Common sense is a practical mindset that is usually formed through life experience, rather than through formal training. When reading the title of this article, the first thing that comes to mind may be how difficult it is to develop common sense. Do not worry! You can practice using common sense by getting into the habit of observing your surroundings and considering the possible consequences before making a decision. You can make the right choice if you are able to think with common sense.
Method 1 of 2: Using Common Sense When Making Decisions

Step 1. Consider the impact of your choice before making a decision
Think about the good and bad consequences that will occur if you make certain decisions. This step can be done mentally if you have to decide quickly. In addition, you can write down the good and bad consequences, and then choose the most appropriate option. Consider various alternatives that provide the best solution.
For example, if a friend asks you to drink alcohol, you can go out with him and have a free beer, but remember, alcohol causes hangovers and is dangerous to your health. The best, most reasonable decision was to decline his offer

Step 2. Rely on spontaneous instincts so you don't have to think too much
Sometimes, intuition tells you the best option. When you want to make a decision, listen to your heart or a solution that comes up spontaneously. Consider the good or bad consequences that may occur if you make decisions according to your heart. A decision that has a good result is a good decision.
For example, if a friend offers you a drink, you immediately reject it in your heart because you don't want to get drunk or get sick
Making decisions according to your heart does not mean impulsively. You need to think about the possible bad consequences before making a decision.

Step 3. Consider different perspectives so you can think clearly
Often it is easier to give advice to a friend than to advise yourself to do the same. When you are having a hard time making a decision, imagine that you are someone else with the same problem. Think about the best or wisest decision you will tell him. Don't take a step that you wouldn't recommend to others.
For example, you might find a wallet containing someone else's money and ID that you left at the cafe, but you want to keep it. Think about what you would say to a friend if he or she found someone else's wallet. If you suggest that he return the wallet to its owner, you should do the same

Step 4. Get the opinion of a trusted person to make the best decision
It's natural to be confused when you have trouble making the best decision. Overcome this by sharing your problem with your parents, siblings, counselor at school, or a close friend. Discuss several solution options with them, then ask for input as they are more experienced and may have faced the same problem.
- For example, ask your mother, "Mom, I have to make a decision, but I'm not sure which one is the best. I want to ask your opinion."
- Seek the opinion of a wise person because negative people are not capable of giving helpful advice.

Step 5. Don't beat yourself up if you ever make the wrong decision
It's natural to regret making the wrong decision, but don't despair. After realizing this, do some reflection, then make a decision that provides the best solution. If you face the same situation in the future, choose the right decision, instead of making the same mistake.
For example, while on vacation at the beach, you wear sneakers so that the sand gets in. Next time, you'll be wearing flip-flops if you want to go to the beach
Method 2 of 2: Practice Using Common Sense

Step 1. Don't do things that you already know are bad for you
People who have common sense make decisions that are most beneficial and best for them. Don't do things that are bad for you, such as smoking or driving when you're sleepy. Consider the good and bad consequences of each option as a basis for making the best decision.
For example, when you want to buy a very expensive item, common sense will tell you that this decision is wrong because you will end up in debt later on

Step 2. Get used to observing the surrounding situation
Pay attention to the situation around you and how other people respond to you. Then, use common sense to make decisions based on what is going on at the time. For example, if you want to cross the highway, wait until no other vehicles are passing so you are safe.
Pay attention to other people's facial expressions and body language when they meet you to find out how they react. For example, if he doesn't make eye contact or looks away while talking to you, a common sense decision is to end the conversation

Step 3. Choose the most practical option according to the current situation
When making a decision, consider the pros and cons of each option to determine the most practical choice. Before making a decision, carefully consider each option so that it has a good impact in the future. Be wise when making decisions so that bad experiences don't happen again.
For example, you want to choose between cooking and ordering food. The most practical solution is to cook because you have food supplies at home and you don't have to spend money

Step 4. Think before you speak so you don't say something you end up regretting
Before saying something that offends or offends another person, imagine if someone did it to you. If you feel uncomfortable, it's better to keep quiet or use common sense to find words that don't hurt the other person's feelings. Consider carefully every word you want to say so that communication goes well.
This applies when sending messages via cell phone, email or social media. Read your writing again to make sure it's clear and doesn't lead to misunderstandings

Step 5. Accept the fact that there are things that cannot be changed
The ability to think with common sense makes you realize that there are things you can't change, but you can choose the consequences that affect your life. Try to accept reality by looking at the positive side of events that occur so that you can learn lessons and live life with a wise attitude.
For example, you may regret that you didn't pass a test, but there's still another exam to come so you can improve your grades. Therefore, prepare yourself as best you can by studying in advance so that you pass the exam
- Everyone has different thinking abilities according to age and life experience.
- Prepare yourself before the activity. For example, if you want to travel by public transportation during the rainy season, bring an umbrella and spare clothes.