Having trouble concentrating while studying? If you want to study for a few hours without getting bored, set up a distraction-free study space to make sure you pass the exam. To keep you energized, take time out to relax, take turns studying several subjects, and prepare a small gift for yourself. While long study sessions can sometimes be difficult to avoid, make it a habit to study a little at a time each day, instead of staying up late the day before an exam.
Method 1 of 3: Concentrate While Studying

Step 1. Keep the phone out of sight and not distracting
Put your phone in your backpack or desk drawer so you don't want to use it. Turn off other electronic devices, except those needed while studying.
If you need to use your tablet or laptop to write your term, download a distracting website blocker app to keep you focused on your studies.

Step 2. Have a nutritious snack before studying
You can't concentrate if your stomach is rumbling. Before studying, eat yogurt, oatmeal, or fruit. Also, have granola bars, nuts, or apples ready just in case you're hungry.
Nutritious snacks that contain lots of protein and complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, nuts, and whole grains, are a great source of energy for concentration. Avoid sugary foods and fast food menus because they make blood sugar levels rise, then fall again in a short time

Step 3. Determine the location to study
Find a study location that is free of distractions, such as in your room or in the library. Get in the habit of studying at the same location (multiple locations) so that you are ready to study once you get there.
- Provide a study table to put all study equipment. Don't study in bed because you can't concentrate when you're sleepy.
- Make sure the study area is always neat and clean so you can think clearly. The mood is not comfortable if the study area is messy.
- Study in a sunlit area to make you more energized.

Step 4. Do assignments and study various topics so you don't get bored
If you have to complete some assignments or memorize some subjects, do the assignment for 1 hour, then study the material that was discussed in class. Although you can't change subjects while studying for an exam, study the exam material for about 1 hour, take a break, then study again for about 1 hour.
- For example, when memorizing a history lesson about World War II, read notes about events that sparked the war, then take a break for a snack or stretch. Then, read the notes on the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Continue by reading 1 chapter of a history textbook, then prepare notes using cards.
- Instead of forcing yourself to memorize certain subject matter, learning efficiency and memory increase if you study a topic or do a variety of tasks.

Step 5. Study difficult subjects first
Learning motivation increases if you have done the most difficult task or memorized the most boring material. Complete the difficult tasks when you are still excited and do the easiest tasks when you are tired.
For example, if you don't like studying chemistry, prepare to take the chemistry test tomorrow morning by doing practice questions. When you're done, study the subject you're most interested in

Step 6. Listen to songs while studying if you like music
Many people find it easier to focus when listening to a song. If this method works for you, listen to instrumental songs while studying to keep you focused.
- Classical music can be the right choice because there are no lyrics. In addition, you can listen to white noise, electronic music, or recorded nature sounds while studying.
- To monitor study duration, create 1 hour albums instead of listening to random songs. That way, you don't have to look at the clock to rest or change subjects.
Method 2 of 3: Motivate Yourself to Keep Studying

Step 1. Write down your study goals on a calendar or eraseable whiteboard
You can commit if you regularly read written goals in an easily visible place. Write the study goals you want to achieve on a calendar or whiteboard, then place them in the study area. Also, write your study goals in your workbook, on note cards, or on a piece of paper.
In addition to writing study goals, share this with friends and family members. You are more active in learning if other people know what you are studying for.

Step 2. Take a break after studying for 1 hour to keep your body in shape
Maybe you want to keep studying for a few hours, but you will lose motivation if you are too tired. Take a break of about 10 minutes to relax yourself every time you study for 1 hour because you need to rest physically and mentally. During breaks, take the time to walk, eat a snack or stretch, then study again.
- Don't engage in distracting activities, such as watching television. If the TV show is very interesting, you may keep watching because you forgot to study. Avoid social media if you can't stop reading your friends' posts.
- Set a break schedule so you don't have to stop studying every 1 hour. You should continue studying for 15 or 30 minutes before taking a break, instead of taking an hourly break, but forgetting that you are studying.

Step 3. Try to relate the material being studied to your interests or hobbies
Think of different ways to relate the exam material to everyday life, such as using historical events to state a position or linking scientific theories to everyday experiences. Even if it feels less interesting, study the material with an open mind and try to find things that interest you.
- You are easier to motivate yourself if you have an interest in the topic being studied.
- Do various ways to make lessons that are less interesting to be fun. For example, if you like to draw, make diagrams or sketches according to the material being studied.

Step 4. Give yourself a small reward after completing the task
You'll be more excited about your task when you have something to look forward to, like playing a video game, watching your favorite TV show, enjoying a snack, or buying new shoes.
- Don't blame yourself if the task is not finished, but remember, rewards can be enjoyed when the task is completed.
- List specific study goals and prizes that have been prepared on your calendar so that you try to achieve them. For example, "Assignment: memorizing a history lesson for 2 hours. Reward: playing a video game for 30 minutes".

Step 5. Form study groups
Invite classmates to study together, but choose friends who are really willing to learn and don't like to chat. While studying, take the time to test each other's knowledge, take turns explaining theory, and encourage each other not to procrastinate.
Explaining theory to study friends is a surefire tip for understanding and remembering information. In addition, you can complete notes while studying with friends
Method 3 of 3: Study Efficiently

Step 1. Get in the habit of studying efficiently so you don't get overwhelmed
Before studying, read the assignment book or exam schedule so you don't make mistakes in doing assignments or memorizing exam material. In addition, you can ask a mentor or friend if there is something you don't understand or want to ask to save time. Determine the most important material so that it can be studied first.
- Make sure you use your time wisely while studying for a few hours.
- For example, immediately read the exam material as soon as the teacher announces the exam schedule and mark topics that need to be studied. If there is something you don't understand, ask a mentor or friend so you don't have to find the answer yourself. Then, set a topic that takes up a lot of time as a top priority.

Step 2. Prepare the things needed before studying
Make sure everything you need while studying is available so you don't have to leave your seat often to pick it up. Put your textbooks, stationery, notebooks, and other equipment on the table so they're ready to go so you don't take an early break.
For example, before doing your math homework, prepare the necessary study supplies, such as notebooks, textbooks, calculators, graphing paper, pencils, pencils, drinking water, and nutritious snacks

Step 3. Make a schedule before starting to study
Estimate the time it will take to complete each task and memorize the material, add 10% just in case, then record the schedule on the agenda. Determine the priority tasks, do the most difficult important tasks, and don't forget to take an hourly break.
- For example, if you want to study for 4 hours, use the first 2 hours to memorize science test material. Put down your science book and do your math homework at the third hour. Finally, memorize the history lesson in the fourth hour. If you have time, use it to memorize science exam material.
- In addition to making a daily schedule, make a weekly schedule for doing tasks. After you've blocked an already filled schedule, such as taking a class or exercising, use the available time to memorize lessons and do assignments.

Step 4. Define multiple steps to complete a challenging task
Maybe you feel anxious and overwhelmed when you hear your teacher giving your final semester assignment "memorizing the whole history book" or "writing a paper". Instead of getting confused, make a plan for doing the task by specifying a few easy steps to do.
- For example, if you want to study for your final semester exam, start by reading test and quiz questions to find out topics you don't understand. Then, take a notebook and textbook, make a list of the material to prioritize, and study one by one.
- Another way to make learning easier is to take notes by summarizing your textbook, memorizing from note cards, or doing practice questions.

Step 5. Try to set a study schedule so you don't have to stay up late
As much as possible, take the time to learn from far away little by little. Instead of studying for 9 hours all night, it is better to divide it into 3 days 3 hours a day. It's easier for you to remember information later on if you study little by little each day.
Do not sleep late at night:
If you have to study for hours because you only started studying the day before the exam, make sure you get a good night's sleep. When you take an exam, you can't concentrate if you're sleepy.

Step 6. Reduce activity if you are easily sleepy
If you're short on time to study, reconsider your daily schedule to find out which activities are less rewarding or time-consuming. Then, determine which activities can be reduced to allow enough time to study.
For example, you may fall asleep quickly because you have to take computer classes, play basketball, and practice choir after school. Schools and courses are mandatory. If you want to go to a basketball game, don't go to choir practice so you don't get too tired. You can join the choir again when the basketball game is over
- Set priorities. Do not study material that is already well understood.
- Get in the habit of studying when you feel really fit to be more productive.
- If you're having trouble managing your time and you're feeling overwhelmed, talk to your parents or see a school counselor for advice.