3 Ways to Stop Menstruation

3 Ways to Stop Menstruation
3 Ways to Stop Menstruation

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From the first time we get our period, we suffer from monthly cramps, flatulence and a host of other discomforts – there's not much we can do about it because menstruation is a part of life. However, periods sometimes interfere with romantic vacations, trips to the beach, or other experiences that require uninterrupted activity. While there is no way to stop your period immediately, there are things you can do to reduce it. As for if your period is the last thing you want, there are medications available to avoid it. See Step 1 for more information.


Method 1 of 3: Delaying Menstruation

End Your Period Step 1
End Your Period Step 1

Step 1. Ask for a prescription for birth control pills

If you are or will be taking the contraceptive pill, it can prevent your period from appearing at an inopportune time. According to the Mayo Clinic, holding your period with the contraceptive pill is safe as long as you get permission from your doctor.

  • Try asking your doctor if the contraceptive pill is the right choice for you while considering your history and health conditions.
  • The contraceptive pill has side effects for some women, including an increased risk of blood clots and other health problems. Do your research before deciding to use it.
End Your Period Step 2
End Your Period Step 2

Step 2. Do not take the inactive pills available

A series of regular birth control pills are designed to resemble the menstrual cycle. There are usually 21 hormone pills (that is, hormones that control your cycle) and 7 placebo pills that don't contain hormones. In a normal pill cycle, when you take the placebo pill, you will have your period. If you skip the placebo and take hormone pills straight away, bleeding will not occur.

  • The bleeding that occurs when you take the placebo pill is not the same as the bleeding that occurs during your period. This is just a reaction that occurs as a result of stopping hormone intake.
  • Some women bleed when they skip the placebo. However, this will go away on its own once your body gets used to the constant intake of hormones.
End Your Period Step 3
End Your Period Step 3

Step 3. You can go back to the pill pattern if you want to get your period back

After the important event has passed, you should return to taking the pill as usual. If you don't want to or you choose to stop your period altogether, you may consider prescribing the contraceptive pill continuously.

Method 2 of 3: Stopping Menstruation

End Your Period Step 4
End Your Period Step 4

Step 1. Choose to stop menstruation completely

The only way to control the flow of your period is to take a period control pill, which is a type of birth control pill that limits your periods to only a few times a year or stops them altogether. If you only want to stop your period at a certain moment, this drug is not the right choice. Therefore, menstrual prevention drugs are suitable for women who no longer want to experience menstruation.

  • This may be the right choice for a woman with long, painful periods that force her to miss school or work.
  • Some other women just don't like having their period and opt for anti-menstrual drugs to stop the flow.
End Your Period Step 5
End Your Period Step 5

Step 2. Consult with your doctor regarding appropriate options

Menstrual contraceptives are also called continuous birth control and are only available by prescription. If you need more information, you should discuss this with your doctor to make sure you are the right candidate for the treatment.

  • Some types of birth control treatments continuously bring on periods only every three or four months, while others can stop periods for years.
  • Some birth control is continuously given in pill form but you can also request injections or use other methods.
End Your Period Step 6
End Your Period Step 6

Step 3. Understand the risks involved

Menstruation prevention is a relatively new phenomenon so scientists and doctors don't yet know exactly what effect it has on the body in the long term. Since this treatment interferes with the body's natural processes it is not something to be taken lightly. Before you choose to use birth control continuously, do a lot of research and be sure to read all the potential risks.

Method 3 of 3: Try Natural Methods to Reduce Flow

End Your Period Step 7
End Your Period Step 7

Step 1. Choose pads instead of tampons

Some women find that using pads instead of tampons improves flow and shortens their period. Try using synthetic or cotton pads, the difference may be slight but the period will be shorter.

End Your Period Step 8
End Your Period Step 8

Step 2. Eat nettles

Believe it or not, nettle has long been believed to be able to relieve menstruation and shorten the period. Stinging nettle can be made into a soup, but if you don't want the hassle of cooking it, you can also buy it as a supplement.

End Your Period Step 9
End Your Period Step 9

Step 3. Eat the Shepherd's Purse

This is another natural remedy that is believed to be able to curb menstrual flow. This is a plant that has traditionally been used to treat long menstrual periods and the cramps they cause. Look for shepherd's purse supplements at your health product store.

End Your Period Step 10
End Your Period Step 10

Step 4. Avoid processed foods

Menstrual problems can become more severe when you regularly consume refined sugar, refined flour, and other processed foods and ingredients. Try to avoid these foods throughout the month, especially in the weeks leading up to your period.

Eating a diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, olive oil, and whole grains improves health, and some women have noticed that diets like this also cause shorter periods

End Your Period Step 11
End Your Period Step 11

Step 5. Get plenty of exercise

Women who exercise have been shown to experience lighter periods than those who don't. Throughout the month and during your period, do lots of cardio and supplement it with some strength training.
