Migraine headaches are associated with overwork, stress, drastic weather changes, and even food allergies. However, whatever the cause, these headaches can be very disabling. Reflexology is an ancient healing method, which uses pressure on points on the hands and feet, to release energy throughout the body. Reflexology can be used to treat migraines, by pressing certain points. You can also use it to reduce the severity of other conditions that contribute to triggering migraines, such as stress and allergies.
Part 1 of 5: Preparing for Reflexology

Step 1. Determine the symptoms
Migraine symptoms can vary. A person may only suffer from one or two signs, or it can be all at once. Some of these common symptoms include:
- A stabbing headache or feeling like being beaten
- Sensitive to light, sound and smell
- Nausea or vomiting
- Feeling hot or cold
- Pale
- Feel tired
- Dizzy
- Blurred vision
- Diarrhea
- Blinking bright dots, wavy or dotted lines, blurred vision, blind spots, or other visual disturbances
- Ringing sound in the ear
- Smell strange smells
- Feel uncomfortable

Step 2. Decide whether you want to get professional treatment or do it yourself
Professional reflexologists are trained in pressing reflex points to address a patient's health problem. You can also do this treatment yourself, to save money and to have it run daily or on a whim.
You can combine self-care with professional help to maximize profits

Step 3. Find the right time
The reflex treatment need not take more than 10 or 20 minutes. However, this therapy will be more effective if you can relax during the massage.
- If you feel like you're going to have a migraine soon, try reflexology as soon as possible to reduce its intensity.
- It would be even better if you weren't in a hurry. If you feel hungry, eat before the treatment session. Do not let you think of the stomach that continues to sound when massaged.

Step 4. Create a relaxing and relaxing place
Set up a comfortable environment by sitting in a quiet room and turning off the lights. This room will be your place of refuge and undisturbed, while enjoying the reflexology treatment.
Also turn on relaxing music

Step 5. Trim fingernails
Treatment will be more comfortable if the fingernails do not puncture the skin. Trim these nails before treatment, both for yourself and if you want to help others.

Step 6. Try to be comfortable
Find a comfortable chair or lie down to relax. Take a few deep breaths to relax your body. Calm the mind by avoiding stressful thoughts.

Step 7. Drink water before starting
Drinking water before treatment is thought to help make it more effective (this is based on expert opinion).

Step 8. Prepare a reflection diagram
Remembering the part of the hand or foot that corresponds to the rest of the body is tricky. Prepare a diagram to see if your treatment is appropriate.

Step 9. Prepare various reflection tools
There are several tools that can be useful for this treatment. Some examples are wood or rubber grinders, wooden balls, and others. All of this can be used to roll the bottom of the foot.
Reflection tools are especially useful for people whose hands and fingers are not strong enough to press hard on certain points
Part 2 of 5: Finding Reflection Points to Cope With Migraines

Step 1. Find the third eye point (Third Eye)
This point is located above the center of the nose, between the eyebrows. Pressing this point can relieve headaches, including eye strain and ulcers.

Step 2. Find the dots around the temples
There are several points that curve through the ears on either side of the head. These points must be activated together to be effective. It begins at the top of the ear, about a finger-width apart. Some examples:
- Hairline Curve
- Valley Lead
- Celestial Hub
- Floating White
- Yin Portal Head

Step 3. Locate the Wind Pool point on the neck
Behind each ear bone, there is a location where the neck muscles meet with the skull. Pressing these points can relieve migraines, in addition to dealing with low energy issues, eye fatigue, as well as cold and flu symptoms.

Step 4. Find a point on the foot to relieve pain in the temporal area (along the side or temple of the head)
This point, which can suppress pain, is located between the thumb and forefinger, on the inside of the big toe.
If your right side of the head hurts, use this point on the left leg. Vice versa, use the point on the right foot to treat headaches on the left

Step 5. Find the Four Gates points on the hands and feet
These points, which include Tai Chong on the feet and He Gu on the hands, are often used to treat headaches.
- Tai Chong: this point is located above the foot. Find the area between his thumb and forefinger, then follow the grooves of the bones of these two fingers along the top of the foot. Find the point where the bones meet, then back toward the fingers about the width of your thumb. You will find an indentation, and this is what is called a Tai Chong point.
- He Gu: This point is located at the top of the hand. Find the area between the thumb and forefinger. Glue the two ends together and press together so that the muscles between the two fingers protrude. This point is located at the top of the muscle bulge.

Step 6. Locate the Zu Ling Qi point at the top of the foot
Taste the bones of the little finger and the ring finger. These bones will meet at the top of the foot. The Zu Ling Qi point was directly above the location where the two bones met. You will find the indentation here.

Step 7. Find the right point to deal with migraine pain on the face
There is a dot above the big toe to solve this problem. The entire top, starting from the base of the nail to the part of the finger that connects to the foot, is a pressure area to deal with migraine pain in the face.
Part 3 of 5: Doing Your Own Care

Step 1. Start by addressing the part of the migraine that hurts the most
Migraines may be most intense on one side of the head or on the forehead. Begin self-treatment by pressing the relevant reflection point to address the issue.

Step 2. Rub one hand or foot to relieve pain on the opposite side of the head
Pressure on the left foot or hand can overcome conditions that occur on the right side of the body. The energy meridian will pass through the neck, and this section is very important, especially when you are trying to deal with pain above it (in the head). The energy will be spurred on one side of the body and flow through the neck to reach the opposite side.
If the pain is only in one head, you only need to reflect on the opposite leg or arm

Step 3. Press the points firmly
When accessing energy points, you have to press hard enough to stimulate them. However, do not let you feel sick.

Step 4. Continue to treat the sensitive areas
Keep in mind that if some parts of the body need healing, some of the pressure points may feel tender or sensitive. If it's like this, keep pressing it. Try a gentler approach, but maintain your pressure.
- Breathe when it feels uncomfortable or sensitive. Use gentle pressure, but make sure you continue to massage it.
- If the reflex point hurts, pause and return to the massage later.

Step 5. Press and rotate the thumb at the reflection point
Use a circular rubbing motion. Press for about 7 seconds then release. Then, press for another 7 seconds.

Step 6. Use your thumbs to press the points on the opposite hand
Find the He Gu point between the thumb and forefinger. If the headache is on the left side, press the same point on the right hand using the left thumb. Keep your right hand still. Relax the rest of the left hand, while using the thumb to slowly move back and forth. Each movement should be done for about 4 seconds.
- Try repeating it for 3 sets.
- Do this method every day to help prevent or reduce migraine symptoms.

Step 7. Treat both sides of the body
Although the pain may be in only one part of the head, treat both hands and/or feet. This way, your energy will be balanced.

Step 8. Do the reflection only for a maximum of 20-30 minutes
Reflection can be very strong, and you may experience some negative effects if you take longer to treat yourself. Reflection releases toxins from the body, which can cause nausea, dizziness, or floating. You may experience all of these symptoms if you overdo it on treatment.
If you are elderly or prone to health problems, do a shorter treatment, only about 10 minutes

Step 9. Drink plenty of water afterwards
After the reflection session, you should drink plenty of water. This is especially important if you are concentrating on the reflex part of the liver. The extra water will help clean it.

Step 10. Finish the session by resting
Allow yourself to rest in peace after the session. If possible, try to take a nap.
Part 4 of 5: Understanding How Reflection Works

Step 1. Use pressure points to relieve pain
Reflexology is the application of pressure to several points on the hands and feet, which correspond to different areas of the body. There are various theories as to how pressure on these points can relieve pain and discomfort. Some experts believe that reflection interferes with pain messages from the brain and central nervous system. This technique also allows the body to relieve tension, thereby reducing pain.

Step 2. Acknowledge that you are an active participant in the self-healing process
Reflection cannot "restore" the body. Instead, this technique simply helps the body repair itself, by circulating energy throughout the body. Maintaining a positive attitude towards reflexology can also help to improve the condition.

Step 3. Feel the energy moving through your body
According to the theory of reflection, energy flows in the body along its meridians. You may be able to feel this movement when the pressure points are activated.

Step 4. Take advantage of reflection to restore balance to the body
Reflection is useful for restoring the body through the release of tension and relaxation. These things help him to release excess stress, which can exacerbate physical problems.

Step 5. Understand the scientific evidence that supports the theory of reflection
Many clinical studies have observed the positive influence of reflection on the body. Reflection has been shown to positively contribute to:
- Improvement of various symptoms (e.g. improved kidney function)
- Relaxation of the patient (eg by reducing anxiety and blood pressure)
- Pain relief (such as pain from osteoarthritis and kidney stones)
- In one study, about two-thirds of patients reported a significant reduction in migraines after three months of reflexology treatment. Nineteen percent of them even stopped taking the drug.
- Reflexology has also been shown to reduce symptoms associated with cancer treatment, diabetes, the postoperative period, and many other medical conditions.
Part 5 of 5: Watching for Migraine Presence

Step 1. Keep a journal
Record all activities and other factors that may be causing the headache. This will help you identify some of the things that can trigger migraines.
- Calculate the frequency and duration of migraines. Most migraines last only a few hours. However, more severe migraines can last for several days. Migraines occur regularly, for example every few days, or several times a month. Meanwhile, some people may only experience migraines once a year.
- Also note the severity of the headache. For example, does this problem get worse after eating chocolate? Do your headaches last longer when stressed?

Step 2. Check your emotional stress level
One of the most common migraine triggers is emotional stress. This stress can strike in the form of anxiety, worry, interest, and other emotions. When you experience all these stressful feelings, your muscles can become more tense, and your blood vessels can dilate. This can make migraines worse.

Step 3. Monitor caffeine intake
Drinking too much coffee, eating chocolate, or other foods that contain caffeine, can increase the chance of migraines.

Step 4. Observe how often you consume preservatives and additives in food
Many people are sensitive to certain types of preservatives and additives used in food. These include monosodium glutamate (MSG), nitrates (such as those used in cured meats), alcohol, and aged cheeses.

Step 5. View the weather conditions
Changes in weather, especially in terms of air pressure, can also affect the potential for migraines. For example, as a storm approaches, you may feel tension in your head.

Step 6. Watch your menstrual cycle
Women are more likely to suffer from migraines than men. Many women experience migraines just before or during their period. Keep a record of all cases of migraines as well as your menstrual cycle to identify if you are more prone to experiencing them at certain times of the month.

Step 7. Talk to your doctor about other medical conditions
Some diseases may increase the risk of migraines. Here's an example:
- Asthma
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- High blood pressure
- stroke
- Sleep disturbance

Step 8. Talk to your doctor if your migraine is more serious
Although rare, migraines like this can affect you more intensely than regular migraines. Some of these include:
- Hemiplegic migraine: You may experience temporary paralysis or nerve changes in this type of headache. See a doctor to make sure you're not having a stroke, as some of the symptoms are similar.
- Retinal migraine: You may experience vision loss in one eye, and a headache that starts at the back of both eyes.
- Basilar artery migraine: You may experience dizziness or loss of orientation as well as pain in the back of the head. You may also vomit, have ringing in your ears, or be unable to speak properly. Experts think this type of migraine is caused by hormonal changes.
- Status migraineosus: these migraines are usually so severe that the sufferer has to go to the hospital. Migraines are usually caused by certain types of drugs.
- Ophthalmoplegic migraine: You may experience pain in the eye, blurred vision, wet eyelids, or paralysis of the muscles around the eyes. This condition is very serious and requires immediate medical attention.
- Specific pressure points serve to treat various parts of the body as well as the head. Try other variations of pressure points to learn which ones are most effective at relieving migraines.
- Reflexology is most effective when used in conjunction with other holistic therapies, such as yoga, meditation, and herbal therapies.
- Many methods of reflection should not be used for pregnant women, as they can trigger labor. Talk to your doctor or midwife before trying it.
- See a doctor if you have complaints about headaches.
- If you've had trauma to your hands or feet, you may want to avoid reflexology treatments. Talk to your doctor if you're concerned.