Downing too much water can be dangerous. Excessive water intake can overwhelm the body's system and disrupt electrolyte balance, resulting in "water poisoning" and sometimes even death. However, in moderation, you can open your throat and gulp water with nothing more than bloating. Make sure you chug safely and steadily!
Method 1 of 3: Drink Water Efficiently

Step 1. Make sure the water is at a comfortable temperature to drink
Water that is too cold will cause your esophagus to contract, making it difficult to swallow water as quickly as you would like. The hot water will burn the lining of your esophagus, making the process too painful to continue – and possibly leaving scars.

Step 2. Drizzle water from a large-mouthed container
If you want to drink more quickly, drink from a wide-lipped container: a glass, jug, mason jar. Most water bottles have a very narrow bottle neck which slows the flow of water as it is poured from the container.
- Technically, you'll be able to chug almost all of the water at once from the neck of the bottle that best fits your mouth. Keep in mind that your esophagus may not be able to keep up with this volume of water.
- If you do use a plastic water bottle, you can try squeezing the bottom of the bottle as you drink. This will force the water out of the bottle more quickly than if it were flowing normally. Again, remember that faster doesn't mean healthier.

Step 3. Don't chug too fast
If you flood your system with water, you may not be able to keep up with yourself. This can cause choking, bloating and water poisoning. If the water source does not limit the speed at which the water is poured down your throat, you will have to adjust the flow manually. Don't raise the bottom of the bottle - keep the water out in a controlled amount.
Method 2 of 3: Opening Your Esophagus

Step 1. Tilt your head back about 45 degrees
Try to make the path of your esophagus nearly vertical. Tilt your head just enough so that the water runs down your throat due to the sheer force of gravity. This way, you don't have to use your esophageal muscles to physically suck water down your esophagus. You will be able to chug faster as a result.
- Don't tilt your head forward until you're done gulping water. If you change the position of the esophagus while the water is flowing, the water may be slowed down by muscle contractions. This can cause you to choke.
- Never drink water while lying down. Swallowing when your body is horizontal increases the chances for the water to mistakenly go down your throat, causing you to suffocate.

Step 2. Relax your esophageal muscles and pour the water down
If you feel your throat tighten, try to calm yourself. Do not make any swallowing movements as this can slow down the process. Pour at a steady speed so the water doesn't overflow.
Careful! Accidentally pouring water down the throat which can trigger a choking attack is easy

Step 3. Make sure that you can breathe
If you are drinking water from a bottle, allow a slight gap between your upper lip and the top lip of the bottle. This will allow air to flow out of the mouth of the bottle. If you have a source of air other than the bottle, then there is no need to move the water source away from your mouth to inhale.
Method 3 of 3: Drink in Moderate Amount

Step 1. Understand the dangers of hyponatremia or "water intoxication"
If you drink too much water too quickly, you can develop an electrolyte imbalance: your kidneys can't excrete as much water as you take in, and your blood fills with water. This excess water can swell brain cells, causing your brain to expand dangerously until it hits the skull. Rapid and severe swelling of the cells can lead to convulsions, respiratory arrest, coma, brainstem hernia and even death.
It is thought that consuming more than 1.5 liters/hour for several hours can greatly increase the risk of developing hyponatremia

Step 2. Avoid drinking water when you are doing activities that require endurance
The risk of hyponatremia is very high if you are exerting yourself continuously for long periods of time – and it is even more dangerous if you are active in a hot environment. You lose sodium (one of the electrolytes) through sweat. Thus, drinking too much water to rehydrate during endurance activities-such as marathons and triathlons-can dilute the sodium content in your blood.

Step 3. Don't drink so much that you choke or vomit
If you consume too much liquid at once, you can choke, because the water spills into your respiratory tract. If you flood your stomach with more water than it can hold, you may accidentally vomit the excess water.
Make sure there is no ice in the water. The possibility of choking on a lump of ice to death is quite high

Step 4. Consider taking a sip of water instead
If you are trying to drink water for health benefits and to nourish the body, remember that gulping is no more effective than sipping water. What's more, drinking water can potentially make the positive effects of drinking water useless. If you're downing water for a race: remember the risks, and think before you chug. Ask yourself if winning this chugging race is worth all the potential damage to your body.
The longer you can hold your breath, the more water you can drink
- Beware of water poisoning.
- Never take part in a water drinking competition.
- Do not push yourself. If you hold your breath for too long, you may suddenly inhale and suck the air down your windpipe and then into your lungs. This is what causes people to die when drowning.
- Do not simultaneously drink water in amounts greater than 1% of your body weight in milliliters. Downing more than that in one drink can make you very sick, as your stomach won't be able to process this much water all at once. (example: 1% of 70 kg is 700 grams or 700 ml).
- Never drink water while lying down, as it can choke you. You can hurt yourself or even die if the water flows into your lungs.