3 Ways to Recover Lost Voice

3 Ways to Recover Lost Voice
3 Ways to Recover Lost Voice

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Loss of voice can be a big problem and can be caused by speaking too loudly or from a more serious medical condition. Many vocalists and people who use their voices at high volumes for long periods of time sometimes lose their voices. If the loss of voice is caused by something other than excessive voice use and is temporary, talk to your doctor about your condition. If the sound loss is caused by temporary loudness or excessive voice use, you can speed up recovery with the following steps.


Method 1 of 3: Practice Healthy Behavior

Get Your Voice Back Step 1
Get Your Voice Back Step 1

Step 1. Rest the sound as long as possible

Talking at a normal voice volume can injure the vocal cords and take longer to recover. Of course, there are certain situations that require you to speak up. Limiting the use of your vocal cords can help speed up the healing process, so try not to talk at all.

  • Whispering is not recommended. This is unnatural and causes more injury to the vocal cords.
  • Always keep a small notebook with you so you can write down what you need other people to do. This will be a lot of fun!

Step 2. Gargle with salt water

Gargling will moisten the throat, soften the vocal cords, and speed up the voice recovery process. There are also several over-the-counter mouthwashes you can choose to rinse your mouth with that also help kill bacteria in your throat that might be causing your voice to drop.

If you are heating water in the microwave, make sure the water is not too hot, as it can burn the throat passages


Step 3. Warm up with yoga

Your voice is a part of your body, so if you want to warm your voice, warm your whole body. Yoga is a great way to pay attention to your body and start signaling your diaphragm to work. If you're not too sick, yoga is a good way to relax. (if you're in a lot of pain, you might just want to be in bed!)

Here's a great exercise to get the diaphragm working: Sit on the floor with your knees bent. Make sure both knees are bent and open. Place your hands on your knees and with your arms outstretched, inhale deeply through your nose. Exhale forcefully through your mouth. Press the hand that is above the knee firmly and the fingers spread apart. Look up, stretch your tongue out and say a lion's roar-that is, make a loud, open “ahhh” sound. Make sure this sound is coming from the diaphragm and not the throat


Step 4. Take advantage of the power of steam

The most important thing is hydration. If water is available in your home, then you are in luck. If you don't want to use a hot, steamy shower, provide a kettle of hot water and place your head over the teapot. Wrap the top of your head with a towel to allow the steam to enter the sinus cavities.

Stay in that position for a few minutes. You will begin to feel your sinuses clear (if you have a cold). Repeat this step as often as possible


Step 5. Quit smoking

If you haven't done this in years, then smoking is really bad for all aspects of your health, including your voice. Smoking will make the esophageal area dry! It can also burn the vocal cords.

If you're wondering why you should quit smoking, then quitting smoking is a cheaper and better way for those around you, lowers your risk of developing heart, lung, and bladder cancer, and makes any type of exercise more enjoyable. easy to do


Step 6. Consult a doctor

If you did karaoke a few times last night, you probably don't have to worry too much about it. However, if you woke up one morning a week ago and haven't been able to speak since then, this is a warning. Consult a doctor to find out what happened.

In general, any medical complaints that last more than a few days need to be followed up with a doctor's visit. Better to be vigilant than stubborn. And if accompanied by other symptoms (cough, fever, etc.), you should consult a doctor

Method 2 of 3: Eat and Drink Better


Step 1. Drink lots of water

Keep yourself well hydrated while recovering your voice. Increasing fluid intake helps the throat produce healthy moisture and restore voice function. Moisture is the key to bringing back the lost sound.

What's the opposite of water? Alcohol. Alcohol will dry out the throat and dehydrate the body. If you want to quickly restore lost voice, you need to avoid alcohol


Step 2. Avoid acidic foods and drinks

Acidic foods and drinks such as tea, citrus fruits, and chocolate do not have a direct positive effect on the vocal cords but instead trigger stomach acid to rise up into the esophagus (a very bad thing). Stomach acid backing up into the esophagus can exacerbate inflammation and make lost voices worse. The best way to get rid of foreign substances and bacteria that make lost voices worse is to drink plenty of water.

You are well aware of the fact that tea is acidic and anything acidic is bad for the esophageal tract. People who feel that tea has a positive effect on them is because it makes them "feel" better. Tea is quite soothing for the throat, but does not help with the problem at hand


Step 3. Drink warm water

Since you probably won't just be drinking water, whatever you drink should be warm. Don't be too cold or too hot. Both have an effect that is not good for the throat tract. If you drink tea, then honey tea is good for you.

How about milk? Dairy products will cover the throat. Milk can be a relief, but it only masks the problem and is only a temporary solution. If you're going to appear in public, don't eat dairy a few hours before your performance

Method 3 of 3: Using Throat Lozenges


Step 1. Visit the drug store where you live

There are at least half a dozen medicinal products that claim to have amazing effects on sound. Some medicinal products claim to restore voice. If you're having trouble clearing your throat, one of these products might be for you.

But just for the record, water, water, water, water and rest sound is the best solution. Don't depend on these products for magic


Step 2. Use lozenges to reduce pain

Changes in weather or a dry environment can irritate the throat. Because of this, moistening the throat can help with irritation. Using lozenges is an effective way to keep your throat moist.

Chewing gum can also help with dry mouth. The more moist and wet your throat, the better your condition will be


Step 3. Buy a humidifier (a device to increase humidity in the room)

If a dry environment is the cause of the noise irritation, then a humidifier can also help with this problem. It works like positioning your head over a kettle of steaming hot water, but the humidifier's steam circulates throughout the room.


Step 4. Deal with the actual problem

Loss of voice is often a symptom of a bigger problem. If you have a cough, cold, or sore throat, deal with the problem rather than just thinking about the missing voice. Your voice will improve when you take antibiotics and Vitamin C, or eat well for colds and fevers.


  • See a doctor if your voice doesn't improve within a few days. Long-term loss of voice can be a symptom of a more serious condition that requires medical attention.
  • If you don't feel you have excessive mucus in your throat, don't drink warm liquids. A sore throat is actually the result of an inflamed vocal cord. The vocal cords react like any other part of the body. For example, if your ankle is swollen, you will apply ice to it, but if it hurts, you will put something hot on it. This is because cold slows circulation and helps with swelling, while heat increases circulation and inflammation. If the sore throat is not accompanied by mucus, you should drink COLD liquids to help with swelling of the vocal cords.
