When the aerosol nozzle is not cleaned properly, materials such as spray paint and hairspray will build up. Over time, these materials can clog the nozzle and make it unusable. Once you've cleared the blockage, you can prevent this problem from reappearing by cleaning the nozzle after each use.
Method 1 of 3: Cleaning the Mouth of the Spray Paint Can

Step 1. Clean the spray nozzle with warm water
Before you use extreme measures to unblock the spray, try to remove any clumps of paint with warm water. Wet a washcloth with clean warm water. Wipe the nozzle with a damp cloth. Do a test by spraying paint on used items.
- You can scrape off the dried paint with a needle or toothpick, but note that this is not recommended. Inserting a sharp object into the nozzle of the sprayer can damage the mechanism.
- You can remove the nozzle or leave it on the paint can.

Step 2. Wipe the nozzle with paint thinner
If warm water isn't effective at removing hardened paint stains, you can apply paint thinner to the nozzle. Dip a clean washcloth in the paint thinner. Wipe the nozzle with the cloth. Do a test by spraying paint on an old item.
- Before applying paint thinner, put on protective gloves.
- You can remove the nozzle before cleaning it with paint thinner.

Step 3. Prevent the nozzle from getting clogged again
After using the spray paint, wipe off the remaining paint on the nozzle before storing it. Here's how to clean it:
- Turn the bottle upside down.
- Press the spray head until a light mist escapes.
Method 2 of 3: Unclog the Mouth of the Spray Paint Can

Step 1. Soak the nozzle in the paint thinner overnight
Remove the clogged nozzle from the paint can. Place the object in a small bowl of paint thinner. Leave overnight.
- The paint thinner will open or loosen the clogged area.
- Wear protective gloves before dealing with paint thinner.

Step 2. Remove the softened paint
Put on protective gloves and remove the spray head from the paint can. Rinse the spray head with water to remove the softened paint.
After rinsing the spray head, you can stick the needle into the nozzle to remove the paint. Note that the needle can damage or widen the nozzle

Step 3. Apply aerosol lubricant to unblock the spray head
Remove the spray head of the aerosol can containing lubricant and install the spray head of the clogged paint can. Press the spray head to force the aerosol lubricant to flow. Repeat this process until the blockage is opened.
If the spray head is still clogged, remove it from the aerosol can containing the lubricant. Apply lubricant directly to the interior and exterior of the spray head. Put the spray head back on the aerosol can and try to force the lubricant into it. Repeat this process as necessary
Method 3 of 3: Cleaning Clogged Hair Spray

Step 1. Loosen the blockage with hot water
Over time, styling fluid particles will build up and block the liquid from passing through the nozzle. Remove the spray head from the can and immerse it in hot water for a few minutes. Replace the spray head and try to spray the product.
After rinsing the spray head, you can scrape off any particles of drying styling product with a toothpick or needle. However, note that this may damage the spray head and the spray mechanism

Step 2. Soak the spray head in rubbing alcohol
If the spray head is still clogged, try to open it with rubbing alcohol. Remove the spray head from the can. Soak the object in a small bowl of rubbing alcohol for a few hours. Rinse the spray head with warm water and snap it back into place. Try to spray the product as usual.
Repeat as necessary

Step 3. Prevent the blockage from occurring in the future
The spray head will become clogged with particles of hair care products if left to dry. To prevent this from happening, clean the nozzle after use. Wipe off product residue with a clean damp cloth.