Drifloon is a balloon Pokémon that only appears in front of Valley Windworks after defeating Team Galactic. The trouble is, this Pokémon only appears on Fridays, so you only have a chance to catch it once a week.
Method 1 of 2: Spawning Drifloon

Step 1. Visit Valley Windworks during the story and defeat Team Galactic
Shortly after getting your first Gym Badge, you'll find a girl on Route 205 whose father was kidnapped to Valley Windworks by Team Galactic. You will need to defeat all Team Galactic in Valley Windworks to get Drifloon.

Step 2. Defeat Team Galactic members in front of Valley Windworks
Galactic Grunt should be easy to beat, but he will lock the Valley Windworks door when he loses.

Step 3. Return to Floaroma Town to find another Galactic Grunt
You will be able to get the Works Key from them. Head south and find them at Floaroma Meadow.

Step 4. Fight Grunt and get the key
You will need to fight these two Grunts in a row so make sure your team is ready. These battles shouldn't be too difficult if your Pokémon level is high enough, and you only need to defeat three Pokémon to win.

Step 5. Defeat all Team Galactic in Valley Windworks
After obtaining the Works Key, you can clear Valley Windworks. You have to fight two Grunts and Commander Mars (the commander), who has the powerful Purugly level 16. After defeating the Commander, the previous girl will meet her father and alludes to " the Balloon Pokemon " (Pokémon balloons). This is the Drifloon in question.
Method 2 of 2: Finding and Capturing Drifloon

Step 1. Return to Valley Windworks on Friday at noon
Drifloon appears in front of Valley Windworks every Friday. If you beat Team Galactic on Friday, wait until next Friday to find this Pokémon.
Make sure you come during the day because Drifloon doesn't show up in the morning or evening. Visit Valley Windworks between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM

Step 2. Try not to set the Nintendo DS clock to Friday to circumvent this process
Advancing the clock disables all time-based events for 24 hours, including Drifloon occurrences. The most efficient thing to do is advance the time to Thursday (Thursday), wait 24 hours, then look for Drifloon on Friday.

Step 3. Approach Drifloon and talk to him
Drifloon will appear on the world map, just like a Legendary Pokémon. Talking to this Pokémon will start a battle with it.

Step 4. Lower the Drifloon blood
This Pokémon is level 22 so you'll need to work a little harder if your Pokémon isn't level enough. Drifloon is weak against attacks of type Ghost (ghost), Rock (stone), Electric (electricity), Ice (ice), and Dark (darkness). Take advantage to speed up the fight.

Step 5. Use Poke Ball when Drifloon's blood is low
When the Drifloon's blood is red, you can start throwing Poke Balls to catch it. You can use an advanced ball to make catching easier, but Drifloon shouldn't be difficult to catch with a regular ball.

Step 6. Come back a week later if you accidentally beat Drifloon
If you beat this Pokémon, or miss its appearance, come back next Friday to try again.