Whether you have a medical condition or simply have had too much to drink, at some point you may experience the urge to urinate, even though there are no toilets nearby. This problem often occurs when someone is on a long trip or watching a sports match. However, for those with medical conditions, this can happen at any time. It is important to urinate when you feel the urge to do so. Otherwise, there could be an “accident” or serious medical complications. By learning how to pee in a bottle, you can stay healthy without attracting attention.
Part 1 of 3: Choosing Materials

Step 1. Buy a hospital pee bottle
If you have to urinate frequently, or are worried about experiencing the urge to urinate in inappropriate situations, you can purchase a hospital pee bottle. This tool is designed with a bottle mouth that has a certain slope to facilitate the urination process and avoid spilling urine. In addition, the size of the bottle is also very large so that it can be used several times.
Hospital urine bottles can be purchased online or at pharmacies. In general, they are not expensive

Step 2. Choose the right size
When choosing a bottle, it is important to choose the right size. It can be difficult to predict exactly the volume of urine that will be excreted, you must make sure the bottle is large enough to accommodate the average urine volume of an adult. Everyone has a different body, but the average urine volume usually ranges from 120-465 ml.
- Choose a bottle that can hold a minimum of 500 ml. If you buy a bigger bottle, that's fine. Remember, it's better to be too big than too small.
- The average size of a soda bottle is about 350 ml. Larger soda bottles are usually 1.75 liters in capacity, but keep in mind that soda bottles usually have a narrow mouth.
- Bottles of isotonic drinks like Gatorade or Powerade tend to have wider mouths. For example, the 600 ml Gatorade is designed to have a wide mouth. This is the reason why people prefer to use sports drink bottles to urinate.

Step 3. Mark your urine bottle
Whether you're alone in your car or tent, or with other people, it's important to mark the bottles you use to urinate to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. You can make a large "X" on the bottle with a permanent marker, or write a more explicit message like "Don't drink!

Step 4. Consider using a FUD (female standing urination device)
The Female Urination Device or FUD is basically a small mouthpiece designed to help women urinate while standing or into a bottle. There are several FUD brands, including Fepex or Vipee, that can help women urinate when they can't find a toilet.
- To use the FUD, simply hold the mouthpiece under the vagina, close enough to the body. Pee into the funnel and position the end of the funnel into the bottle.
- You can buy FUDs online or at major supermarkets, including stores that sell camping or outdoor gear.

Step 5. Prepare something to clean yourself up
In addition to the bottle, you'll need a few things to clean yourself up. For women, you need to bring toilet paper or female wipes to clean yourself. You'll also need soap and water, or hand sanitizer, regardless of gender.
Part 2 of 3: Pee into a Bottle

Step 1. Find a hidden place
If possible, find a place away from the crowds. If you're in a car, hiding yourself out of sight may be easier. If you're in the middle of a large event, such as a sports match or carnival, and don't have access to a toilet, it will be much more difficult to pee down the bottle. You should avoid other people's eyes because what you are about to do is quite embarrassing and even illegal for exposing private body parts.
- Find a place where you can be alone and out of sight of others. For example, you can hide on the stairs or behind a building, depending on where you are.
- Use your best judgment and stay vigilant. Don't attract attention, and again, make sure no one is looking at you.

Step 2. Tilt the bottle at a right angle
If you are using a hospital pee bottle, the bottle's design will make it easier for you to do so. Hospital bottles have a bottle mouth with a certain angle to prevent urine from spilling everywhere. However, if you're using an empty water bottle, you'll need to tilt it so that the urine doesn't spill or overflow. All you have to do is tilt the bottle and adjust it to your body so that the urine flows to the bottom of the bottle, ideally to the bottom of the bottle at an angle.
For women, you should clean yourself up after you're done. Therefore, you must prepare toilet paper. Make sure you wipe from front to back to prevent the risk of urinary tract infections, which can occur if bacteria from the rectal area travel to the urethral opening

Step 3. Dispose of the bottle properly
When you're done urinating, you need to properly dispose of the bottle. You should not throw human waste on the roadside because of the serious health risks and sanitation hazards that janitors and passersby will face. Even in some countries, you can be considered a violation and have to pay a sizeable fine. As with the prohibition of urinating in public places, you also should not throw a bottle of urine in any place.
- Make sure the bottle cap is securely attached. This prevents urine from spilling if the bottle is toppled over or dropped.
- Place the bottle in a safe location when you carry it or put it in the car.
- When you find a trash can or toilet, you can throw the bottle in the trash or pour urine down the toilet.

Step 4. Clean yourself after urinating
After urinating, it is important to wash your hands. If you can find running water and soap, rub the soap all over your hands, including between your fingers, then rinse under running water for about 20 seconds. Washing your hands will help prevent the spread of germs and reduce the risk of getting sick or infecting others.
- If you can't find running water, which might be the case if you can't find a toilet, clean your hands with hand sanitizer gel or wet wipes. This alcohol-based product can kill bacteria on hands while preventing the spread of germs.
- To use hand sanitizer gel, you just need to put enough product into your hands to cover the entire surface of your hands. Rub the palm of the hand while smoothing it all over the fingers and the surface of the hand until the product dries.
Part 3 of 3: Preventing and Managing Emergencies

Step 1. Limit fluid intake before traveling
If you have a tendency to urinate frequently, or you know you will be in a situation without access to a toilet, it may be a good idea to limit your fluid intake before and during the situation. For example, if you are going to be traveling long distances by car, limit your fluid intake to 1-2 hours before departure, and limit it during the trip.
- Don't drink at all. If you feel thirsty, you should drink water to avoid dehydration. You can simply limit your water intake to avoid an emergency.
- Avoid drinks that are diuretics such as coffee, tea, soda and other caffeinated drinks. Diuretics increase the frequency and urge to urinate, which can lead to an emergency when there is no access to the toilet.

Step 2. Create good bathroom habits
Over time, if you go to the toilet frequently and don't really feel the urge to urinate, your bladder will get used to feeling the urge to urinate before it's completely full. In an effort to form good toilet habits, you must resist the urge until you really have to pee. However, if you are traveling long distances or going to a place with minimal access to a toilet, you may want to consider urinating whenever you get the chance.
- Schedule a time to go to the bathroom on the go. Try to anticipate where and when you won't be able to access the toilet, and make plans for that.
- Do not rush. Give yourself a chance to finish urinating, or you'll feel the urge to do it again. It's best to let the urine flow at a natural rate, not to force it out faster by tightening the pelvis.

Step 3. Know when to see a doctor
The urge to urinate frequently is mostly due to fluid intake or taking too many diuretics. The urge to urinate can also be caused by pressure on the abdomen due to factors such as pregnancy or being overweight. However, some urge to urinate may be due to a medical problem. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms:
- blood in urine
- urine of an unusual color (especially red or dark brown)
- pain when urinating
- hard money small water
- incontinence (loss of control over the bladder)
- fever
- Don't let anyone drink the contents of the bottle!
- You can find many funnel-shaped devices on the market that are designed to make it easier for women to urinate standing up or into a bottle. Consider this option if you are a woman and tend to use the toilet frequently.
- If you want to reuse your pee bottle, pour in alcohol or another disinfectant to kill bacteria. This will also prevent the bottle from absorbing urine odors.
- Do not place bottles near the kitchen or where people eat or drink. They can think urine is a drink!