Making shorts may seem daunting to a novice tailor, but you can actually make comfortable elastic waist shorts in no time and with a little effort and patience. This is what you should do.
Method 1 of 2: Shorts for Women

Step 1. Make the pants pattern
You can create a quick and simple pattern for your shorts by tracing the outline of your fitted shorts onto a piece of craft paper.
- Fold your shorts in half. Make sure the front pocket is on the outside.
- Trace the outline of your folded shorts onto the craft paper.
- Add 2.5 cm of seam space around the pattern.
- Add 4 cm to the top edge of the pattern for the waistband.
- Cut the pattern with scissors.

Step 2. Glue your pattern to the fabric with pins
Fold your fabric in half and place your pattern on it. Give me a needle.
- The long or center side of your pattern should be on the folded side of the fabric.
- For a more accurate result, sketch the outline of your pattern on the fabric.

Step 3. Cut your fabric
Use sharp fabric scissors to cut at the edges. This will make up one full side of your shorts.

Step 4. Repeat
Make another cut from your shorts using the same cutting and needlework as the first cut.
- Fold your fabric in half and lay your pattern on it, with the long side of your pattern on the folded edge. Give me a needle.
- Cut around the pattern to make another cut.

Step 5. Pin the hem
Unfold the two pant pieces and align them with the sides facing each other and the back sides facing out. Give a needle to combine.
More precisely, thread the needle on both curved sides of the two pieces. It is this hem that you will be sewing together, so it is very important that you keep them aligned

Step 6. Sew the two seams together
Use a sewing machine to sew the curved hem.
- If you are sewing by hand, use a back stitch.
- Leave a distance of 2.5 cm between the seams.
- You now have what looks like a connected "tube" of fabric.

Step 7. Turn your shorts over
Turn the fabric so that the stitched hem is in the center of the front and back of the fabric.
- After sewing the two separate pieces together, the stitched seam will be on the outer edge. You should rotate your shorts so that the seams of these hem are in the bottom vertical center line and parallel to each other.
- This stitch will form the crotch of your shorts.

Step 8. Sew the inner thigh hem
Lay your fabric flat so that the exposed side below the centerline of the crotch can be seen. Needle on both sides and sew to finish the leg.
- Space the seams 2.5 cm.
- Sew both sides with a scalloped seam.
- This hem will be along the inner thigh.

Step 9. Make a waistband
Fold the top edge of the fabric, leaving enough room to insert the rubber strap. Give the needle, then sew the edges of the fabric to make a waistband crease.
- Fold the top edge by 5 cm. This leaves enough room for the elastic band of your waistband.
- Sew in straight stitches with your sewing machine or reverse stitch with hand stitches.
- Leave a small hole in the hem so you can thread the rubber band through it.

Step 10. Insert the rubber strap into the waistband
Thread the elastic through the opening in the waistband and push it along the waistband until it wraps around it. When finished, sew the opening tightly.
- Your rubber band should be around the same length as your waist, minus 7.5 cm. Since the elastic band has to stretch to fit securely, this extra space will ensure that your shorts fit securely around your waist.
- Pin it to one end of the rubber strap to make it easier to insert.
- Alternatively, attach a rubber band to a long chopstick to make it easier to insert.
- Pull the two ends of the rubber band through the gaps in the waistband. Hold it firmly as you sew the two straps as well as the slit on the waistband with the stitched seam.

Step 11. Hem your shorts
Fold the bottom edge of each leg by 2.5 cm. Thread a needle around the toe hole and sew to make a hem. This completes your shorts.
- Space the seams 2.5 cm.
- Make sure you don't sew the front and back of your shorts together. You will need to sew the hem around the leg holes.
- When you're done, flip the shorts so the face is out and try them on.
Method 2 of 2: Shorts for Men

Step 1. Download a pattern
The easiest and fastest way to make boxer shorts or sweatpants is to download free patterns online.
- You can find the pattern used in these instructions here:
- When you print the pattern, set the printer setting to print on A4 paper and do not check the “print to scale” box.
- Follow the steps on the pattern to combine them all. Each corner is marked with a number, and you can create a complete pattern by pairing these numbers together.
- Cut the pattern and glue it together at the designated places.

Step 2. Attach the pattern to the fabric with a needle
Glue the pattern on the back side of the fabric and thread the needle until it is attached.
- For added precision, use sewing chalk or fabric pencil to outline the pattern's outline on the back side of the fabric after pinning the pattern and fabric.
- Keep in mind that seam spacing is always listed in most patterns, including the one used here.
- Fold the lining so that it becomes two layers. When threading along the waistband seam, thread the needle into the pattern by aligning the pattern marked "fold" along the folded edge.

Step 3. Cut your fabric
Cut along the sewing line until all the pieces have been cut.
- Use sharp fabric scissors to do this.
- Cut your fabrics in the reverse order. In other words, the last cut you need should be the first cut you cut, and the first cut you need should be the last. This way, as you stack the pieces, you'll get the first piece at the top of the list.

Step 4. Prepare and sew the two back pockets
Glue the bag pieces into place according to the pattern instructions with a pin. Use a double overlap stitch to sew the edges and bottom of the pocket in place.
- Use an iron to press all four sides of the bag pieces together.
- Before attaching the bag to the fabric, double overlap the top hem of the bag. This edge will be the pocket opening.
- After doing these two steps, you can thread the needle and sew the back pocket in place as marked on the pattern.

Step 5. Prepare and sew the two front pockets
The method used in the front pocket is the same as that used in the back pocket.
- Use an iron to press down the four edges of the pocket pieces.
- Before attaching the bag to the fabric, double overlap the top hem of the bag. This edge will be the pocket opening.
- Glue the bag on the correct part according to the markings on the pattern.
- Use a double overlap stitch to sew the edges and bottom of the pocket in place.

Step 6. Sew the crotch
Put a needle on the back of the pants fabric and sew along the crotch according to the pattern.
- Give the needles with the sides facing each other.
- Cut one edge of the hem to 9.5 mm using sharp fabric scissors. Cut out the grooves at the crotch, too.
- Use a chain stitch to sew the crotch.

Step 7. Sew all the rest of the hem
Sew all the sides with the fabric faces facing each other.
- After sewing the inner hem, sew the edges of the fabric to prevent fraying.
- To sew the side seams, use the chain stitch method.

Step 8. Hem your shorts
Fold the bottom of the pants and use a double overlap stitch to sew them together.
Press the bottom hem of your pants with an iron to create a strong crease

Step 9. Sew the waistband seam
Sew the waistband seam at the waist with the fabric faces facing each other.
The seam joints should align evenly with the center of the back of the waist

Step 10. Sew the rubber waistbands together
Sew with a looped seam on both ends of the elastic waistband, overlapping the ends by 1.25 cm.
Make sure the rubber waistband will fit comfortably on the waist of the wearer. Measure the wearer's waist and subtract 7.5 cm so that the rubber waistband has room to stretch

Step 11. Fold the rubber into the lining
Attach the rubber to the lining with a pin and fold the cloth over the rubber tire. Sew to close it and finish the shorts.
- Attach the rubber to the center of the back of the waist with a pin.
- Fold the rubber band in half, and attach it with a needle to the center of the front of the waist.
- Divide the tire into evenly spaced dots along the lining, pinning the fabric in eight or ten places.
- Fold the edge of the lining with the back side facing out. Sew along the edges while slowly stretching the rubber band.
- Turn the shorts so the sides face out. Gently stretch the rubber and sew with a double overlap stitch 6.5 mm from the top and bottom edges.
- With this, your shorts are done.