Many people love Converse shoes because they are comfortable to wear and go well with most styles and outfits. What's more, these shoes are as easy to change as a blank canvas for artists. The fabric of Converse shoes can be colored using markers, paint, or fabric dye. The rubber part of the shoe can be colored using a marker.
Method 1 of 3: Using a Marker

Step 1. Start with clean shoes
We recommend that you use the new Converse. If you can't, clean your old shoes. Cleaning your shoes will help the ink stick and look better. Wipe the rubber part of the shoe with rubbing alcohol. Wipe the fabric with a damp towel. Let the shoes dry before continuing.
- Most markers are see-through, and will look best on white shoes. If you are going to buy new Converse shoes, try to prepare white ones.
- If you are going to color the whole shoe, remove the laces. You can also dye the laces, if you want.

Step 2. Prepare some permanent markers or fabric markers
Permanent markers can be used on any part of the shoe. Due to its translucent color, this marker works best on white Converse shoes. Fabric markers are great for Converse fabrics, and will smear when applied to rubberized sections.
Make sure you get the right type of fabric. If your Converse shoes are colored, stock up on markers designed for dark or colored fabrics. If your shoes are white, use any kind of fabric marker

Step 3. Decide on a design, and practice it on scrap paper or cloth
Designs that have been stained on the shoe will be difficult to repair. So, practice drawing a design sketch on paper or cloth, then color it with a marker. Try simple designs like lightning, hearts and stars. You can also create geometric designs.
- If you want to color the rubber part, practice on a piece of paper.
- If you're going to color a piece of fabric, practice on canvas, linen, or cotton. The texture will get you used to drawing on Converse shoe fabric.

Step 4. Sketch the design using a pencil
If your shoes are white, try to sketch lightly with a pencil so they don't see through. If the shoes are dark, use a white pencil.

Step 5. Color the design, starting with the lightest color and ending with the darkest color
Depending on the type of marker you're using, it's a good idea to wait for the ink to dry before moving on to the next color. Don't start with a dark color as the ink can smudge and seep into the bright color making it look cloudy.
If you're using a fabric marker, shake it first, then tap the tip against a flat surface. This step helps the ink move to the tip of the marker. The ink will squirt so don't tap it on your Converse shoes

Step 6. Wait for the ink to dry before adding outlines, if desired
This outline isn't very important, but it's great for making an image stand out more. Try making thick lines for the main and large images, and thin lines for small shapes and details.

Step 7. Spray shoe sealant or waterproofing on the fabric of the shoe
. You can also use a spray acrylic sealer. Also make sure you choose a matte type (opaque) so the shoes don't sparkle. This will help protect your work and make it last longer.
You do not need to spray this product on the rubber part, if it is colored. Know that the design will fade on its own as the shoes are worn more often

Step 8. Wait for the seal to dry before reattaching the shoelaces and putting on the Converse
Be aware that even if sealed, your work is still fragile. Wear shoes carefully to prevent them from getting wet or muddy.

Step 9. Done
Method 2 of 3: Using Paint

Step 1. Remove the shoelaces and cover the rubber parts with masking tape
This method will only work on the fabric part of the shoe. Fabric paint and acrylic paint will not stick to the rubber very well. You'll need a permanent marker if you want to color the rubber.
If you're only painting the sides of the shoe, you don't need to remove the laces

Step 2. Decide on a design and practice it on a piece of paper or cloth
Once the design has been drawn on the shoe, any mistakes will be difficult to erase. So, practice first on paper or cloth, then color using cloth or acrylic paint and a thin brush.
- Ideally, go for cotton, linen, or canvas fabrics as they feel most similar to when you work on shoes. If not, you can use paper.
- If the paint is too thick, dilute it with water.

Step 3. Sketch the design on the shoe using a pencil
Stroke lightly so that the pencil marks are not visible when the paint has dried. If you colored your shoes a very dark color, use a white pencil.
- A simple design, such as lines, stars and hearts will look very good.
- If you like cartoons or comics, consider painting your favorite character.

Step 4. Fill the design with a primer if you are using acrylic paint
This helps to highlight your color and last longer. Allow the primer to dry before moving on to the next step.
If you're using fabric paint, don't use a primer

Step 5. Color the design, starting with the big shape
Color the edges first, then fill the shape. If you want to add details, wait for the paint to dry. For example, if you are drawing a ladybug, first color the entire body of the ladybug red. Add the dots after the red paint dries. Remember that some colors, such as yellow, need several layers before they become clear.
- If you want the outline of a different color (eg black) wait until the end.
- If you make a mistake, wait for the paint to dry, then cover it with new paint.

Step 6. Wait for the paint to dry before drawing the outline
You can draw the outline using a thin, pointed paint brush or a black permanent marker.

Step 7. Spray the shoes with a sealant or water-repellent spray
You can also use acrylic spray. Whatever tool you use, make sure it's matte so the shoes don't sparkle. The seal will protect the paint and help it last longer.

Step 8. Remove the masking tape when the seal is dry, and reattach the shoelaces
Your shoes are now ready to wear. Keep in mind that even with a sealer, your work will still be fragile. So, try not to get your shoes wet or muddy.
Method 3 of 3: Using Dye

Step 1. Choose white or cream colored shoes
This dye is translucent, and only adds color to the color already in the shoe. For example, if you try to color red or pink on blue shoes, you'll get purple. You also can't dye your shoes a lighter color. However, you can dye any shoe to black.

Step 2. Remove the shoelaces, and cover the sole and toe box with petroleum jelly or masking tape
This will protect the rubber from the dye. Even if you want to color the laces, keep them off the shoes. Later these shoelaces will be dipped in dye with the shoes. This will allow the dye to color the rope more evenly.

Step 3. Fill a large bucket with hot water, and stir in 1 cup (225 grams) of salt and 1 tablespoon (15 milliliters) of laundry detergent
Make sure the bucket is deep enough for the shoes to fit in it.
Salt and laundry detergent will help the dye appear brighter

Step 4. Prepare the dye, then add it to the bucket
Each brand can be slightly different so follow the instructions on the packaging. In general, liquid dyes require no preparation. If you're using powdered dye, first dissolve it in 2 cups 475 milliliters of hot water.

Step 5. Put the shoes in the bucket
If your shoes float in water, fill them with ballast so they sink. You can use glass jars or bottles, or even sticks. Otherwise, the shoes will float and the dye will become uneven.
- Some people soak their shoes in warm water first so that the dye absorbs better and evenly.
- This process can be messy so consider wearing plastic gloves to protect your hands from stains.

Step 6. Let the shoes soak in the dye for 20 minutes
This allows the dye to seep into the shoe.

Step 7. Remove the shoes, and rinse with water until the rinse water is clear
Use warm water first to set the dye. Then continue with cold water to remove excess dye. Be sure to also rinse the inside of the shoe.

Step 8. Wait for 5 minutes, then rinse the shoes again
This is to get rid of the last remaining dye. Do not forget to also rinse the inside of the shoe.

Step 9. Lay the shoes on a few sheets of newspaper and let them dry overnight
If you can, put it in a sunny place to dry faster. If you don't have newspapers, you can use an old towel or mat.

Step 10. Get rid of the tape or petroleum jelly
If the dye seeps into your shoes, you can clean them with rubbing alcohol or a bleach pen. You can also try using a magic eraser or a paste made of baking soda, water, and vinegar in a balanced ratio.
If you're using a bleach pen, let the bleach sit on the rubber for 10 minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth. Make sure the bleach doesn't touch the rubber part of the shoe

Step 11. Dry the shoes in a tumble dryer for 10-15 minutes
The heat will help the dye to settle further. This will also help the shoes dry completely, if they are still a little damp.

Step 12. Put the shoelaces back on
The shoes are now ready to wear.
- After coloring the shoes, consider painting or drawing designs on them. Use black permanent marker or fabric marker for intricate designs, and acrylic paint or black fabric paint for bolder designs.
- A simple design will look best, especially from afar.
- Markers will look best on white shoes.
- Try to use a stencil or cloth sticker when painting your shoes. Leave the stencil or sticker on until the paint dries, then pull it off.
- Practice in an old, deprecated Converse, or cheap canvas shoes.
- Try to use a paint brush with stiff bristles. These brushes are usually sold in bookstores or art supply stores.