How to Increase Leptin: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Increase Leptin: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Increase Leptin: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Calories in, calories out is a simple law of nature. If you really want to curb hunger and control your appetite, you need to increase your leptin levels -- that's the hormone that tells you when you're full. Leptin levels that are too low will trigger the desire to eat and hunger. A few tips on your diet and lifestyle will allow you to be able to increase the leptin in your body (provided everything is working properly). See Step 1 below to get started.


Part 1 of 3: Eating the Right Way

Increase Leptin Step 1
Increase Leptin Step 1

Step 1. Limit your carbohydrate consumption

It's time for science to take control: carbohydrates block leptin receptors. There is no other way for this. You can have a lot of leptin in your body, but if that leptin cannot be used and identified, then there is no benefit for you. Therefore, limit your intake of carbohydrates -- that is, high-carb corn syrup -- so your body can do its job.

The prime suspect here is processed food. Carbohydrates are often used as an inexpensive sweetener in sodas, cakes, and other sugary snacks that fill most kitchen cabinets. The simplest way to limit your food intake is to make sure that whatever you eat is not prepackaged food

Increase Leptin Step 2
Increase Leptin Step 2

Step 2. Say no to simple carbohydrates

Now is the time to avoid simple carbohydrates. Facts show that simple carbohydrates (refined, sugary, and generally white in color) block your insulin and in turn trigger your immunity and mess up your leptin production. Therefore, white bread, white rice, and all delicious baked goods, are now on the list of foods to avoid.

If you must include carbohydrates in your diet or diet, be sure to include 'good' carbohydrates, such as: whole grains (all types), quinoa, and whole grain pasta (all types). The more brown the color, the better -- meaning the food doesn't separate from its nutrients and color during processing

Increase Leptin Step 3
Increase Leptin Step 3

Step 3. Avoid excessive calorie restriction

Some people will tell you to severely limit your carbohydrate intake or avoid it entirely. You can do this if you want, but be sure not to let your body send the signal that you are hungry. If you don't get enough nutrition, your body condition will decline, then your hormones will not function properly. Then, you will need great desire and determination, because you will feel very hungry. This method is not a good way to be successful (limiting calories).

Losing weight is good for increasing leptin production. If you have an ideal weight, your hormones will work regularly (under normal conditions of course). If you are overweight or obese, it is recommended that you create a diet plan -- making sure it is healthy, balanced, and you can stick to for a long period of time

Increase Leptin Step 4
Increase Leptin Step 4

Step 4. If you are on a no-carb diet, set one day at a time for you to consume it

If you choose to go on the Atkins / raw / paleo diet, then you don't get carbohydrates at all every day, do this way. Your body needs carbohydrates for fuel as well as to restore vitality and give your metabolic system a 'build shock' against hunger. Set yourself up for 100-150% more carbs than usual in one day, then continue your diet as usual.

This method can also be a good motivation. It's impossible to avoid pizza forever, but when you know you can eat it on Saturday, it's easier to say no on Wednesday. That's why some people call it a 'cheat day'

Increase Leptin Step 5
Increase Leptin Step 5

Step 5. Don't go on a half-measure diet

This will only mess up your metabolism, your hormones, and leave a 'permanent mark'. Then it makes you fat again, and so on! Therefore, choose a diet that is durable and healthy. Many studies show that diet is what can 'make' or 'break' you -- your body won't be able to withstand hunger just because it's filled with junk food. Your body will not be able to.

When choosing a diet, avoid fast diets by drinking juice. This diet will help you lose weight (even if only partially), although it won't help increase your leptin. You can flush out the toxins in your body now, but once you stop drinking lemonade and just Sriracha, the toxins will come back again

Part 2 of 3: Eat Right Food

Increase Leptin Step 6
Increase Leptin Step 6

Step 1. Eat a morning meal that contains protein

This will help increase your leptin level. Your body will fill up throughout the day, keeping you full longer. Therefore, avoid donuts (after eating four eclairs, you will still ask for lunch), and eat eggs and lean meat.

Cereals are a big barrier to increasing leptin. Cereals are high in lectins, which bind to your leptin receptors, blocking leptin from doing its job. This is the same as when your roommate is in the bathroom, but he doesn't come out

Increase Leptin Step 7
Increase Leptin Step 7

Step 2. Eat fish

Omega-3 fatty acids are great for increasing the body's sensitivity to leptin, making the body more receptive. Omega-3 fatty acids are also good for your heart and cholesterol levels. Therefore, eat salmon, mackerel, herring, and all the delicious seafood.

Grass-fed meat and chia seeds are also good for Omega-3s. What you don't need is Omega-6 -- vegetable oil, regular meat, and whole grains. These types of foods can trigger inflammation and reduce the level of leptin in the body

Increase Leptin Step 8
Increase Leptin Step 8

Step 3. Eat lots of green leaves, fruits, and other vegetables

Fruits and vegetables (especially spinach, kale, and broccoli) contain nutrients, but few calories -- meaning you can eat a lot of these foods, fill your stomach, without making you gain weight. Just as leptin has a big role to play in weight control, dieting with these types of foods means that you are doing your job of taking care of your own body.

Fiber is also great for increasing leptin, especially because it keeps you full -- in general, high-fiber foods are natural and good for you. Beans, beans, lentils, almonds, raspberries, broccoli, and oats are good sources of fiber

Increase Leptin Step 9
Increase Leptin Step 9

Step 4. Avoid sweeteners and snacks

Sweeteners are simply energy-boosting artificial flavors that you don't really need. In fact, (currently) some people have avoided commercial soaps and deodorants to avoid (contact) the toxins in the body. How dare you do it?

When it comes to snacks, it's generally believed that your body needs to reset itself; When you always eat snacks, your body can't do this. However, the habit of eating snacks is difficult to change and fight, so try to replace your snacks with fruits or nuts to suppress hunger

Increase Leptin Step 10
Increase Leptin Step 10

Step 5. Eat foods high in iron

Research shows that people who are leptin deficient are also iron deficient – then, oddly enough, obese people usually also have iron and leptin deficiencies. Therefore, fight this phenomenon by consuming spinach, beef, lamb, seafood, beans, mushrooms, and pumpkin.

Part 3 of 3: Living the Right Way

Increase Leptin Step 11
Increase Leptin Step 11

Step 1. Avoid stress

When we are anxious and tense, our bodies increase the production of cortisol. Then the cortisol messes with other hormones, including leptin. If you've heard of emotional eating, you'll be able to understand the connection. Therefore, if you forget how to relax, make it something you have to re-learn. Your leptin levels depend on it!

If stress isn't part of your routine, try yoga or meditation. Both have been shown to have a relaxing effect, promote better sleep and lower cortisol levels. Don't judge before you try

Increase Leptin Step 12
Increase Leptin Step 12

Step 2. Sleep

Sleep addresses the source of the problem immediately: it regulates your levels of leptin and ghrelin (ghrelin is the hormone that tells your body when you're hungry). Lack of rest will make your body produce ghrelin and "not" produce leptin. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

To make it easier for you to fall asleep, stop using electronics a few hours before bed. The light will tell the brain that it has to stay awake, so we feel more alert. Keep electronics away so your brain will know it's bedtime

Increase Leptin Step 13
Increase Leptin Step 13

Step 3. Don't be too active

Strange indeed. You didn't expect to hear advice like this, did you? However, you do have to follow that advice – speaking of leptin, there's something called heart and circulatory exercises, in English called cardio burn. Doing excessive cardio burn (weight, duration, etc.) raises cortisol levels, increases oxidative damage, systemic inflammation, suppresses the immune system and reduces fat metabolism. Nothing good for you! So use all of this as an excuse to skip the gym every once in a while -- of course, anything that's good if done in excess can be bad.

For the record, some types of cardio exercise is not a problem. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), or other interval training, is really good for you. However, our ancestors didn't have to run for hours and neither did we. If you want to do some physical activity, do light exercise, and have fun. No need to stress

Increase Leptin Step 14
Increase Leptin Step 14

Step 4.

.. However, make sure to do some exercise/activity. Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle is also not good for you. Therefore, if you often train at the gym, focus on interval training for the heart and circulation or cardio interval training (eg running for one minute, walking for one minute in 10 rounds, etc.) and weight lifting.. You want a fit and healthy body -- not brown skin like potatoes.

Keep it in your mind to be naturally active. Do activities like walking, swimming, playing basketball with your friends instead of going to the gym. Being active doesn't mean you have to be really active. At least not too much

Increase Leptin Step 15
Increase Leptin Step 15

Step 5. Consider the use of drugs

There are currently two types of drugs on the market to increase leptin: Symlin and Byetta. Historically, these two drugs were actually sold to treat type II diabetes, but increasing leptin is also a part of it. If you wish to use these medications, consult your doctor. Only he can direct you right.

Your doctor can check your leptin levels. If something was wrong, he would be able to figure it out. However, first he will advise you to continue with your diet and lifestyle; there is no easy way (such as taking medication) to increase your leptin levels


  • Eat in controlled portions.
  • It is important to increase leptin because the hormone leptin plays an important role in weight loss. The hormone leptin regulates appetite by inhibiting the overproduction of hunger-signaling hormones. Therefore, leptin is a natural hunger suppressant hormone. Leptin also plays a big role in maintaining your body mass index, it works in tandem with adinoponectin to fight metabolic syndrome.
  • See your doctor if you think you have leptin resistance. A person who is about 130 pounds overweight may have leptin resistance. Therefore, visit your doctor to be sure.
  • Always consult your doctor/health professional before you embark on any exercise plan.
  • The safest and most effective dose for African mango, which has been recognized (and is also debated) as a way to increase leptin, is 250 mg a day.


  • Do not use any weight loss supplements while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • When you take supplements to increase leptin, follow the directions for use and do not exceed the proper dose.
  • Visit your doctor to find out if you may have an allergy to an ingredient in the supplement.
  • Make sure you are 19 years of age or older when you are taking supplements to increase leptin.
