How to Get a Good Night's Sleep (with Pictures)

How to Get a Good Night's Sleep (with Pictures)
How to Get a Good Night's Sleep (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Do you often have trouble sleeping at night? Or does your body feel tired and stiff when you wake up in the morning? The human body needs a good and quality sleep at night in order to function optimally in the morning. In addition, the quality of sleep also greatly affects a person's physical and emotional health. If you are one of those people who have trouble sleeping well at night, don't worry. By creating the right sleeping environment, choosing the right sleeping position, and implementing positive bedtime habits, you can easily get quality sleep!


Part 1 of 3: Creating the Right Sleeping Environment

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 1
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 1

Step 1. Choose the right mattress

Some people sleep better on a very soft mattress, while some people just the opposite. Choose the type of mattress that is most comfortable for you. The mattress you choose should be able to support your body well while making you sleep soundly.

  • If your body feels sore or stiff when you wake up in the morning, chances are that you chose the wrong type of mattress.
  • Look for a mattress that specifically supports your back and neck.
  • Complete your mattress with comfortable sheets, pillowcases and bolsters. Adjust the thickness of the sheets, pillowcases, and bolsters according to the weather at that time.
  • Most mattresses can last up to 8 years. If your mattress is old and starts to feel uncomfortable, replace it immediately.
  • If your mattress feels uncomfortable and cannot be replaced, at least choose the right type of pillow.
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 2
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 2

Step 2. Choose the right and comfortable pillow for you to use, whether it's soft or solid textured

You can also sleep with more than one pillow, but make sure the pillow position is not too high so that it has the potential to cause neck pain or back pain. No matter what position you sleep in, make sure the pillow (or pillows) you use keeps your head and shoulders aligned (similar to when you're standing).

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 3
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 3

Step 3. Keep your sheets, pillowcases, bolsters and blankets clean

Clean bedding will make it easier for you to sleep better. Therefore, make sure you wash various bedding regularly or if they are very dirty.

  • If available, follow the recommended instructions for washing your sheets.
  • Instead, wash your sheets in warm water.
  • You can clean the dust on the mattress with baking soda, then vacuum it the day after. This method can reduce the humidity of the mattress.
  • Pillows can be washed or dried on a high temperature to kill any fleas that may stick.
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 4
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 4

Step 4. Make your bed

Put on sheets, pillowcases, bolsters, and put down a clean blanket, then make sure everything is neatly arranged. In addition, make sure your bedroom is also clean and tidy. Facts show that a neat and clean bedroom can make users sleep more soundly (perhaps due to the psychological effects it causes).

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 5
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 5

Step 5. Set the correct room temperature

Your body's natural temperature is constantly changing throughout the day and will drop significantly if you are sleepy. A low room temperature (around 18°C) is the best at making you sleep soundly and comfortably; mainly because it corresponds to your body's natural temperature fluctuations.

Take advantage of the presence of a thermostat, fan, or window to cool or warm the air temperature in your room

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 6
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 6

Step 6. Choose sleepwear that is comfortable to wear

Loose clothing that feels warm in the rainy season and cool in the summer is the best choice. If you feel hot, take off your clothes or sheets. On the other hand, if you feel cold, add another layer of clothing or sheets.

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 7
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 7

Step 7. Minimize distractions and outside noises while you sleep

Some people just get a good night's sleep in a quiet and distraction-free environment.

  • Turn off or lower the volume of television, radio, and other electronic devices.
  • Close the bedroom windows tightly if outside noises can disturb you.
  • For some people, using assistive devices such as earplugs or listening to the sound of a fan can help them sleep better.

Part 2 of 3: Choosing the Right Sleeping Position

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 8
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 8

Step 1. Lie on your side

If you often have trouble sleeping well, varying your sleeping position may help. There are three variations of the most common sleeping positions, namely the supine position, side position, and prone position. Sleeping on your side is most recommended if you want to sleep well at night.

  • When sleeping on your side, bend your knees slightly toward your chest (similar to the "fetal position" in the stomach).
  • If you have back pain, try placing a pillow between your knees. This method can reduce pressure on your waist and lower back, so you can sleep more comfortably afterwards.
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 9
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 9

Step 2. Lie on your back

But be careful, sleeping on your back can increase the risk of lower back pain. In addition, sleeping on your back can also cause sleep apnea (interrupted breathing due to narrowing of the throat wall while sleeping).

If you want to sleep on your back, try placing a rolled up towel or pillow under your knee creases to maintain the normal contour of your spine

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 10
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 10

Step 3. Lie on your stomach

Some people consider this position as the most comfortable position for them. But be careful, sleeping on your stomach can make your back or neck hurt. Sleeping on your stomach also tends to encourage you to constantly change positions because you feel uncomfortable.

  • If you want to sleep on your stomach, don't use pillows or choose soft pillows to minimize the risk of neck pain.
  • If you have a sleep disorder that you should watch out for, you should avoid sleeping on your stomach.

Part 3 of 3: Implementing a Positive Routine Before Bed

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 11
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 11

Step 1. Avoid using stimulants and depressants

If you want to get a good night's sleep, don't drink coffee or products that are caffeinated, nicotine, or other stimulants. The effects can last several hours in your system, making it difficult for you to get a good night's sleep afterwards. Other types of depressants such as alcohol, although they will make you feel sleepy, can actually mess with the quality of your sleep afterwards.

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 12
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 12

Step 2. Avoid eating too heavy a meal before bed

The foods and drinks you consume (and when you consume them) can greatly affect the quality of your sleep. Eating a heavy meal right before bed can hinder your digestive process. Therefore, you should eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, the sooner the better.

A light and healthy snack is the right snack to eat before bed

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 13
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 13

Step 3. Take advantage of natural light

Your body will naturally respond to the lighting conditions around you and adjust your ability to sleep accordingly. This means that getting as much sun exposure as possible in the morning and during the day, and then significantly reducing the amount of light at night can help you sleep better.

  • When the sun is shining very hot in the morning or afternoon, wear sunglasses to make it easier for you to fall asleep afterwards.
  • Get into the habit of not using a computer, tablet, cell phone, or watching television before going to bed. Light from a computer screen, tablet, television, or cell phone (known as blue light) can interfere with the body's will to sleep. Several studies have also shown that online interactions with other people have a similar effect.
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 14
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 14

Step 4. Avoid exercising before going to bed at night

Exercising regularly is effective in improving the quality of your health and sleep at night. However, it should be understood that exercise can stimulate your nerves to stay active. Therefore, make sure you don't exercise right before bedtime so you can sleep better afterwards. The best time to exercise is 2-3 hours before bed. But remember, this method applies to heavy types of sports. In fact, light stretching can actually help you sleep better if done right before bed.

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 15
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 15

Step 5. Limit your nap time

If you feel too tired, napping is the right choice to do. Just make sure you don't sleep too long (more than half an hour) or sleep at times that are close to bedtime (for example, just getting to bed at 5 pm). If you do, it is feared that you will find it increasingly difficult to sleep at night.

For best results, avoid napping after 3pm if you want a good night's sleep

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 16
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 16

Step 6. Stick to your sleep schedule

If you are used to going to bed and waking up at the same time, your sleep quality will automatically improve. Be careful on the weekends. Even if you want to go to bed or wake up later, make sure you stay asleep and wake up no later than 1-2 hours after your normal time. Improving a sleep schedule does require persistence and a long process. But if you manage to do it, surely your sleep will be of better quality afterwards.

Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 17
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 17

Step 7. Establish a positive bedtime routine

Prepare your body and mind for sleep by doing the same routine every night. Do whatever calms you down: read a book, take a warm bath, listen to relaxing music, etc.

  • Your bedtime routine could include taking a warm bath, reading a book, listening to soothing music, or doing other activities that calm you down.
  • Many people find that drinking hot water or tea before bed can make them calmer and more sleepy (make sure you stay away from teas or other drinks that are high in caffeine). Chamomile tea is the right choice because it can provide a calming effect.
  • Meditation and/or breathing exercises are also known as self-soothing techniques. A simple breathing exercise worth trying: inhale for a count of 3-4, hold for a moment, then exhale for a count of 6-8. Repeating the process a few times can really calm you down and make you sleep better afterward.
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 18
Get a Comfortable Night's Sleep Step 18

Step 8. Get up if you don't fall asleep either

If after 15 minutes you still haven't fallen asleep, do something else. Keep doing activities until you feel tired and sleepy. Staying in bed and constantly changing positions when you're not sleepy or thinking about something won't make you fall asleep.

Busy people usually always have a “to-do list” that makes it difficult for them to sleep on time. If you are one of them, place a small notebook by the side of your pillow. Write down any nagging thoughts or creative ideas that suddenly pop up so you don't have to worry about forgetting them and can rest more quickly

Step 9. Seek help if you always have trouble sleeping well

If you've tried everything but still have trouble sleeping well, always feel tired, or have other sleep disorders, try to consult a doctor. If you experience the following symptoms, it is a sign that you also need to seek professional help:

  • Always snoring or snoring too loud
  • Still feeling tired even though I've slept for 8 hours
  • Have sore throat, cough frequently, or feel chest burning only at night
