QWOP is a very difficult online game. The object of the game is to run 100 meters as a professional athlete. The uniqueness? You can only control the leg muscles separately. There are two approaches to winning this game. The "knee hopping" method is easier to follow. If you want something to be proud of, learn how to run and win this game as the creator intended or intended.
Method 1 of 2: Using the “Knee Hopping” Method

Step 1. Press the “W” button to do the split
At the start of the match, press and hold the “W” button to tighten the left thigh. One leg (in this case, the left foot) will extend forward, while the other leg (right leg) stays behind. Let your character (the runner) tumble until he balances himself on his left leg, and the bent right leg behind him.
If you managed to cross the 1.5 meter distance, congratulations

Step 2. Press “W” key to move forward
If your forelegs are not extended in a straight line, press the “W” key to move forward a few decimeters. When the runner stops moving, move on to the next step.
Forget it that you know how to stand. In this game, standing only becomes a kind of "imaginary" for children

Step 3. Press the “Q” button to pull the back leg (right leg) towards the front
Don't hold down this button too long so you don't fall backwards. Press the button just enough to advance the knee of your right leg until it is slightly behind your buttocks.
If you've been playing longer than 10 seconds, remember that Usain Bolt has already finished the match. Don't let you lose to him

Step 4. Press “W” button repeatedly
Once the back (right) leg is more advanced, you have more room to straighten your left leg and move forward. Press the “W” key several times to “jump” with the knee of your right leg or slowly drag it forward. Stop when your front (left) leg is straight out or the character stops moving when you press the button.
No fans were visible in the background as everyone had gone home. Of course they went home on foot

Step 5. Use the “Q” and “W” keys alternately
Keep repeating the "jumping" procedure with your knees so you can move with less chance of falling. You can also reach the finish line by pressing both buttons quickly, but you'll be moving faster. If you're moving in a big enough push, avoid tendonitis. Press the “Q” button to move your knees forward, then press the “W” button several times to move forward. Repeat until you reach a goal or obstacle.
QWOP is too easy a game! We don't even need to use the “O” and “P” buttons

Step 6. Wait, are there any obstacles in this game?
Yes, obstacles or hurdles are placed every 50 meters. You can stay in a split position, hit the obstacle, and drag it to the finish line. Your movements will be a lot slower, but trying to jump is risky. If you want to jump over an obstacle (after hitting it), try getting up and supporting yourself with your forelegs using the "O" button. Once your front calf is straighter (and slightly tilted forward), quickly press the "Q" and "W" keys to clear the obstacle. It will be very difficult for you to do so without falling.
If you manage to get past the hurdles, you deserve a break from the scathing comments other people make! Congratulations and good luck becoming the National Champion in the 100 meter race
Method 2 of 2: Running Well

Step 1. Understand the character's movements
With practice, you can master the control of your character's movements, but it can take a while before you really get the hang of it. The following is a brief explanation of the key functions in the game:
- The "Q" button functions to move the right thigh forward and the left thigh back.
- The "W" button functions to advance the left thigh and move the hamstring back.
- The "O" button functions to bend the right knee and straighten the left knee.
- The "P" button functions to bend the left knee and straighten the right knee.

Step 2. Practice pressing the button and holding it
Beginners sometimes don't realize that holding down the button keeps the runner's muscles flexible. A quick press of the button will tense the foot and loosen it for a brief, but fast movement. For a more powerful and consistent movement, press and hold the button for one second.

Step 3. Press “W” and “O” button to reject with right foot
Press and hold these two buttons at the same time to give the character a bit of repulsion momentum. Think of using the two buttons as one control: pushing the body forward with the right foot.
When the right foot provides repulsion, the left knee will bend or tense. If pressed at the right time, the left foot will lift off the ground

Step 4. Press the “Q” and “P” buttons to reject with the left foot
Before the left foot (forefoot) hits the ground, release the "W" and "O" buttons, press the "Q" and "P" buttons simultaneously, then hold down. With this combination, you can push your body with your left leg and pull your right leg forward with your knee raised.

Step 5. Use the “WO” and “QP” key combinations alternately
Focus your attention on the foot that is in front. Before your feet touch the ground, release the two held buttons and press the other two buttons. Thus, the character can run slowly, but with a more balanced rhythm. He will extend the next leg forward while tilting his body towards the back, then move his body forward.
You can also observe the runner's quadriceps/upper thighs. Press the button when the thigh is parallel to the ground

Step 6. Speed up your pace
If you don't want to waste a lot of time, you should speed up your character's movements. Instead of holding down the key combination until the next step, press the key combination for or seconds, then release it. When the front leg begins to descend, repeat the process with another key combination. You'll move faster, but it's also easier to make mistakes and fall.
If done correctly, the runner's torso will remain upright. The front foot will touch the ground just below the torso. If your feet touch the ground and are behind your torso, you're hitting the key combination too late

Step 7. Fix your error
Leaning too far back will slow down the movement, but with practice you can easily get back into the right position. When using key combinations, press the thigh button briefly before pressing the calf button, instead of pressing the buttons together. For example, instead of pressing the “Q”+”P” key, first press the “Q” key, hold down for half a second, press the “P” key, hold down the key, then release both keys.
Falls due to leaning forward are very difficult to avoid because runners usually fall quickly. However, you can try pushing your body with your back leg (repeating the same key combination) and dragging your front calf to hold your body

Step 8. Stand up
If you accidentally fall and do a split, here's how to get back up to an upright position:
- If your forefoot is extended forward, press the calf button of the forefoot until the calf is straight.
- Press the button that controls the hamstrings until the thighs are upright under the torso.
- Press the front calf button until the back foot is almost off the ground, then step on the ground with that foot. In other words, press “P”-“P”-“P”-“W”+”O” if your left foot is in front, or “O”-“O”-“O”-“Q”+ "P" if the right foot is in front.

Step 9. Pass the obstacle or goal
An obstacle that is 50 meters away isn't really as terrible as it looks as long as you don't try to jump over it. Stick to a steady running pattern and hit the obstacles. Usually, you'll need to correct one of those mistakes (as described above), but with practice, you can learn to run smoothly again. After that, there are no more obstacles between you and the 100 meter finish line.

Step 10. Keep practicing
After mastering the running rhythm, most of the players still can't even reach the 100 meter finish line. It takes a lot of effort and hours of practice to win this game. Good luck!