Funny people naturally have a lot to gain when they are in social situations. Many studies have shown that humor can reduce social anxiety, help relieve tension, and has a number of emotional and psychological effects. In addition, research also shows that funny people can be more successful. However, humor is an attribute that should come naturally in a spontaneous and relaxed style. Humor that seems awkward and forced will have a negative impact on any social situation.
Method 1 of 3: Opening Up and Finding Your Sense of Humor

Step 1. Start with a relaxed attitude
An overly tense and uncomfortable attitude is a major barrier if you want to express a natural sense of humor that works well with other people. Remember that laughter is contagious, so if you carry yourself in an open and humorous way, people will be ready to laugh. If necessary, you can follow the examples of others to break the silence.
Try to smile and laugh more often

Step 2. Get comfortable with yourself and your outlook on life
Everyone has a view on life, and to some, that view is funny. People who are naturally funny are always looking for humor in themselves and their views. If you're too tense or uncomfortable, it can be hard to find humor in such things.
Consider opening up to others by telling embarrassing stories about yourself. However, you should be careful, as self-deprecating jokes can make you or the other person uncomfortable. Choose a tasteful joke

Step 3. Look for the humorous side of everyday events
Many comedians focus on the world around them in search of comedic material. Other comedians look to their experiences, such as childhood or old relationships, to make people laugh. Try making it a goal to notice 5 funny things that happen to you every day. With this technique, you'll begin to see the humorous side of ordinary situations that everyone will enjoy.
Try to find inspiration and material from the absurd and strange aspects of everyday life. What do you find odd in popular music, fashion, holidays, and the latest events?

Step 4. Visit your friends or acquaintances who are naturally funny
We all have friends who are always great at making laughs. What makes them funny? When you meet them, pay attention to what makes them funny. Is it tone of voice, body language, joke content, general demeanor, or something else? Once you've identified what makes them funny, you'll be able to find your own way to be naturally funny.
Join funny people, and ask them to hear your funny stories or jokes

Step 5. Do some research on different styles of comedy
Different people are attracted to different styles of comedy. Some people like sarcastic and witty comments, some like imitations of other people, and others like silly actions. All of these are legitimate ways to be funny, but it's a good idea to choose a style that suits your own personality.
- Anecdotal comedy refers to humorous personal stories that may or may not be added to.
- The dry humor is delivered expressionless and bland, while the material itself is hilarious.
- Hyperbolic comedy is characterized by exaggeration.
- Ironic comedy is comedy where the meaning of the joke is different from the actual meaning.

Step 6. Practice your humor skills
Make it a goal to say or do something that makes people laugh, once a day. A good sense of humor doesn't come overnight, and professional comedians usually spend years developing their own unique style of humor. By starting small, you'll be able to be naturally funny in general conversation.
- Don't be afraid to say something you find funny. Even if other people don't always understand your humor, you can still use their reactions to improve style, content, and timing.
- Think about what makes you laugh. If you find something funny, tell a friend who you think will find it funny too.
- Tell a funny scene from a movie, television show, book or comic.
Method 2 of 3: Being Funny in Social Situations

Step 1. Realize who your audience is
Pay attention to who you're talking to, and what might make them laugh. Remember, what you find funny may not necessarily be funny to someone else. You have to get to know your audience before you make them laugh.
- Know that your sense of humor changes with age. Mature individuals are less likely to laugh at aggressive or sexually-themed types of humor, while younger audiences may like them.
- Note that personal jokes, especially group or banter stories, should only be shared with close friends. Of course, you don't want someone outside the group to feel neglected because they don't understand the context of the joke.
- Avoid jokes about religion or politics, unless you and your audience share the same views.
- Use humor to make others feel more comfortable and positive, don't pick one person in your audience as a joke or insult your audience's appearance or beliefs.

Step 2. Set a timing when telling a story or joke
Professional comedians say that timing is key when it comes to telling jokes. Stories and jokes are funnier if the comedian pauses right before delivering the final words to build drama and anticipation. You can also delay laughing until a few seconds after you get to the top, so people aren't sure if you're joking or not. Always give your audience a chance to laugh before moving on to a different topic.
- If you notice something funny, don't wait too long to show it. Take advantage of the moment.
- Also, sarcastic or humorous comments in conversation will elicit good reactions if delivered quickly.
- Tell a short and straightforward story, because too many different settings or stories will distract the audience.

Step 3. Make a joke about yourself
Audiences will love it when you make yourself a comedy target. They will open up and find it easier to laugh at you and at themselves. As a result, people will start laughing and anxiety in social situations will be reduced.
- Making jokes about other people is highly discouraged for starters.
- If you're with someone who can laugh at themselves, you can make fun of them subtly after mocking yourself. Make sure the taunt doesn't go too far, as doing so will turn a lighthearted one into an awkward one.

Step 4. Choose a target from famous people
It's generally safe to use a well-known character or figure, such as a politician, celebrity, or (former) boss as a joke. Don't make jokes about people with physical or mental disabilities, or people who are going through difficult experiences such as divorce, death, illness, or sexual abuse.

Step 5. Avoid telling old jokes
Tricky jokes like “Your dad….” or an obscene joke will turn off people's interest in your sense of humor. Also, telling jokes you hear on TV or from the internet will seem rehearsed and unnatural. Just tell the story from your own observations.
Method 3 of 3: Being Funny at Work

Step 1. Use humor to find your place at work
Remember, being too serious is sometimes not good in relationships with coworkers. A good sense of humor, combined with a strong work ethic, has proven to be an important attribute of a successful leader. You can improve your reputation at work by being funny.

Step 2. Bond with coworkers through humor
Humor can be used to develop group bonds by drowning out negative situations and generating positive feelings. You can use humor to draw attention to what you have in common with a coworker or boss. This will help you make friends with colleagues and make your workplace more comfortable.
If you're collaborating with a colleague for the first time, criticizing, supporting a controversial idea or plan, humor is a great way to grab his or her attention without appearing pretentious or superior

Step 3. Watch out for humor in the workplace
Of course, you want to sound funny, not be passive or offensive. You also need to attract and hold people's attention, but not because they find you offensive. In the workplace, avoid this form of "cheap comedy" as it can be very risky.
Topics that may appear offensive include physical disabilities or limitations, mental disabilities, and jokes that refer to bodily functions and things of a sexual nature
- Make sure the people around you know when you're funny and when you're serious.
- Remember that no one is perfect. Finding the humor in an embarrassing or awkward situation will not only help you cope, it will also make those around you feel lighter.
- Use wise judgment when deciding which jokes are appropriate.
- Watch TV comedies and observe how comedians interpret and respond to their social or environmental situations with humor. Try emulating their style and see how the audience responds.
- Avoid rebuttals that are too sarcastic or repeat certain comedians' lines.
- Don't tell the same jokes or stories over and over.
- Humor is great for releasing tension, but know when you need to be serious.
- Don't act stupid because you think it's funny, or humiliate or embarrass yourself just to provoke a meaningless laugh.