Losing weight does seem difficult. What you really need to do is burn more calories than you consume. If you can do enough physical activity to burn an extra 500 calories a day, you can lose 0.5 kg in a week, and it can be doubled if you also reduce your food intake by 500 calories a day. There are various ways to burn 500 calories, for example by jogging, completing homework in the yard, playing with children, and so on. The key is to do exercises that are fun so that you can do them regularly.
Method 1 of 3: Doing Conventional Sports

Step 1. Do a sprint
Running, whether outdoors or on a treadmill, alone or with friends, is a great way to burn calories. Running at 10 km per hour-or 10 minutes per 1.5 km-can burn 500 calories in about 45 minutes. You can shorten the time to 30 minutes by running at 13 km per hour.
- You can shorten the time to about 25 minutes by doing interval sprints (alternating high- and low-intensity sprints).
- Keep in mind that calories burned and time taken are estimates only, which can vary depending on many factors, such as body weight and metabolism. Unless otherwise noted, the estimates in this article describe people weighing between 65 and 70 kg.

Step 2. Go for a slow jog or walk for at least 1 hour
If you don't want to run fully, try jogging at a slow, steady pace. Since jogging is not a very intensive activity, do this for 60 minutes at a speed of 8 km per hour to burn 500 calories.
If you choose to walk at a speed of 5.5 km per hour, you can burn 500 calories in 90 minutes

Step 3. Go hiking in the wild for 1 to 2 hours
If you hike in nature on good trails at the same pace as walking, you can burn 500 calories in 90 minutes. If you're walking at a faster pace, or through a variety of terrain, such as hills and rocky roads, the time can be shortened to about 60 minutes or less.
With so many variables as terrain and other factors, it's hard to know the right amount of time to hike so you can burn 500 calories. As a general guide, just do it for at least 1 hour

Step 4. Swim a few laps
Swimming for 60 minutes at a low speed can burn 500 calories for an average person. If you do it at a moderate pace, you may burn 500 calories in 40 to 45 minutes.
Moderate speed is swimming for 66 laps in a 33 m long pool (or the equivalent of a 1.5 km swim) for about 40 minutes

Step 5. Ride a stationary bike or ride a bicycle outdoors
Cycling for 40-70 minutes (depending on the speed) can burn 500 calories. This applies to those of you who ride a stationary bike or a regular bicycle.
- At a moderate pace (not a speed like racing or cycling around the village) you can burn 500 calories in about 60 minutes.
- On the other hand, if you take a spinning class, it will take you about 40-45 minutes, or even just 25-30 minutes to burn 500 calories.

Step 6. Use a stair climber
You can burn 500 calories quickly using this method. Using a stair climber (an exercise tool that imitates the movement of people going up stairs) for 45-50 minutes can burn 500 calories for an ordinary person. However, if you're jogging up and down stairs at home or elsewhere, add about 30 minutes or so to the total time needed.
You can also jog up the stairs in the skyscrapers in your area

Step 7. Do a jump rope
Jumping rope for about 50 minutes can burn 500 calories, but it can be difficult to do all at once. Luckily, you can burn the same number of calories by doing 5 workouts, 10 minutes each, or 10 5-minute workouts throughout the day.
You can also combine several exercises, such as jumping rope for 25 minutes and jogging for 30 minutes throughout the day to burn 500 calories

Step 8. Perform aerobic exercise at the desired intensity
Joining an aerobics class is great for spending time with old friends or making new friends. By practicing high-impact aerobics, you can burn 500 calories in 50 minutes. You'll need 70 minutes if you're doing low-impact aerobic exercise.
Aerobics in the water are less intense because of their buoyancy. To burn 500 calories, you need 2 times longer

Step 9. Do yoga for a few hours
To burn 500 calories, you have to do yoga for 2 full hours. However, if you combine it with other activities, do yoga for 1 hour to reach half of your daily calorie goal.
If you do Pilates, you can burn 500 calories in about two hours
Method 2 of 3: Doing Recreational Exercises to Burn Calories

Step 1. Play a sport like football or badminton
The time required will vary depending on the sport selected. In general, exercise that requires vigorous activity takes a shorter time than light exercise.
- Play singles tennis in 60 minutes. If you are playing doubles, increase the time to 90 minutes.
- Play beach volleyball for 1 hour. You can also play volleyball in the game by increasing the time by 30-45 minutes to get the same effect.
- Play badminton for about 55 minutes, or hit a heavy bag for about 60 minutes.
- Play rugby for about 45 minutes, touch football (a type of rugby) for about 50 minutes, or basketball for about 50 minutes.

Step 2. Play golf in the morning
This relatively slow exercise can still burn the calories you are targeting. Invite some friends to play it. Playing 90 to 100 minutes of golf can burn 500 calories if you walk briskly on the course and haul the equipment yourself. Do not use the train or caddy !
You can also burn 500 calories by playing bowling or frisbee for 2 hours

Step 3. Perform self-defense exercises for about 50 minutes
In the average person, actively practicing any form of self-defense for 50 minutes can burn 500 calories. However, you should reduce your inactivity time, for example, while paying attention to the trainer's instructions.

Step 4. Get on the horse and go around
You can burn 500 calories by riding a horse normally for about 2 hours. However, you can shorten the time by fast horseback riding or training for a match.
Remember, only count times when you are active on horseback, and don't include breaks. So, you can burn 500 calories by riding a horse for about 3 hours including 1 hour rest time

Step 5. Do rock climbing
Besides being able to enjoy nature, you will also burn calories at the same time. If you are trained and experienced, try rock climbing in nature for 40-60 minutes. If you haven't been trained, do wall climbing indoors for the same amount of time.
Depending on the difficulty level, the energy you expend doing rock climbing (both outdoors and indoors) will vary

Step 6. Go skiing or snowboarding (if you live in a country with 4 seasons).
For people who weigh 65-70 kg, they can burn 500 calories by skiing downhill or snowboarding at a moderate level for 65 minutes. Don't forget to reduce the time you spend on the sled!
- If you're cross-country skiing, you can get the same result in just 50 minutes.
- You can also burn 500 calories by water skiing in 65 minutes.

Step 7. Go rollerblading or ice skating
Rolling skates or ice skating for 50-60 minutes can burn 500 calories. This applies if you are doing it moderately on relatively flat terrain (if rollerblading).

Step 8. Try rowing
You can do it for 1 hour. However, if you don't like water, work out at the gym using a rowing machine at the same time.
Remember, only count the active time when you paddle, not including the leisure time when you enjoy the view on the lake

Step 9. Surf
Of course you have to surf under the waves in the sea, not on the internet! To burn 500 calories, surf for about 60 minutes on the beach.
- If you live near a lake, try to ride a paddle board for the same amount of time.
- As additional information, to burn 500 calories, you need about 5-7 hours to surf the internet, depending on how often you move your limbs when sitting!

Step 10. Try dancing
This is probably the most fun way to burn calories! You can burn 500 calories by doing a fast type of dance in 50 minutes. The amount of time required will vary depending on the type of dance chosen.
- For example, you can burn 290 calories by dancing salsa for 1 hour. However, ballet or modern dance performed for 1 hour will burn 310 calories. Doing belly dance for 1 hour only burns about 250 calories.
- Doing an exercise-type dance like Zumba for 50-60 minutes is enough to burn 500 calories.
Method 3 of 3: Doing Daily Activities

Step 1. Cut the grass
Mowing the lawn for about 2 hours a day can meet your goal of burning calories. However, you should use a push mower, not a ride-on machine. If you mow your lawn in an up and down location, you might burn 500 calories in just 75 minutes.
- Unless your yard is very large, you may have to offer the kindness to your neighbors to mow their lawn in order to burn 500 calories through this method.
- For that reason, try combining this method with others. For example, you will burn 250 calories by mowing the lawn for 1 hour. Increase your activity by jogging for 30 minutes or other similar exercises to supplement the remaining 250 calories.

Step 2. Remove snow with a shovel (if you live in a country with 4 seasons)
This activity may not be fun, but it can burn calories! In general, shoveling snow for 50-80 minutes can burn 500 calories. Do this for 80 minutes if the snow is light and soft, and 50 minutes if the snow is thick and wet.
Pushing a snowblower can burn the same number of calories as running a push mower. It will take you approximately 2 hours to burn 500 calories

Step 3. Clean the house
Doing active house cleaning for about 2 hours can burn 500 calories. Some of the tasks that can be done include vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, cleaning toilets, and moving heavy laundry.
You can shorten the time by 15-20 minutes by wearing headphones, then sing and dance to the music while cleaning the house. This must be more fun

Step 4. Play the guitar
Playing the guitar while standing for about 130 minutes can burn 500 calories. If you shuffle it like a rock guitarist, the time can be shortened even more. If you're strumming like a pop singer, this can take a little longer.
This 130 minute estimate only applies if you are playing the guitar standing up. If this is done sitting down, you'll need twice as much time

Step 5. Play with the children
If there are small children in the house, play with them at a moderate level for about 90 minutes to burn 500 calories. You have to be actively involved in the game, and you have to make consistent moves.
- In other words, choose a game like hide-and-seek, soccer practice, or cat-and-mouse.
- Children should engage in moderate physical activity for at least 60 minutes a day. So, add half an hour to that amount of time so you can be healthier and happier.

Step 6. Go shopping at the mall, not on the internet
You can burn 500 calories if you can walk quickly from one counter to another for 2 hours 15 minutes. Only time it when you move.
Don't include the time off that you do while shopping. Your goal will not be achieved if you are sitting outside a store or hanging out at a food stall

Step 7. Move your body when you sit down
Moving your body can help burn calories. While you really have to move throughout the day to burn 500 calories this way, any movement can be useful in achieving your desired goal.
- Some of the activities that can be done include tapping your feet, shaking your feet while sitting, and walking back and forth when making calls.
- By moving your limbs consciously throughout the day, you can burn 350 calories.

Step 8. Use a manual wheelchair, not an electric one
If you need a wheelchair to move around, you can burn 500 calories by moving for about 2 hours at a speed of 3 km per hour on a level area. You can shorten the time to 30 minutes or more if you move faster.
- If you use an electric wheelchair, it will take you 3 times longer (about 6 hours) to burn 500 calories.
- Playing wheelchair basketball on a full court for about 1 hour can burn 500 calories.
- If none of the activities listed in this article interest you because of the length of time they take, try combining several activities so you can burn 500 calories. By doing so, you may be able to shorten the time you have to do each exercise. It also makes it easier for you to incorporate a little exercise into your daily activities.
- Remember, the amount of time it takes to do an exercise can vary depending on your weight and metabolic rate. The instructions in this article should only be used as a guide. As a general rule, thin people need to exercise for longer periods of time than obese people.
- The time estimates mentioned here are used for healthy people who weigh around 65–70 kg.