5 Ways to Save Yourself When A Landslide Occurs

5 Ways to Save Yourself When A Landslide Occurs
5 Ways to Save Yourself When A Landslide Occurs

Table of contents:


Landslides occur when debris of wet material, including rock, soil, and trees, slides down a slope. These events can occur as a result of fires, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms, or human activities. Landslides are very dangerous because they occur suddenly, move at very high speeds, and can cover long distances. Although landslides are usually difficult to predict, you can prepare for them by following proper safety rules, recognizing warning signs, and making contingency plans.


Method 1 of 5: Staying Safe During A Landslide

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 1
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 1

Step 1. Stay alert and alert

Landslides can occur at any time. So you must be ready to act at a moment's notice. Many of the deaths from landslides occurred while people were asleep.

  • If you are with other people, work together to keep watch in turns.
  • Watch and listen for warning signs of nearby landslides, including the sound of falling material debris or changes in water clarity or flow. You should familiarize yourself with the landslide warning signs, especially if you live in an area prone to landslides. Keep reading to learn more about landslide warning signs in detail.
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 2
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 2

Step 2. Listen to the latest news from local news stations

Using a battery-powered radio or television, listen to local news stations for the latest weather. Be aware of warnings about heavy rainfall which can trigger landslides.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 3
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 3

Step 3. Evacuate if it is safe to do so

Sometimes local authorities will order people to evacuate, but other times, they may not be aware of an imminent landslide until it is too late. If you think a landslide is imminent and it is safe to leave, evacuate immediately. Call neighbors and local police or firefighters to warn them of the danger.

  • Make sure you bring your pet with you.
  • Don't forget to bring emergency kits, which contain essential items such as food, drinking water, and medicines. You will find out how to prepare it in the next section.
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 4
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 4

Step 4. Be careful and alert while driving

If you need to drive to leave a dangerous area, do so with caution. Beware of flooded roads, collapsed sidewalks, falling debris, and water-swept bridges. DO NOT cross a flooded river. Instead, turn around and try to find an alternative route.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 5
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 5

Step 5. Go up to the second floor, if possible

If you don't feel safe leaving the building, but you believe a landslide will occur, go up to the second floor of the building, if possible.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 6
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 6

Step 6. Get out of the landslide path as quickly as possible

Landslides move really fast-much faster than the speed you walk or run. Trying to escape from a landslide is a futile act. Instead, get out of the way of the landslide as quickly as possible.

Before crossing any bridge, always look upstream to see if a landslide is imminent. If so, do not cross the bridge and stay out of the path of the landslide

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 7
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 7

Step 7. Avoid river valleys and other low areas

This area is very dangerous when a landslide is approaching. Stay away from this area.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 8
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 8

Step 8. Curl up into a ball if you don't have time to escape

In some cases, you may not be able to escape. If you get caught in the path of a landslide, curl up into a ball and protect your head.

Method 2 of 5: Staying Safe After A Landslide

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 9
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 9

Step 1. Go to a public shelter

Local communities must have designated public shelters. Go to the shelter if your home is unsafe or the authorities have ordered to evacuate.

To find the nearest shelter in your area, contact the local Disaster Management Agency (BPDB) or National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS)

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 10
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 10

Step 2. Avoid locations where landslides occur

Landslides can occur repeatedly in the same location. Avoid this area and seek shelter.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 11
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 11

Step 3. Check if anyone is trapped and injured

You are not allowed to enter the site of the landslide. However, if you see anyone trapped or injured in the area, notify the authorities immediately.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 12
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 12

Step 4. Help neighbors who need special assistance

Infants, the disabled, and the elderly may experience additional difficulties in emergency situations. If it's safe to do so, help out your neighbors with special needs. Keep in mind that neighbors with extended families may also need additional help.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 13
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 13

Step 5. Check for damage and safety of the area

Report any damage to public facilities, roads, and railroads to the authorities. If you are inside a building, check the foundation, chimney, and surrounding soil to determine if the building is stable. If the area seems unsafe, leave immediately.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 14
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 14

Step 6. Replant the area affected by the landslide

Landslides generally destroy vegetation. Without vegetation, this area is more prone to erosion and flash floods, which can lead to another landslide. Replanting affected areas can help prevent future landslides.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 15
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 15

Step 7. Consult a geotechnical expert

If your property is damaged by a landslide, consult a geotechnical expert to reduce the risk of a landslide. The expert will evaluate your property and determine what modifications, if any, should be made to ensure safety.

Method 3 of 5: Knowing the Warning Signs

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 16
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 16

Step 1. Watch for areas of new humidity

If you see springs or puddles in a normally dry area, this could be a sign of an impending landslide.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 17
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 17

Step 2. Pay attention to the slope in your home

Pay attention to whether your deck, patio, or concrete floor is tilted, sticking out of the building, or cracked. Doors and windows that stick together can also indicate a slope that preceded a landslide.

A broken drain or other public facility may also be a warning sign

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 18
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 18

Step 3. Watch for slope and movement in the surrounding area

Submerged road surfaces and sloping fences, telephone poles and trees can signal an impending landslide.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 19
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 19

Step 4. Notice any unusual sounds

A faint rumbling sound that gets louder and louder can signal the approach of a landslide. Sounds such as trees cracking or rocks rubbing together may signal the movement of debris from a landslide.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 20
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 20

Step 5. Observe the change in water level

A sudden rise in river water level is a warning sign, as is a sudden drop in water level even though it has just rained.

If you live near a stream, check the clarity of the water. A change from clear to cloudy can signal an impending landslide

Method 4 of 5: Preparing the House

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 21
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 21

Step 1. Follow proper land use procedures

Proper land use procedures prohibit you from building your house near mountain edges, steep slopes, or valleys of natural erosion. This area is prone to landslides.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 22
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 22

Step 2. Contact local officials to inquire about the history of past landslides

Landslides tend to occur in the same areas as before. Ask local officials about the history of landslides in your area. If you are in a risky area, consider doing a property location analysis. This step will help you determine the corrective action needed.

You should be familiar with landslide warning signs if you live in a risky area

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 23
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 23

Step 3. Consider building a retaining or deflection wall

Retaining walls, drains, and deflection walls can protect your property from landslide debris and divert the flow of debris. If you live in an area prone to landslides, consult a professional to find out what to do.

Caution, if your drain or bend wall causes debris to flow onto neighboring property, you may have to pay compensation

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 24
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 24

Step 4. Talk to an insurance agent if your area is at risk

If your area is prone to landslides, talk to your insurance agent to see if your insurance covers landslide damage. Although landslide insurance is usually not available, some flood insurance policies cover landslide damage.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 25
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 25

Step 5. Prepare emergency equipment

Emergency kits contain the essentials your household will need during an emergency. Prepare your equipment in advance so that it is ready when needed. Your kit should contain enough food and drinking water to last for at least 72 hours, as well as supplies such as medicine, flashlight, batteries, cell phone, copies of personal documents, and cash.

  • Remember that landslides can cut off public services such as electricity, sewage treatment, gas, drinking water and telephones. Have provisions in your prepare that will enable you to overcome this annoyance.
  • Choose foods that are not perishable and can be prepared during a power outage.
  • Pack any essential items that will be difficult or impossible to replace.

Method 5 of 5: Making an Emergency Plan

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 26
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 26

Step 1. Discuss safety rules in the event of a landslide

Talk to your family about appropriate measures to take to stay safe during a landslide, especially if you live in a vulnerable area. Make sure you discuss evacuation procedures, as well as safe locations and areas to avoid.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 27
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 27

Step 2. Think about how to get an emergency alert

Make sure everyone knows how to get emergency alerts from local officials, whether by telephone, television or radio. Talk to your local disaster management agency to find out how to get alerts in your area.

Don't forget to stress the importance of listening to news broadcasts to get the latest emergency information in case of a landslide

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 28
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 28

Step 3. Gather the contact information of family members

Record phone numbers, emails, social media, medical facilities, and each family member's school or workplace. Having this information will make it easier for family members to get in touch in the event of a landslide or other emergency.

Be Safe During a Landslide Step 29
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 29

Step 4. Determine the place of the emergency meeting

In the event of a landslide or other emergency, choose a place where the family will meet to regroup. Choose a location in your neighborhood and city. Make sure everyone knows the location.

  • Choose a location that is accessible to everyone in your family, especially family members with special needs.
  • If you have pets, choose a pet-friendly area.
  • You can choose to meet at a neighbor's house or at the mailbox for locations in your neighborhood, and at a community center or place of worship for locations in your city.
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 30
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 30

Step 5. Compose and share your plan

Organize contact information, landslide safety management, and emergency meeting places into one document. Here's your contingency plan. Give a copy to each family member and make sure they carry it with them at all times.

  • Put a copy somewhere in your home, such as in the refrigerator.
  • You may also want to make contingency plans for your place of business.
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 31
Be Safe During a Landslide Step 31

Step 6. Put your plan into practice

Meet with family members periodically to review your plans and practice landslide safety management. This step is important if you live in an area where landslides are common.
