Trains are fun to draw! This tutorial will show you how to draw a bullet train and a cartoon train.
Method 1 of 4: Classic Locomotive

Step 1. Draw a tube for the steam engine

Step 2. Draw a trapezoid and a rectangle below it for the driver's cabin

Step 3. Draw three rectangles on top of the steam engine
Draw a chimney above the leftmost rectangle.

Step 4. Draw two triangles next to each other under the steam engine for the front of the train

Step 5. Draw triangles and rectangles under the steam engine

Step 6. Draw ovals of different sizes to make the wheels
Draw the largest oval on the back of the train.

Step 7. Draw a series of lines on the wheels

Step 8. Based on the outline, draw the main body of the train

Step 9. Draw the details of the train and draw vertical lines under the train to make the railroad tracks

Step 10. Remove unnecessary templates

Step 11. Color your train
Method 2 of 4: Bullet Train

Step 1. Draw two rectangles, one larger than the other

Step 2. Draw lines to connect the ends of the two rectangles for the front of the train

Step 3. Draw two lines from the large rectangle to the ends of your paper for the body to make your train very long

Step 4. Draw a series of lines for the front and side windows of the train

Step 5. Draw some trapezoids for the wheels and headlights of the train

Step 6. Draw some lines above the train for the antenna

Step 7. Draw a train based on its outline

Step 8. Draw details such as windows, stripes, wheels, and lights

Step 9. Remove unnecessary templates

Step 10. Draw lines in front of the train to make the railroad tracks

Step 11. Color your train
Method 3 of 4: Alternative Bullet Train

Step 1. Draw a triangle and a rectangle
Draw boundaries around these shapes to create a train shape.

Step 2. Sketch another rectangle adjacent to the shape you just created
You can add as many rectangles as you want depending on how long you want the train to be.

Step 3. Draw a small rectangle under the bullet train
Place this rectangle in the area where you imagine the wheel is.

Step 4. Add small circles for the wheels

Step 5. Sketch the train doors using perpendicular rectangles and the windows using squares

Step 6. Add outlines to the design to help you add color to the train
You can be creative in the design you choose, this example uses lines for the design.

Step 7. Color the train as desired
Method 4 of 4: Classic Cartoon Train

Step 1. Sketch the outline of the train using rectangles and squares

Step 2. Add the wheels using a circle, making the third wheel bigger than all of them

Step 3. Erase the lines in the center of each circle and add windows using a square

Step 4. Add details to the wheels by drawing smaller circles inside each wheel

Step 5. Add details to the car bumper using basic shapes like triangles and squares

Step 6. Sketch the roof of the train