How to Take Notes with the Cornell System (with Pictures)

How to Take Notes with the Cornell System (with Pictures)
How to Take Notes with the Cornell System (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The method of writing notes using the Cornell system was developed by Dr. Walter Pauk of Cornell University. It is a widely used system for taking notes in lectures or while reading. Using the Cornell system can help you take notes, keep you active in building knowledge, improve study skills, and lead you to academic success.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing Your Notepad

Take Cornell Notes Step 1
Take Cornell Notes Step 1

Step 1. Prepare special notepads for your Cornell-style notes

Whether you're using a notebook or separate sheets held together in a binder, you'll need a page set aside specifically for taking notes. Divide each sheet into sections; each part has a specific purpose.

Take Cornell Notes Step 2
Take Cornell Notes Step 2

Step 2. Draw a horizontal line along the bottom of the paper

This line is about a quarter of a page up, or about 5 cm from the bottom. Later, this section will be used to summarize your notes.

Take Cornell Notes Step 3
Take Cornell Notes Step 3

Step 3. Draw a vertical downward line on the left side of your paper

This line should be approximately 6 cm from the left edge of the page. This section will be used to review your notes.

Take Cornell Notes Step 4
Take Cornell Notes Step 4

Step 4. Let the widest part of the page be used as a place to record lecture or reading material

The section to the right of this page gives you enough space to jot down the important points.

Take Cornell Notes Step 5
Take Cornell Notes Step 5

Step 5. Use the internet to search for Cornell's note-taking templates if you need a quick way

If you want to take lots of notes and/or save time, you can find blank templates for taking Cornell-style notes. Print out the blank sheet and follow the same steps for your use.

Part 2 of 4: Taking Notes

Take Cornell Notes Step 6
Take Cornell Notes Step 6

Step 1. Write the course name, date, and topic of the lecture or reading at the top of the page

Do it consistently, and this will help keep your notes organized and make it much easier for you to review lecture material.

Take Cornell Notes Step 7
Take Cornell Notes Step 7

Step 2. Take notes at the widest part of the page

When attending lectures, or reading text, write notes only in the section to the right of the page.

Include any information that the lecturer wrote on the board or showed in the presentation

Take Cornell Notes Step 8
Take Cornell Notes Step 8

Step 3. Use notes for active listening or reading

Whenever you find an important point, jot it down.

  • Watch for signs of important information. If a teacher says something like "the three most important implications of X are…" or "there are two basic reasons why X happens," this is probably information to note.
  • If you are taking notes from lecture sessions, listen for points that are emphasized or repeated, as these are usually important.
  • These tips are appropriate if you're reading text and come across statements like the example above. Printed books, for example, often display core terms in bold, or restate important information in graphs or tables.
Take Cornell Notes Step 9
Take Cornell Notes Step 9

Step 4. Keep notes simple

Think of your notes as an outline of a lecture or reading. Focus on getting key words and points so you can always understand the lecture or reading - you'll have time to review and fill in any missing points later.

  • Instead of writing full sentences, use dots, abbreviations (such as “&” instead of “and”), abbreviations, and whatever symbols you use for your own notes.
  • For example, instead of writing full sentences, such as “In 1703, Peter the Great founded St. Petersburg and ordered the erection of its first building, the Peter and Paul Fortress”, you simply write “1703-Peter founded St. Petersburg. Pete & build Peter & Paul Fort”. Writing a shorter version will make it easier for you to keep listening while jotting down important information.
Take Cornell Notes Step 10
Take Cornell Notes Step 10

Step 5. Record general ideas, not examples explained

Find an outline of the ideas in the lecture, rather than trying to jot down all the examples the teacher might give to explain the idea. Rewriting in your own words will not only save you time and space, but it will also encourage you to form connections between the ideas presented and your own responses to them, which will later help you remember the material.

  • For example, if your teacher said in a lecture (or a book states): "In building St. Petersburg, Peter employed engineers, architects, shipbuilders, and other workers from many countries in Europe. Immigration of these intelligent and skilled workers gives St. Petersburg a cosmopolitan feel, so that part of Peter's goal of making Russia a 'window of the West' is achieved", don't try to copy every word!
  • Write in your own words, for example: "Peter employs engineers, architects, shipbuilders, etc. from all over Europe – his goal: St. Pete = 'window of the West'".
Take Cornell Notes Step 11
Take Cornell Notes Step 11

Step 6. Space out, draw a line, or start a new page when a new topic emerges

This will help you mentally organize the material. It will also help to focus on studying the different sections whenever you need them.

Take Cornell Notes Step 12
Take Cornell Notes Step 12

Step 7. Write down any questions that come to your mind while listening or reading

If there's something you don't understand, or want to know more about, write it down on a note. These questions will help clarify what you are absorbing, and will be useful for later study.

For example, if you are writing about the history of St. Petersburg, as in the example above, you might note "Why didn't Peter the Great hire Russian engineers instead?"

Take Cornell Notes Step 13
Take Cornell Notes Step 13

Step 8. Edit your notes as soon as possible

If there are parts of your notes that are hard to read or don't make sense, correct them while the material is still fresh in your mind.

Part 3 of 4: Reviewing and Developing Your Notes

Take Cornell Notes Step 14
Take Cornell Notes Step 14

Step 1. Summarize the main points

As soon as the lecture or reading session is over, pick up the main idea or core fact from the right side of the page. Write a very concise version in the left column – look for key words or short sentences that communicate the most important information or concept. Reviewing lecture material about one day from lecture time or reading will greatly increase the storage of information in the brain.

  • Underlining the main idea in the column to the right of the page can help you identify it. You can also try marking with color markers or color coding, if you are a very visual learner.
  • Cross out unimportant information. The great thing about this system is that you will learn to identify important information and get rid of the unnecessary. Practice identifying information you may not need.
Take Cornell Notes Step 15
Take Cornell Notes Step 15

Step 2. Write down the possible questions in the left column

Based on the notes on the right, think about the questions that might come up on the exam, then write them down in the column on the left. This, later can be used as a learning aid.

  • For example, if on the right, you wrote "1703-Peter founded St. Pete & built Peter & Paul Fort", then on the left, you could write the question "Why was the first Peter & Paul Fortress building in St. Pete?"
  • You can write follow-up questions that remain unanswered in your notes, such as "Why…?", or "Imagine what would happen if…?", or "What are the implications of…?" (e.g., "What impact did it have on the Russian Empire by changing the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg?) This can deepen your learning of the material.
Take Cornell Notes Step 16
Take Cornell Notes Step 16

Step 3. Summarize the main ideas at the bottom of the page

This will help clarify the information you have noted. Writing out the gist of the material in your own words is a great way to ensure your understanding. If you can summarize a page of notes, you're already starting to understand the material. You can ask yourself, "How can I explain this information to other people?"

  • Often, teachers will start a class session by giving an overview of the day's material, for example: "Today, we're going to discuss A, B, and C." Similarly, sections in printed books often include introductions that summarize the main points. You can use the overview as a guide for taking notes, and think of it as a version of the summary that you will write at the bottom of your notes page. Include any additional details that you feel are important to you or that you think need special attention while studying.
  • A few sentences are usually sufficient for a page summary. Include any important formulas, formulas, or diagrams in the summary section, if necessary.
  • If you have trouble summarizing any part of the material, use your notes to identify areas that need more attention or ask your teacher for more information.

Part 4 of 4: Using Your Notes to Study

Take Cornell Notes Step 17
Take Cornell Notes Step 17

Step 1. Read your notes

Concentrate on the column on the left and the summary at the bottom. These two sections contain the most important points you will need for your assignment or exam.

If you want, you can underline or mark the important parts with a colored marker while reviewing

Take Cornell Notes Step 18
Take Cornell Notes Step 18

Step 2. Use notes to test your knowledge

Cover the right side of the page (notes column) with your hand or another piece of paper. Give yourself a quiz by answering the questions that may arise that have been entered in the left column. Then turn to the right of the page and check your understanding.

You can also ask a friend to give yourself a quiz based on the notes in the left column, and you can do the same for them

Take Cornell Notes Step 19
Take Cornell Notes Step 19

Step 3. Review your notes as often as possible

Reviewing frequently over a longer period of time, rather than cramming yourself with notes before an exam, will greatly improve your brain's ability to retain information and deepen your understanding of course material. With effective notes created using the Cornell system, you can study more efficiently and without too much stress.
