There are various reasons why you should save urine for a drug test at a later date. Maybe you want to ask a friend to replace you and provide a clean urine sample, or maybe you want to keep your own clean urine sample for future use. Whether you store your own urine or someone else's, the sooner it is used, the better the results. Store urine in an airtight container and freeze unused urine within 1 hour. If you want to use it, warm the urine to a normal body temperature.
Method 1 of 2: Storing Urine Properly

Step 1. Get a sample as close to the time and day of the test as possible
Urine will begin to oxidize and decompose once it leaves the body, which makes it dark and smelly. The longer it settles, the less suitable the urine is to be used as a test sample.
To look decent, urine must be warm and fresh

Step 2. Put the urine in a glass or plastic container that can be tightly closed
Only use airtight containers so urine doesn't drain out. Choose a plastic container if you only want to store it for a short time, or a glass container if you want to store it for a long time. Plastic can transfer chemicals into the urine.
- For added protection, you can also put the container in a plastic clip bag.
- If you want to store your urine for a long time, write the date it was collected on the container.
- Remember, glass can break if you freeze or heat it too quickly.

Step 3. Keep the urine warm with a hand warmer if you want to use it immediately
If you want to use it within 1 hour, put the urine in a small airtight bottle (eg an old pill container). Use a hand warmer to keep the urine warm. Just before the test is performed, remove the hand warmer, and allow the urine to return to its normal body temperature.
Attach the hand warmer to the urine bottle using a rubber band

Step 4. Put the urine in the refrigerator as soon as possible if you want to use it for more than an hour
The sooner it is put in the refrigerator, the better the condition of the sample. It's best to refrigerate the urine immediately after collection, but you can still do so within 30 minutes of sampling.
Use or freeze refrigerated urine for one day

Step 5. Freeze urine if you want to use it within 1 year
If the urine is not going to be used within 24 hours, you should freeze it. Put the urine in an airtight container, and use it within one year.
- There is a difference of opinion as to how long the maximum time urine can be frozen and used. As a general guide, the sooner you use it the better.
- Be sure to freeze clean urine. Frozen urine containing THC (the active compound in marijuana) makes its concentration increase.
Method 2 of 2: Heating the Cooled Urine Sample

Step 1. Dilute the urine at room temperature for one night
The best method for bringing urine back to room temperature is to let it liquefy naturally. Microwave heating of urine can damage the sample and make it unusable.
Be sure to use the urine sample the same day you dilute it

Step 2. Raise the temperature of the urine using a heating pad, microwave, or hand warmer
Once the urine has reached room temperature, the next step is to raise it to body temperature or higher. Wrap the urine container with a hand warmer or heating pad. You can also microwave the bottle for 10 seconds. If you're using a microwave, it's a good idea to use a hand warmer to keep the urine warm when you move it.
It's a good idea to warm the urine sample slightly above body temperature, as the sample will cool while waiting for the test to arrive

Step 3. Keep the urine sample close at hand before use
By placing it near the body, the temperature of the sample will always be maintained. The temperature should always be close to body temperature. The temperature range that can be used as a test sample is 32-38 °C.
Place the urine sample in an area of the lower body, such as between the thighs
- Remember, it is illegal to provide a fake urine sample. Only use this method if you have no other choice.
- If the examiner thinks you've given a fake sample, you may need to give a second sample under direct supervision.