Believe it or not, sharks are one of the hardest animals to understand. Although sharks are a very lethal and quite effective predatory animal that has undergone little evolution over hundreds to millions of years, sharks attack only a few humans each year - statistically speaking, you are more likely to be struck by lightning or drowned on the beach. However, by following the warnings as well as some preventive techniques, it is possible to reduce the risk of further shark attacks. Learn these easy steps so you can swim safely.
Method 1 of 3: Avoid Swimming in Dangerous Areas

Step 1. Obey any warning signs on the beach
One of the best things you can do to be able to see the hit fish is it's easy to pay attention to any warnings and safety information while at the beach. Pay attention to any warning signs and listen to any instructions given by the coast guard. If some activities such as diving, kayaking, skateboarding, and other similar activities are prohibited in the area, do not do so. These rules are there to keep you safe.
Sometimes, the authorities can make sudden regulations to protect beachgoers from getting close to the water. While this may be disappointing, try not to break this rule. The purpose of this rule is not to disturb your comfort, but to save you

Step 2. Avoid swimming at dawn, dusk, or evening
Most sharks have a hunting pattern during these hours and naturally change to be more active and aggressive while hunting. Stay out of the water during these hours to avoid being attacked by sharks that are hungry and active in search of food.
In addition, you are in a dangerous position if you are in the water when the sky is dark because you cannot see the sharks that are around you. In addition, because sharks have different senses from humans, sharks can detect their prey even in the dark

Step 3. Avoid swimming in cloudy and dirty water
Just like if you swim when the sky is dark, you will not be able to see the presence of sharks around you. Sharks have another advantage that can detect prey even in the dark.

Step 4. Stay away from shark food sources
Sharks may often be in places that have a source of food for the shark. To avoid meeting sharks, one of them is to avoid places that are a source of food for sharks. Areas with very dangerous fishing activities. Because fishermen usually use meat for fish bait. However, it is not uncommon for sharks to be hooked and try to grab the bait up to the boat.
- You should also avoid swimming in areas where waste or garbage is being dumped. In addition to maintaining your health, you will also avoid sharks looking for food.
- If you are fishing, you are advised not to throw pieces of dead fish into the sea. Because the pieces of dead fish can produce blood which allows the shark to detect blood and glide towards you.

Step 5. Stay near the beach
Sharks usually prefer to live in fairly deep water offshore. Keeping you near a relatively shallow shoreline and further offshore will reduce your chances of being attacked by a shark.
- In addition, you should avoid swimming in offshore lines. Because sharks can make their way through narrow channels.
- This will make it difficult for you to get out of the water when you are surfing or kayaking. In this case, you can save yourself by following all the shark attack precautions in this article.
Method 2 of 3: Safe When Swimming

Step 1. Never swim alone
When sharks hunt, sharks are more likely to hunt individually. While sharks are unlikely to hunt and approach humans in groups. Don't allow yourself to swim away from the crowd for your own safety.
This is not a common way to avoid shark attacks. This method can also be a rule of beach safety in general. Any swimmer, as well as professional or casual swimmers and may be prone to drowning in unforeseen conditions. Swimming in groups can save your life

Step 2. Avoid being seen as shark prey
As mentioned above, sharks do not view humans as a source of food. However, in other cases, sharks can attack humans through human error. Sharks will see humans as fish, seals or sea lions are the dominant source of food for sharks:
- Sharks are attracted to certain colors. Bright colors can attract sharks. Yellow is very attractive to sharks. It is thought that wearing dark clothing can prevent you from being attacked by sharks.
- Do not use shiny objects. Before swimming, you should remove jewelry, watches, chains, accessories and others. The shark will see the object like fish scales and will approach you.
- Avoid using a surfboard. Sharks will perceive a surfboard as a large fish ready to be eaten.

Step 3. Make sure you don't get fluids out of your body
Sharks have a very strong sense of smell. Some types of shark have very sharp noses which can detect even the slightest chemical drop in an Olympic standard swimming pool. For this reason, you may be advised not to swim in the high seas where you may inadvertently "excrete" any form of fluid from your body that the shark can detect. Pay attention to the following:
- Stay away from water if you have an open wound, especially if the wound is bleeding. Women who are menstruating must follow this rule.
- Do not pass urine, defecate, or vomit in the sea. Stay away from the sea if you want to do these things.

Step 4. Avoid doing activities that cause splashes of water
When hunting, sharks prefer weak and defenseless prey. When humans play in splashing water, sharks can perceive humans as helpless and ready to approach them. Therefore, avoid activities that cause splashing water that can threaten your safety.
Method 3 of 3: Protecting Yourself If You See a Shark

Step 1. Stay calm
Keep in mind that shark attacks on humans are rare. So if you see a shark, the shark isn't always targeting you as a food source. Stay calm, unless the shark is getting closer to you. Especially if you are playing with splashing water, you must immediately save yourself.
- Instead, you should stay calm and focus on your immediate rescue goal. Get out of the water in a fast, stealthy, calm motion. Use your instincts slowly, unless the shark is really after you.
- If you are fishing in a small boat and you see a shark, let the shark go and stay away.
- If you dive to a significant depth, rush to the surface and swim fast toward land.

Step 2. Know the signs of an assault
When you are trying to get out of the water when you see a shark, you should also pay attention to the shark. There are several movements of the shark that signal that the shark is about to attack you. If you see any of the following signs, move quickly towards land:
- Fast movement.
- "Bending" or arching the back.
- Twist
- Loading
- Lowered dorsal fin (one on back)
- Rubbing belly to the bottom of the sea
- Displays other sudden or erratic movements.

Step 3. Take a defensive stance and defend when the shark is about to attack
If you see a shark, keep an eye on the shark's movement until you land on a steady motion. If you are able to defend yourself and take cover. You can take cover behind the reef and be ready to fight.
If you see someone else, you can call him. Not only to let you know that a shark is coming, you can also ask for help to attack the shark. In some cases, some humans managed to survive a shark attack by fighting it. With so many people around the shark, it will frighten the shark and make it run away

Step 4. If you are attacked, fight back
If you see a shark, don't be too scared because the shark can see your frightened movements and make the shark more aggressive towards you. On the other hand, if you feel strong, the shark will also see you have the courage to attack which will scare the shark.
- Try to hit the shark's eyes and gills with whatever object you have. This part is a fairly sensitive part of the shark. Hit and claw this part continuously until the shark lets you go.
- Contrary to popular myth, a shark's sense of smell is not as good as its eyes and gills. Sharks can detect the presence of blood through one mouth.
- If you dive, bring protective equipment such as a knife or batting tank.
Don't stop attacking.
When you are attacked by a shark, keep fighting back. Because if you look weak, it will make it easier for the shark to prey on you.

Step 5. Get out of the water and be aware of your situation
If you've been attacked by a shark, get out of the water and head for land.. Getting out of the water (and staying out) not only keeps you out of the shark's reach, but it also gives you the opportunity to decide what to do next.
- Get medical attention if you get injured, even if it's a minor one. This is important to you, because bleeding is more difficult when you are in the water. You may have lost a lot of blood while in the water.
- Don't go back into the water even if the shark has left. As mentioned above, there are several groups of sharks around you. Not just one shark, but many other sharks ready to prey.

Step 6. Never harass a shark
Many animals that are initially abused end up chasing you for self-defense. If you see a shark, get out of the water and let the shark go. never ever do anything to make the shark emotional even if you are in a safe position such as on the beach or on a boat. Because accidents can happen anywhere.
- Don't let this advice scare you. The chances of being killed by a shark in humans are extremely rare. You need to remember, saving yourself from a shark attack is avoiding a dangerous situation.
- Don't kill or cut anything like fish, and then throw the bloody part into the water.
- Wear dark colors. Don't wear bright colors!