If you want to look cute, you need to pay attention to your face, hair, and clothes, while trying to be cute. Everyone can look cute as long as they are natural, friendly, and comfortable. If you want to know how to look cute, here are some easy tips that you can try.
Method 1 of 3: Wearing Cute Clothes

Step 1. Wear cute clothes
Wearing cute clothes is the key to looking cute. You don't have to change your entire wardrobe to be cute. Just make an effort to get some cute items that can combine your overall look in a cute way. Here are some ways to wear cute clothes:
- Wear skirts and dresses instead of trousers or shorts whenever you can. Cardigans, knitted sweaters and vests, boot-cut jeans, and T-shirts with cute patterns like hearts or polka-dots will look really cute.
- Don't wear anything that looks too tight or uncomfortable. The reason you look cute is because you are comfortable with who you are.
- Wear colors that are light and positive. Use pastel colors like purple, pink, or blue. All the soft and lovely colors will make you look cute. Avoid dark colors like black, brown, or dark blue.
- Try wearing clothes with floral prints. You will look very cute.

Step 2. Wear cute shoes
Your cute shoes should complete your look and make you look cuter from head to toe. You should wear shoes that will make you look stylish and trendy, but not shoes that will make you look provocative. Follow these steps to make sure your feet look cute:
- Wear clogs, mocassins, or closed shoes with rounded toes.
- Wear flat sandals and complete with pastel nail polish.
- Wear furry boots.
- Wear sneakers with pastel colored laces.
- Wear wedges or cute kitten heels.

Step 3. Wear cute accessories
Cute accessories can help bring your whole look together. You do not need to be burdened with various accessories. Just pick a few accessories that will make you look cuter.
- Wear a cute big pink ring.
- Wear an unobtrusive gold or silver necklace.
- Wear dangling silver earrings.
- Wear unique bracelets.
- Bring a small bag that hangs over your shoulder or one with a floral pattern.
Method 2 of 3: Have a Cute Face and Hair

Step 1. Put on some cute makeup
To look cute, you don't need to wear too much makeup. The right makeup can make you look really cute. Below is a list of cosmetics that you should use:
- Use a little blush.
- Wear a soft pink lipstick or lip gloss.
- Use light eye shadows in pastel colors like light blue, purple, or even pink.
- Just a thin layer of mascara and eyeliner will suffice.
- Whatever you do, be natural. You can wear a little makeup, but you'll only look cute if you look like yourself.

Step 2. Choose a cute hairstyle
You need to have a cute hairstyle to frame your cute face. Your hair should look soft and natural, free from heavy products. You need to style your hair in a way that will make it look cuter. Here are a few things you should try:
- Let your hair dry naturally and fall to your shoulders.
- Style your hair to make it look cute and feel comfortable. Some great hairstyle options to try are ponytails, braids, buns, or even letting them loose with pins or headbands. Or, tie your hair in two pigtails and tuck it in front of your shoulders. Or, make a random bun, with a few strands of hair hanging over your eyes.
- Consider getting bangs if you don't have them. The bangs will look really cute.
- Put pastel-colored bobby pins, jewelry, or bandanas in your hair.
- Curl your hair into small curls.

Step 3. Use a cute fragrance
Wash and bathe regularly, at least every day. Use sweet scented shampoos, conditioners and soaps. Choose scents like strawberry, vanilla, coconut, lemon, mint, and lavender. This scent can help calm your mind and refresh your body!
Method 3 of 3: Be Cute

Step 1. Take advantage of your body language
If you really want to look cute, you need to have nice body language. Your body language will bring your whole look together, and someone will be able to tell you're cute just from the way you smile or sit. Here's how to display cute body language no matter what you do:
- Play with a lock of your hair.
- Twist your bracelet or necklace.
- If you are sitting, straighten your legs and place your hands on your lap.
- If you are standing, transfer your weight from one foot to the other.
- Avoid occasional eye contact. While you should always maintain eye contact to keep the conversation flowing and show you care, you need to look at the floor or at your hands every now and then to show that you're a little shy.
- Cover your mouth when you laugh. It looks very sweet.
- If you want, give a light touch to your shoulder or knee.

Step 2. Speak in a cute way
If you want to appear cute, you have to speak in a sweet tone. If you don't talk sweetly, people will probably forget how cute you are. Here's how to make you look even cuter:
- Speak slowly. This will make everything that comes out of your mouth seem more important because people need to lean over to hear you.
- Don't forget to laugh. Laughing and giggling a little while you talk will seem cute. However, don't laugh too much.
- Don't interrupt. Listen patiently to the other person and speak when it is your turn. Snatching on a conversation isn't sweet.

Step 3. Be shy
Blushing is an important part of looking cute. You can be shy and sweet, friendly, and cheerful at the same time. You can still be fun and playful and shy at the same time, as long as you're not loud or bossy. Here's how to show a blush to make it cuter:
- When engaging in conversation, remember to be innocent. Don't try to tell obscene jokes, open SARA conversations, swear, or be vulgar.
- Learn to blush from time to time. If you're really shy about a topic, it would be super cute if you blushed.
- Don't dominate. You can still be a part of the conversation without trying hard to be the center of attention. Being pushy, rude, or bossy to be the star of every show is definitely not cute or innocent.

Step 4. Don't push yourself to be cute
Nothing here should be forced. If you seem happy and sincerely compliment other people, they'll think you're cute and "cute."
- Smile, laugh and love yourself.
- Don't be fake. High-pitched voices may be cute for children, but if you're 17 and try to speak in that voice, it can be distracting.
- None of the above should be forced. Again, let things come naturally. If you seem happy and sincerely compliment other people, they will think you're nice and they could classify you as "cute."
- Don't try too hard, let it come naturally.
- Don't be annoying, and remember, the most important thing is to stay true to yourself.
- Don't overdo it with too many colors. Just pick 2-3 or even 4. Especially since you want the colors to complement each other! Also make sure you don't wear too many accessories. Enough to make the outfit look complete.
- Make sure whatever you're wearing doesn't reveal too much of your chest.
- You're never too old to look cute.
- Avoid vulgar language.
- If you wear earrings and want your outfit to be the focus, wear earrings that are unobtrusive but still match your outfit.