Many people are attracted to Zippo lighters because of their quality and durability. But apart from changing stones and cleaning matches regularly, you'll need to refill the Zippo liquid if there's a little left. Use the following information to find out how to refill a Zippo lighter.

Step 1. Purchase lighter fluid
You can use any type of match liquid, but don't use liquid for baking.
Match fluid can be found at most drugstores and home remodeling stores. High quality Zippo brand lighter fluid is recommended, for optimal performance

Step 2. Unscrew the Zippo and remove the contents
Hold firmly any side of the stone wheel with 2 fingers. Grasp the bottom of the Zippo with your other hand and then pull on the metal to pull the contents of the lighter out of the casing.
- The stone wheel is a curved circle that you turn with your thumb to start a fire.
- The metal case should be fairly easy to remove, but you may have to pull it a little harder if it's never been removed.

Step 3. Remove the outer casing of the Zippo
Put it in a safe place for a while.

Step 4. Turn the filled metal square upside down to reveal the underside of the fabric
The caption is "Lift to fuel."

Step 5. Lift the fabric backing with a paperclip to loosen the bottom of the cotton
Straighten a plain paper clip, insert it into the small hole to lift the support.

Step 6. Squeeze the can once to get the liquid under the cloth
If you bought a large matchstick tube, you can transfer some of the contents into a small spray bottle to make it easier to fill the liquid into the lighter.

Step 7. Wait 5 seconds, then Squeeze the can twice to the cotton
Repeat this step as many times as possible until the cotton is completely wet.

Step 8. Cover the cotton protector
Place the metal box back into the casing.
Press down on the metal. Press gently to make sure it is secure

Step 9. Sit the Zippo so that it can absorb the liquid for 1 to 2 minutes
Wash your hands to make sure there is no lighter fluid on your hands.

Step 10. Turn on Zippo
If the Zippo doesn't turn on after three tries, add more match fluid for the cotton swab.
- The best place to refill the Zippo is over the sink where it's easy to clean.
- Apart from refilling the Zippo you can also clean lighters that you have unplugged.
- Do not squeeze all the match fluid onto the cotton pad at once. The cotton takes a few seconds to absorb the liquid. If you do you will make a mess.
- Do not refill the Zippo lighter on a wooden or other surface that could be damaged by the liquid from the lighter.
- Be careful that you can crush the stone or glass wheel when you pull the match out of the casing.