Some people think of anime as an art form. Most anime drawings have exaggerated physical features such as large eyes, thick hair and elongated limbs. In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw anime school girls, anime girls in swimsuits, teenage anime girls, and anime girls who are younger or younger.
Method 1 of 4: Young Anime Girls

Step 1. Sketch the skeleton shape of a young girl, but draw a larger head to represent the proportions of the children

Step 2. Sketch the additional shapes to form the body

Step 3. Sketch an image using the shapes as a guide

Step 4. Add hair, clothes and accessories

Step 5. Smooth the artwork using the drawing tool with a sharper tip

Step 6. Draw the outline on top of the sketch

Step 7. Erase and unmark the sketch lines

Step 8. Add color to the artwork
Method 2 of 4: Anime School Girl

Step 1. Make the basic shape of the anime girl using stick figures and shapes
First, sketch a circle for the head. Add an angular shape at the bottom of the circle for the chin and jawline. Use a short line for the neck. Connect a curved line from the neck down where the pelvis will be. Draw a four-dotted shape for the chest and add some lines for the arms and legs. Use the triangle as a guide for the hand.

Step 2. Using the stick figure as a guide, add shapes to the image
Observe the proportions and where the joints are. Add cross lines on the face and chest to help you determine the accurate positioning of various body parts later.

Step 3. Now you can sketch the eyes
Position the eyes with the help of a cross line as a shaper. Add small curved strokes for the eyebrows. Sketch a slanted line for the nose and a small curved line for the lips.

Step 4. Design a hairstyle how to apply to your anime character
In this illustration, a simple hairstyle that can be created by sketching slanted and curved strokes. You can also add ribbons or bobby pins or any other accessories to your hair for fashion.

Step 5. Choose a design for the character's outfit
School uniforms are a common choice. A simple jacket and a pleated skirt will also look good.

Step 6. Smooth the details and erase the lines that are no longer needed

Step 7. Color the image

Step 8. Here are some other suggestions you can use for the school uniforms of your anime characters
Method 3 of 4: Teen Anime Girls

Step 1. Sketch the skeleton shape of the teenage girl

Step 2. Sketch the additional shapes to form the body

Step 3. Sketch an image using the shapes as a guide

Step 4. Add hair, clothes and accessories

Step 5. Smooth the artwork using the drawing tool with a sharper tip

Step 6. Draw the outline on top of the sketch

Step 7. Erase and unmark the sketch lines

Step 8. Add color to the artwork
Method 4 of 4: Anime Girls in Swimsuits

Step 1. Make the basic shape of the anime girl using stick figures and shapes
First, sketch a circle for the head. Add an angular shape at the bottom of the circle for the chin and jawline. Use a line for the neck going down where the pelvis will be. Draw an inverted dome shape for the chest and add some lines for the arms and legs. You can use the triangle as a guide for the hand.

Step 2. Using the stick figure as a guide, add shapes to the image
Observe the proportions and where the joints are. Add cross lines on the face and chest to help you determine the accurate positioning of various body parts later. Since this character will be wearing a swimsuit, indicate where the chest is using two elongated ovals. Add a small slanted stroke for the navel.

Step 3. Now you can sketch the eyes
Position the eyes with the help of a cross line as a shaper. Add small curved strokes for the eyebrows. Sketch a slash for the nose and two small curved lines for the lips to make the character look as if he is smiling.

Step 4. Design a hairstyle how to apply to your anime character
You can use curled doodles to make your hair look wavy. Add a "C" shape on each side of the face for the ears, slightly poking out of your anime girl's thick hair.

Step 5. Darken the outline of the body and choose a design for the character's swimsuit
Two-piece swimsuits are a simple and common choice.

Step 6. Smooth the details and erase the lines that are no longer needed