How to Stop Taking Tramadol: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Stop Taking Tramadol: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Stop Taking Tramadol: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


In fact, tramadol is a drug that is often used to relieve moderate to severe pain. If you are used to taking tramadol over a long period of time, it is likely that your body has developed a dependency or addiction reaction to the drug. As a result, the body will show a potentially dangerous rejection reaction when you decide to stop consuming it. Therefore, make sure you fully understand the side effects of drug withdrawal and know safe drug discontinuation strategies before trying to stop taking tramadol. Also make sure you know when it's time to ask for external help!


Part 1 of 3: Understanding the Side Effects of Discontinuing Drugs

Detect Ovarian Cancer Step 10
Detect Ovarian Cancer Step 10

Step 1. See a doctor

Your desire to stop using tramadol should be realized with the help and assistance of medical experts. In addition, your doctor can help you reduce your tramadol gradually to minimize any possible withdrawal symptoms.

Always contact the doctor if necessary

Survive a Heart Attack Step 3
Survive a Heart Attack Step 3

Step 2. Understand the side effects that attack you physically

The following is a list of symptoms that you are likely to experience while detoxing. If you experience other symptoms that are not listed below, immediately contact your doctor or nearest hospital.

  • Diarrhea
  • Dizzy
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Shiver
  • Sweating
  • Tremor
  • The hair on the back of the neck stands up
Tell if You Have Reye's Syndrome Step 2
Tell if You Have Reye's Syndrome Step 2

Step 3. Also be prepared to experience the side effects that attack your mental

In fact, stopping tramadol will cause slightly different side effects from stopping other types of opium because tramadol also has an antidepressant effect. Thus, you are more likely to experience the following physiological symptoms and mood swings after stopping tramadol:

  • Insomnia
  • Worry
  • The urge to take tramadol is very strong
  • Panic attack
  • hallucination
Persuade Someone to Quit Smoking Step 5
Persuade Someone to Quit Smoking Step 5

Step 4. Understand the duration of the tramadol detox

Symptoms of tramadol withdrawal will generally peak 48-72 hours after the last tramadol consumption. You can feel these symptoms for a few days to a few weeks, with the severity depending on the frequency of consumption and the intensity of your dependence.

Prevent the Spread of Genital Warts Step 12
Prevent the Spread of Genital Warts Step 12

Step 5. Ask your doctor about the possibility of taking other medicines

Suboxone is one type of drug that is commonly used to help the opium detoxification process and must be prescribed by a doctor who has a special certification. Taking suboxone is able to prevent the appearance of most withdrawal symptoms and avoid the urge to take the drug again.

  • Another type of drug that can relieve withdrawal symptoms is clonidine. Consuming it can relieve anxiety, anxiety, and nausea that you may feel. In addition, drugs such as buprenorphine can also be taken to shorten the detoxification period.
  • If you want to reduce the use of tramadol and replace it with other drugs that are designed to help the detoxification process, keep trying to ask your doctor for an antidepressant prescription. Since tramadol has an antidepressant component, you are more likely to experience mild to moderate depression during the detox process.

Part 2 of 3: Stop Taking Tramadol

Lose Water Weight Step 16
Lose Water Weight Step 16

Step 1. Try working out a pill reduction plan with your doctor

Immediately stop taking the pill completely will actually bring dangerous side effects for you, such as muscle spasms. Therefore, try to discuss a plan to gradually reduce your pill dosage with your doctor, and make sure you stick to the plan. Circle the dates that require you to reduce your pill dose on the calendar. Trust me, gradually reducing your pill intake can help your body get its system back on track and reduce the risk of dangerous drug withdrawal side effects. If necessary, the doctor will ask you to apply this method at the same time provide drugs or other therapy needed to improve your mental and physical condition.

  • In general, the formula used is to reduce pill consumption by 10% per day, 20% every three to five days, and 25% every week. Instead, do not immediately reduce the consumption of pills by 50% in a day while the detoxification process takes place.
  • If you've always been taking three pills every day, try reducing it by only taking two pills (one in the morning and one in the evening). After a week, reduce the consumption again to one pill every morning. Keep the pattern for one week! In the following week, reduce it again to half a pill daily. After that, try to completely stop taking it.
Get Rid of an Extremely Bad Headache Step 8
Get Rid of an Extremely Bad Headache Step 8

Step 2. Take good care of yourself

Establish a self-care routine to relax your body and relieve your withdrawal symptoms. For example, try eating less spiced but nutrient-rich foods to relieve stomach discomfort during the detox process. Also consume as much water as possible to recover the body quickly while replacing fluids lost during detoxification.

  • Since withdrawal symptoms aren't that different from flu symptoms, try applying a warm pad and a cold pad to control your body temperature and keep you comfortable. If possible, try taking a warm bath to relax and ease the pain in your muscles.
  • You can also take over-the-counter pain relievers to treat other withdrawal symptoms.
  • Every day, try taking a leisurely walk or doing light exercise to increase serotonin levels in the body. As serotonin levels increase, the feelings of depression that arise as a result of the detoxification process will decrease slowly.
Cure Insomnia Step 12
Cure Insomnia Step 12

Step 3. Take natural supplements to control withdrawal symptoms

In fact, there are natural supplements that can be taken to improve mental and physical conditions that are affected by drug withdrawal symptoms. For example, try taking L-Tyrosine, which can help brain function, or valerian root, which can treat insomnia after stopping tramadol.

Consult the use of any supplements with a doctor. Be careful, even supplements made from natural ingredients can interact negatively with certain health disorders or drugs prescribed by doctors

Avoid Alcoholism Step 2
Avoid Alcoholism Step 2

Step 4. Avoid alcohol

While detoxing, make sure you don't consume alcohol or drugs of any kind. The combination of alcohol and/or other drugs with even small doses of tramadol can worsen drug withdrawal depression, and can cause confusion, suicidal ideation, loss of consciousness, brain damage, and breathing problems.

Part 3 of 3: Seeking External Help

Become a College Professor Step 8
Become a College Professor Step 8

Step 1. Find information about the rehabilitation program

If necessary, consider the possibility of joining a professional rehabilitation program to overcome your tramadol dependence. Also consult the possibility of outpatient treatment with your doctor. Generally, rehabilitation programs are provided by specialized organizations or homes that provide a combination of medical care with a counseling/therapy process to help patients break free from addiction and understand the emotions that drive them to use these drugs.

  • Inpatient therapy requires the patient to stay in a hospital or rehabilitation center for a certain period of time. Generally, this type of therapy is used to treat severe cases of tramadol dependence. Through this therapy, patients can detoxify in a safe and controlled environment, so the results will be more effective.
  • Outpatient therapy requires patients to undergo therapy periodically at a specific clinic or hospital, but at the same time they are allowed to carry out their usual activities. This type of therapy is generally used to treat mild to moderate cases of tramadol dependence, and is provided for patients who want to continue their normal activities while detoxifying.
  • If you are currently in America, try accessing this link to find the closest rehabilitation program you can access. If not, try browsing the internet to find out where the nearest rehab center is from where you live.
Treat Hypertension Step 21
Treat Hypertension Step 21

Step 2. Seek expert advice

Counselors, doctors, and psychiatrists are health professionals who have been trained for years to help someone with drug addiction, including you. Through behavioral therapy, you will be helped to respond to the urge to take drugs and understand strategies to prevent the risk of relapse and react if the situation occurs.

Support Someone Diagnosed With Cancer Step 12
Support Someone Diagnosed With Cancer Step 12

Step 3. Follow the therapy process

After breaking away from tramadol, try to analyze the roots of the dependence. Often, medication is a tool for someone who is struggling with life and/or managing their emotions. Through the process of counseling and behavioral therapy, you will be helped to identify the situation that underlies your dependence and find ways to move on with life and deal with problems in a positive way.

Persuade Someone to Quit Smoking Step 12
Persuade Someone to Quit Smoking Step 12

Step 4. Consider joining a support group

Support groups, especially those using the 12-step program, are the perfect platform for those of you who want to break free with the help and assistance of others who have similar difficulties. During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to tell about the difficulties you face and share tips on how to survive during and after the detoxification process. Trust me, support groups are also one of the main support networks to help keep your commitments!
