How to Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

How to Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
How to Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Table of contents:


Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf are legendary Pokémon that can be caught in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. This article will help you catch these three Pokémon, also known as the Lake Trio.


Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 1
Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 1

Step 1. Get the Eon Flute

You obtain the Eon Flute after completing the Primal Groudon/Kyogre story in Sootopolis City.

Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 2
Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 2

Step 2. Have three Pokémon in the group with maximum happiness

Pokémon's happiness level can be seen through friendship raters in Verdanturf Town and Pacifidlog Town.

Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 3
Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 3

Step 3. Use the Eon Flute to summon Latios/Latias and take to the skies

Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 4
Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 4

Step 4. Fly to Sootopolis City

Nearby, you'll find a cave called the Nameless Cavern. Land here.

Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 5
Catch Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Step 5

Step 5. Go into the cave, where you will find a portal

Interact with the portal to face Uxie, Mesprit, or Azelf, depending on the time of day. Uxie appears from 8.00 PM to 9.00 PM, Azelf appears from 9.00 PM to 3.59 AM, and Mesprit appears from 4.00 AM to 7.59 PM.


  • Save the game before fighting. If you accidentally beat an opponent or run out of Poké Balls, you can restart the game and try again.
  • Use Pokémon that can give status effects to your opponent, such as Sleep and Paralysis. Status effects will make it easier for you to catch this Pokémon.
  • Prepare lots of Ultra Balls. It's also a good idea to have plenty of Dusk Balls ready if you want to play at night. You can also keep changing Pokémon and then use the Timer Ball.
  • While flying, you can press B to go faster.
  • This Pokémon is level 50 so make sure you have a Pokémon of the same level.


  • Do not reset your console clock as all time-based events stop for 24 hours.
  • While in the sky, you can meet Pokémon like Rufflet.
