling the knife. Cut the tomatoes away from the body and face to avoid injury.