EFT is a powerful, drug-free, easy-to-learn and apply technique to reduce stress or painful emotions related to thoughts, past experiences, etc.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are several points on your body that you can gently tap with your fingertips, repeating the relevant phrases.
The theory underlying this technique involves the body's energy fields, or "meridians" by the ancient Chinese. Whether you believe this energy field exists or not, you may be curious to try this when you feel negative emotions - and may be surprised by the results.

Step 1. Determine the negative emotion (or issue) that is causing the problem, then identify its intensity by leveling it from 0 to 10
0 for "none" and 10 for the most severe.

Step 2. Be specific about setting phrases
For example, "Even though I feel tense and angry when strangers look at me, I fully and truly love, forgive and accept myself." Or, "Although my anger is unstoppable when someone badmouths me, I fully and truly love, forgive and accept myself." Or, "Even though I feel hurt, sad and devastated because (name of person) has dumped me, I fully and truly love, forgive and accept myself." Get the idea?

Step 3. Repeat your setting phrase while tapping the 'karate strike point' – the soft spot on the hand – just below the little finger
Totok the dot 7 times (even though it doesn't really need to be counted).

Step 4. Come up with a reminder phrase
This phrase will be said aloud while striking the other meridian points (see video below). Reminder phrases are brief reminders of regulatory phrases, such as "strangers looking at me", "hate being looked at". Or, "(person's name) dumped me", "dumped me!", "feeling disappointed", etc.

Step 5. Hit all of the following dots, while repeating your reminder phrase:
- The inner brow, just above the inner "corner" of the eye, on the bone.
- Outer eye: outer edge of eye, on bone.
- Under the eyes: under the center of the eye, again on the bone.
- Under the nose, between the nose and cheek.
- On the chin, right in the middle at the crease.
- On the chest. Look for a "U"-shaped bone under your throat, down about 5cm, then about 5cm to the left or right.
- Under the arm: place the bra strap or about 8 cm below the crease of the arm. Come on, guess what.
- Some people like to tap the wrist point at this stage: The insides of the wrists are facing each other, gently tapping together.
- Top of head: in the middle.

Step 6. Now that you have completed the first round of tapping, ask yourself how much emotion/feeling/discomfort you have, on a scale of 1 to 10 again

Step 7. Repeat the process until the end of the last round, when you score on a scale of 1 to 10, the result is less than or equal to 2
In the example phrase above, your final setting phrase could be something like, "Even if I feel a little angry/sad/depressed about (situation name), I choose to let it go because those feelings/emotions no longer have any effect on me."

Step 8. Then your reminder phrases could be "I'm free from this now", "I don't need it anymore", "I'm strong and confident", etc
- Persevere! If the problem is not clear, continue to full-blooded until it is clear. If nothing changes, make an appointment to see an EFT practitioner (a Google search will show a list of practitioners in your area), as you may have limiting beliefs that you don't know are hindering the healing process. A practitioner will help you uncover and channel it, usually in a single session.
- Drink lots of water before, during, and after a massage, because emotional and energy cleansing can lead to dehydration. In addition, drinking water will help your energy flow so that it will increase the effectiveness of EFT.
- EFT is a fairly imperfection tolerant technique and you may notice that some online videos/articles in this field may use different sets; this will not negate the effectiveness of EFT, so you should not feel confused. Stick with what you feel is right.
- Describe the problem specifically. For example, don't just say "I'm depressed." More specific phrases “I feel depressed” over work/love life/finances, etc.
- EFT is not intended as a substitute for medical expertise.
- You won't hurt yourself using EFT.