If you are planning to keep a tortoise, you can try raising a Brazilian tortoise (red-eared slider). This type of tortoise is generally easy to keep in warm weather, and can grow well in a large tank enclosure. This type of turtle is so called because of the red tinge behind its eyes that resembles red ears. If you take good care of it, this type of turtle can live up to 30 years! If you are interested in having a pet that can last a long time as your friend, then you can try to keep this type of turtle.
Part 1 of 4: Making Sure This Turtle Is Right For You

Step 1. Learn about this Brazilian tortoise
You can ask your friends who have this type of turtle. You can ask about the advantages of keeping this type of turtle, and also ask about the challenges in caring for this type of turtle. If you don't have friends who keep this type of turtle, you can ask pet sellers at your local pet store. Furthermore, you can try to familiarize yourself with this type of turtle that is available at the pet store.

Step 2. Think about timing
You need to remember that this type of turtle can live for 20 to 30 years, or even more. So make sure you can take good care of your turtle during its lifetime. Consider the time commitment. The average lifespan is around 20 - 30 years, with some sliders living even longer than this. Be sure your future lifestyle can adapt to include a long term turtle companion. You should also be aware of this – as these turtles can live for quite a long time – if you have children.

Step 3. Think about providing the necessities and equipment needed
Like other living creatures, Brazilian tortoises will also grow from small to large. An adult tortoise needs a tank with a space of at least four times the area of the shell. So, take this into account when buying young turtles.
If you plan to keep more than one turtle, make sure you have another tank to separate the turtles if needed. Male tortoises will usually disturb the female tortoise, which can take away the female tortoise's appetite. So, it would be much better if you put the male tortoise with the female tortoise in different cages

Step 4. Pay attention to the cost issue
You should also consider the issue of costs that you may have to incur when you keep these turtles. You will need a heater to warm the cage, a thermostat to regulate the water temperature, a water pump, a water filter, and lastly, food for the turtles themselves. Although the price of this type of turtle is quite cheap, it is not as cheap as the maintenance costs that you have to spend.
If you are worried about the costs you will have to spend on caring for this turtle, try to make a rough estimate of the costs you will have to spend to be able to care for your turtle later. This will help you decide whether or not you can afford it

Step 5. Consider the salmonella bacteria that can infect your tortoise
You should know that the turtle you keep may be a breeding ground for salmonella bacteria, which can not only be a disease for the turtle itself, but can also be transmitted to humans. Therefore, make sure you take good care of your turtle, and also clean your hands before and after handling your turtle to avoid the spread of salmonella bacteria.
For this reason, make sure the household items that you usually use are always clean and placed far enough from your tortoise's cage

Step 6. Think about your turtle's behavior
The Brazilian tortoise is usually an easy-going animal, but will become quite fierce if it feels disturbed or threatened. There may be other types of pets that you can easily handle, but you should reconsider if you plan to hold this type of tortoise. Do it calmly and carefully.
Part 2 of 4: Making a Cage for Your Tortoise

Step 1. Buy a tank
As a guide, buy a 35 liter tank as a cage for your tortoise. In the first year of your tortoise's life, you may need a 100 liter tank, but as you grow older you may need a tank that is at least 400 liters. Here are some things you should pay attention to:
- Water depth: turtles love to dive and catch their food, so make sure the water depth in the cage or tank is deep enough.
- Space: Turtles are animals that have their own territory, so make sure you have enough space to keep one tortoise away from another, or you can place them separately in different tanks.
- Disposal: Turtle droppings are usually denser than fish droppings. Therefore, you have to clean it well, or you can also use a water filter for this.

Step 2. Look for a cheaper tank as an alternative
The ideal tank to keep these turtles is usually a tank made of glass, but of course this type of tank has a fairly expensive price. You can use a wooden tank that can hold as much as 350 liters as an alternative. Avoid buying a tank made of acrylic material, because although the price is cheap, this type of tank is easily scratched by the claws of the turtle.
If you live in an area that has a warm climate and have a backyard in your home, then you can create a pond by digging your backyard to serve as a home for your tortoise. This will make the cage look and feel more natural to your tortoise. However you should bring your turtle in if the weather turns hostile

Step 3. Purchase a filter
The filter will help you to prevent the growth of bacteria in the tank. You don't have to buy a water filter, but you do have to change the water in the tank regularly. Use a water filter that is specially made to be placed in a turtle cage. Here are some filter options that you might consider:
- Under-gravel filter: This type of filter requires a wide surface, which will work best if you only have one or two turtles.
- Filter in the tank (Internal canister filter): This filter you can place in the tank, which is a larger filter size is much better. This type of filter is one of the best types because it can clean the water in the tank well.
- Filter outside the tank (External canister filter): This filter is placed outside of the tank. Although the price is quite expensive, this type of filter is the best filter, which can reduce your time to change the water in the tank.

Step 4. Decorate the tank
Make the tank decorations to match the natural habitat of your turtle. Cover the bottom surface of the tank with a layer which allows the turtles to move well from the water to the land. You can create the surface using stones, either pumice or river stones. Or you can also use acrylic glass on the side of the tank you are using. Make sure you use a non-toxic glue when using this acrylic glass.
- Avoid using stones commonly used in fish aquariums as they can harm your turtle's health – which your turtle may ingest. In addition, try to place aquatic plants in the tank, because in addition to being useful for beautifying the tank, these aquatic plants can also be a means of filtering water, but don't let your turtles eat the plants later.
- Also place a cover to cover the top of the tank. This is to prevent the turtle from escaping or falling something into the tank.

Step 5. Set the right temperature
Make sure the water temperature should be around 26.5 - 27.5 degrees Celsius for young or sick turtles, and 25.5 - 26.5 degrees Celsius for healthy turtles. The surface area must be 6 degrees Celsius warmer than the water surface. The air temperature in the entire tank itself should be between 24-28 degrees Celsius.

Step 6. Use the right lighting
Turtles need UVA and UVB rays as their vitamins. UV light alone cannot penetrate glass, so you should have a lamp that can provide a UV light flow of 5% or more. This lamp itself must be replaced every 6 months. The heat generated by the lamp will keep the surface temperature 10 degrees higher than the surface.
Make sure your tortoise can't reach the lights as this can cause burns to your tortoise. Also, make sure you don't keep the lights on for too long as this will overheat the tank
Part 3 of 4: Getting the Tortoise You Want

Step 1. Buy the turtle you want
Never take turtles directly from nature, as this is prohibited. You can buy your turtle through a trusted pet store near you. Or you can also adopt a turtle at an animal shelter. Check for turtles that you can adopt at an animal shelter, or at an animal lover's organization. You can also check with trusted breeders in your area.
Be wary of pet stores that don't take good care of turtles, and that some of them may get sick. Pay close attention to the condition of the pet shop, and pay attention to the behavior and condition of the turtle you are going to buy. Make sure the water in the tank is odorless. Or if you notice that the turtle is not cleaned regularly, or looks sick, then consider not buying the turtle from the store

Step 2. Give your new turtle some solitude
Your tortoise may feel a little embarrassed when you bring it home. It may take several days before your tortoise can adapt to its new environment. Leave your tortoise to cool off and wait for him to feel comfortable and more confident.

Step 3. Determine the sex of your turtle
You will not be able to determine the sex of your tortoise until it has grown into an adult turtle, around 2-4 years. The male will have hooves and will also grow a tail, while the female will not. In addition, usually the size of the female will be much larger than the male.
Part 4 of 4: Taking Care of Turtles Every Day

Step 1. Give your turtle the right food
The ratio of the food you will give your Brazilian tortoise should be in the following proportions: 50% of vegetables and aquatic plants, 25% regular food, and 25% live protein. Brazilian tortoises also enjoy being given special food for turtles which you can buy at pet stores.
- Types of vegetables that you can choose include: Randa tread (dandelion), carrots, mustard greens, lettuce, peppers, and pumpkin.
- Types of aquatic plants that you can give include: anacharis, water hyacinth, watercress, lotus, hornwort, and duckweed. These aquatic plants may be quite expensive if you buy them at a pet store, but they may be much cheaper if you buy them in bulk through websites that sell these aquatic plants.
- This Brazilian tortoise doesn't usually eat fruit in its natural habitat, but you can give it a banana if you need to.
- For regular meals, look for foods that are high in protein and low in fat. Never feed your tortoise with dried shrimp, because although your tortoise will like it, dried shrimp is a food that does not contain nutrients for your tortoise, and will make your tortoise refuse other foods.

Step 2. Check for signs of health problems in your tortoise
There are various types of diseases that can infect your tortoise if you leave the water in the tank dirty, if you don't feed it properly or for other reasons. Some of the health problems that can occur in this Brazilian turtle include:
- eye infection: The eyes may appear closed or bloated (swollen), which is where you may see eye tissue. This is caused by a bacterial infection of your turtle. It is advisable to take your tortoise to a vet near you for appropriate treatment, which may include antibiotics and you may also have to replace the water filtration system in the tank.
- Softening of the shell: If your tortoise shell is softer than usual, it may be because your tortoise is not getting good lighting. This could be because you may have put too much water in so the light doesn't shine through to your tortoise properly. Or your turtle may have metabolic bone disease. If this happens, take your tortoise to a local vet.
- Loss of appetite: Your turtle has a bacterial infection and should be taken to the vet immediately for antibiotic treatment.
- Weakness, wheezing, lethargy and holding the head at an unusual angle: It is possible that your turtle has a respiratory infection or pneumonia (pneumonia). Take your tortoise to the vet immediately.
- Wound: Check for sharp objects or objects in the tank, then dispose of them immediately. Treat your tortoise with red medicine, and make sure to keep the wound clean, to avoid further infection. You can take him to the vet if necessary.

Step 3. Take your tortoise outside once in a while for direct sunlight
Make sure you don't leave your tortoise out in the sun for too long to prevent overheating. The way you can do this is to make an outdoor cage where you must also provide a pool of water and shelter to prevent the turtles from overheating.

Step 4. Play with your turtle
Since this is your pet, you must build a strong bond between you and your tortoise. Handle your tortoise with extreme care – not all tortoises like to be held or touched.
Sometimes a tortoise will enjoy scratching its shell a little, such as when scratching a dog or cat. But not all like it and will probably try to take a bite. Turtle shells usually contain very sensitive nerve endings, so make sure you do it gently if you want to
- When the turtle looks unwell, immediately take the turtle to the vet, where your turtle may need further treatment.
- Turtles really like crickets to play with.
- Turtles are also very fond of roly polies (pillbugs).
- It is much better if you only keep one turtle first until you are really sure and able to keep more than one.
- Because these turtles really need protein, but that doesn't mean you have to give too much protein. This is not good, because it will cause shell deformation, organ harm, and also shorten the life of the turtle itself. Be aware that juvenile tortoises are carnivores, and then turn into omnivores as adults.
- Some Brazilian tortoise owners like to feed their tortoises in separate tanks. This will keep the water in the main tank clean.
- If you don't have a water filter, then you have to change the 37 liters of water in the tank two to three times a week, or the 180 liter tank you have to replace once a week. Therefore, it would be much better if you have a water filter device/filter.
- To keep the acid level in the tank below the limit, change the water by 10 to 20% weekly.
- Brazilian tortoises are not pets for small children aged 10 years and under, unless supervised by a parent. Because it can be dangerous for both the child and the turtle itself, where the turtle has sharp claws that can injure small children, and small children can also stress the turtle.
- Never abandon or neglect pets. If you have difficulty in caring for and caring for your Brazilian tortoise, then it is better for you to give it to someone who has good competence to care for it. Disposing of pets is not only a very bad act, it can also spread disease. In addition, pets that are released into the wild, can damage the natural ecosystem of nature.
- Always wash your hands with soap and water after handling your turtle. Also, if you have handled the turtle and then touched another object such as a doorknob or other surface, spray the object with a disinfectant to re-sterilize the object. Also, avoid touching hair or other clean clothing when you are handling your turtle.