Created in the Bronx, NY sometime in the 1970s, Bboying or breakdancing is a very fun but also difficult dance in which both men and women participate. Breakdancing is a tool for self-expression, making visual arts, and has even become an international sport. Follow the steps below to learn the basic elements of breakdancing: toprock, 6-step, drop down, power move and freeze.
Method 1 of 6: The Basics

Step 1. Look for exposed tile, linolium or hardwood surfaces
You can also use large cardboard or other hard surfaces such as concrete. The main idea is that you will be able to glide easily on the surface of the material.

Step 2. Wear athletic shoes
Breakdancing is a sport that really requires physical strength and athletic movement. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes.

Step 3. Choose your hip-hop beat
Choose music with uplifting beats, steady rhythms and a flow that you can feel. The most important aspect of music is that you feel inspired and enthusiastic.

Step 4. Know the basic terms
One of the many things Bboy needs to learn at the start is the difference between "breakdancing" and "Bboying". Bboying was the first term coined to describe the dance; this is usually a term used in the community. The term "breakdancing" was coined by the mainstream media in the 1980s to market the dance. Recently, serious dancers have been trying to reclaim the name "Bboying" for their performances.
- This dance is called Bboying whether the dancing is male or female. But when describing a particular individual, there are Bboy (male dancer) and Bgirl (female dancer).
- All dancers have nicknames, such as Bboy Darkness, Bboy Cloud, and others. At first, this doesn't seem very important, but it's in the long run when you want to get a better grasp of who you are as a dancer and gain recognition from your community.

Step 5. Know the term "teched
"Teched in the world of breakdancing means varied. It is used to describe the six or four step moves a dancer performs on the floor. When a move from Bboy is very "teched," this move is very complex and distinct.
Method 2 of 6: Learn Toprock

Step 1. Toprock exercise
This is the portion of the dance that you will finish standing up before you hit the floor and start stepping and turning.

Step 2. Stand on your toes and start jumping a little
You want your feet to be light and able to quickly change directions and jump up and down.

Step 3. Cross your left leg in front of your right leg
Don't keep your feet light when you cross. You don't need to use your left leg the first time, you just need to make sure you change legs every time you cross your legs.

Step 4. Jump to straighten your leg back to the resting position
When in a resting position, your feet will be parallel and the soles of your feet are ready to change positions.

Step 5. Cross your right leg in front of your left
Again, make sure to stick to your toes when you do this.

Step 6. Jump back into the resting position one more time
The key is to follow the rhythm of the music as you top rock, so each time you practice, the speed at which you do top rock will depend on the beat of the song. Try to follow the rhythm of the basic notes or trapping lines.

Step 7. Repeat steps 2 to 4 as long as you want to toprock
These simple movements complete the toprock.

Step 8. Combine the hand movements
Once you have the basic legwork, you can let your arms swing with your body, but don't overdo it. Relax your arms and let your arms follow your legs.
- As you step forward, you can allow your arms to swing back, and as you jump back back to a resting position, allow your arms to swing in front of your body.
- Arm movement is up to you, follow the music and let your body express itself.
- Practice in front of a mirror to see if you swing your arms too much.
Method 3 of 6: Mastering 6-Step

Step 1. Start in a pushup position and extend your right leg
Extend in front of your left leg. You have to balance on the outside of your right shoe.

Step 2. Lift your left hand off the floor and pull your left leg forward
Your left leg should be bent at an angle slightly greater than 90 degrees and should land behind your right foot so that your right foot is encircling your left foot. Leave your left hand in the air.

Step 3. Remove your right foot from your left foot
Position your right foot about two feet from and parallel to your left foot.

Step 4. Place your left hand on the floor behind you
You are now in "crab position."

Step 5. Bring your left leg forward and loop around your bent right leg
You have to balance on the outside of your left shoe. Raise your right hand.

Step 6. Swing your right leg behind you, keeping your right hand up

Step 7. Extend your left leg back and tread with your right hand
You should return to the starting position, in a pushup position.

Step 8. Practice this move until you can spin in circles smoothly
This is the basic step where all breakdancing creativity can begin.
Method 4 of 6: Do the Drop

Step 1. Transition to the floor with a coin drop
Rotate your upper body with your arms close to your body. Bend your upper body until your arms touch the floor. When your arms touch the floor, you can swing your legs up into the air and transition to another movement on the floor.

Step 2. Perform a knee drop
Bend your left leg deeply and place your right foot behind it. Prepare to catch yourself as you fall forward, making the movement look like you're falling. Catch yourself with your hands and then allow your knees to bend to touch the floor. You are now ready to move on to the floor movement you want.

Step 3. Build a back drop or suicide
The back drop, more commonly (and more accurately) called suicide, is a very difficult move that shouldn't be attempted until one is comfortable with the basic elements of breakdancing.
- Place a mat-like base for practicing suicide moves and stand with your feet about two feet apart and your arms in a T-shape straight from your shoulders.
- Kick your right foot in front of you then swing it back, together jumping forward with your left foot. Fold your body tightly and do a forward flip.
- Land on the center of the back and continue to move on the floor. This movement is often done at the end of the series as well.
Method 5 of 6: Learn Power Move

Step 1. Do the windmill motion
Kneel on the floor with your left elbow close to your side and your right arm bent at a right angle with your hands in front of your face. Place your hands on the floor and keep your left elbow tucked under your pelvis. You want your weight to be mostly distributed over your left forearm.
- Straighten your legs behind you and support your body weight with your left forearm. Lift your left leg and bend your knee.
- Raise your right leg, simultaneously swinging your left foot under your right foot. When you complete this move, push yourself off the floor with your hands and roll on your left shoulder toward your upper back. make sure your chin is pressed against your collarbone when doing this step to avoid injury.
- Return to your basic position with your arms on the floor to support your feet in the air. Now your hands will be on the right side of your body.
- Now complete the push and swing of the leg on the other side of your body, swing your left leg under your right leg and roll over your right shoulder against your upper back.
- Continue transferring momentum from left to right using your entire body, and you've completed the windmill pomer move!

Step 2. Learn headspin
To do a headspin move, you must first be able to do a headstand for a few minutes and move your legs without falling. Once you've done this task, you're ready to try the headspin move. Use a beanie or bandana to help with the circular motion.
- Cross your legs and alternate swings in a circular motion keeping your upper body in one place to get a feel for the movement. Place your hands on the floor when you are just starting to learn this movement.
- When you're comfortable with that, start lifting your hands off the floor as your legs come out of the crossed position to let you spin slowly. Stay ready to get your hands back on the floor and catch yourself if you need to. The wider you spread your legs, the more momentum you can gain, causing you to spin faster.
- Concentrate on keeping your back straight and your neck secure. If you start to feel neck pain, stop immediately.

Step 3. Show your strength with a jackhammer
If you have a solid foundation, you can learn a jackhammer, although it's not an easy move. Balance yourself on your two bent arms, with your elbows wrapped around your pelvis and your legs hovering behind you.
- Then try to let go of one hand and spin on the other, using the free hand to help you in your spin. When you can spin without difficulty, you can move while jumping.
- Place your hands back on the floor and incorporate small jumps into your spinning motion. You will now be spinning in a circle when you balance with two hands and jump a little.
- Now lift one hand off the floor and push with that hand as you spin with the other. Transfer all of your weight to the balancing hand and position the pushing hand behind your back. Jump with one hand while spinning and you've completed the jackhammer move!
- The jackhammer is a very difficult move and requires a lot of strength, so don't be discouraged if it takes months to master.
Method 6 of 6: Show Freeze

Step 1. Learn the basics of Baby Freeze
Place your right hand on the floor on the left side of your body with your left leg fully extended. Bend your right knee. Bend your left elbow, pressing it against your pelvis.
- Begin to transfer your weight to your hands and tilt your body at the base you created with your arms. Place the side of your head slowly on the floor so it doesn't support any weight.
- Lift your leg and hold it. This is a baby freeze position with one leg extended and the other bent.

Step 2. Master the freeze handstand
Do a normal handstand and first try to bend your knees behind your back for comfort. When you feel balanced, stand back up and this time jump into a handstand position with momentum, landing with only one hand.
- Swing your free arm behind you as you bend your knees together as you did in the exercise.
- Touch your feet with your free hand and return to a squat position.

Step 3. Try the freeze chair
Get into a baby freeze position, but instead of cradling your elbows into your pelvis, place your bent elbows behind your back and rest against your pelvis.
- If you're using your right elbow, place your left hand on your pelvis and your left leg at a 90-degree angle to the floor so that your pelvis is straight and pointing upwards.
- Lift your right leg and place your right ankle on top of your left knee, like you would cross your legs on a chair.
- Pair your breakdancing exercises with strength training to grow stronger and be able to master movements that require a lot of muscles.
- Have fun and express yourself.
- Watch as many videos as possible. The more you watch breakdancing videos, the more styles you'll get to know and the more moves you'll be able to see.
- Do not ever give up!
- Relax and enjoy yourself at breakdancing - it's all about having fun and getting into the rhythm.
- Have style. Don't be like a robot, express yourself.
- Have a notebook to record all the moves you learn and try. This will help to perform a predetermined set of movements.
- Bboying is a dangerous dance in some areas, just be sure to protect yourself and don't attempt any moves above your comfort level.
- Power moves require a significant amount of strength and power to master. Be careful when first learning these moves and know what your body really is capable of.
- Always warm up before starting to breakdance.
- You shouldn't stretch on the same day you practice breakdancing.
- Take care of your safety. Purchase at least knee or elbow protectors when learning how to breakdance.