3 Ways to Do Something for the First Time

3 Ways to Do Something for the First Time
3 Ways to Do Something for the First Time

Table of contents:


Want to do something, but don't know how to start? Don't waste time thinking only about the things you want to do; just do it now! By finding ideas and searching for information, you can do what you've always wanted to do!


Method 1 of 3: Finding Ideas

Do Something for the First Time Step 1
Do Something for the First Time Step 1

Step 1. Make a list of things you want to try

Want to try riding a mountain bike or cooking Padang cuisine? Or maybe learn a new language and play poker? Whatever thing you want to do, write it down!

  • Keep in mind that this step is not meant to judge ideas or force you to think in a certain way. Now, you just need to come up with an idea.
  • In this step, don't focus on your possibility of doing so. Just think about the things you want to do, and have fun!
Do Something for the First Time Step 2
Do Something for the First Time Step 2

Step 2. Ask a friend who likes doing new things for advice if you're having trouble coming up with ideas

Borrowing other people's ideas is not a problem!

  • Invite your friends over to your house and ask them what their favorite activity is. You might be inspired!
  • Ask your Facebook friends for help to come up with ideas.
Do Something for the First Time Step 3
Do Something for the First Time Step 3

Step 3. Find ideas from various sites on the internet, for example Pinterest

Use a search engine, and enter the keyword "trying something new" to see the results that come up.

  • For example, on Pinterest you can find travel ideas for two, new hairstyles, etc.
  • Be careful when looking for new ideas on the internet. Some sites require you to register before getting information. You can get ideas from a variety of sites, so don't join a particular site unless you really want to.
  • For more inspiration, watch a TED talk by Mat Cutts titled Try Something New for 30 Days. This lecture is only 3.5 minutes long, but very inspiring.

Method 2 of 3: Finding Information About Activities

Do Something for the First Time Step 4
Do Something for the First Time Step 4

Step 1. Know what it takes to do the activity of your choice

After making a list of dream activities, now is the time to make your dreams come true!

  • Know what equipment you should buy, what preparations you should make, etc.
  • Consider the financial aspect when choosing an activity. If your dreams are blocked by the contents of your wallet, don't give up! Look for alternative activities. For example, if you want to learn to cook in Paris but don't have the money to travel, find a French cooking course near you.
  • Remember that you can (and should) do more than one of the things on the list. Start looking for information for all your ideas!
Do Something for the First Time Step 5
Do Something for the First Time Step 5

Step 2. Try the simulation for the thing of your choice

For example, if you want to dye your hair, you might want to try a temporary hair dye. With temporary hair dye, you can try a new hair color without having to commit to it.

  • Simulators can also be useful if the activity of your choice turns out to be a wallet-draining activity. By doing a simulation, you can find out if you like the activity before spending money on it.
  • You can't rely on a simulator for all kinds of activities, but that's why you can have fun. Don't be afraid if your chosen activity can't be simulated.
Do Something for the First Time Step 6
Do Something for the First Time Step 6

Step 3. If you are still confused, ask people who have tried your chosen activity, or go where you want to go

If you don't know anyone who has done what you want to do, try creating a forum. Forums are where you can read and post online discussion topics, in the form of threads, from users with similar interests

Method 3 of 3: Executing the Plan

Do Something for the First Time Step 7
Do Something for the First Time Step 7

Step 1. After making preparations, don't forget to make time to do your dream activities

  • The fear of being wrong usually leads to laziness. Even though doing something new may be scary, don't put off getting started. You can do it!
  • Pick a date on the calendar, then commit to doing the thing of your choice on that date. It's best if you tell your friends or family what you want to do. They might be able to help you do just that!
Do Something for the First Time Step 8
Do Something for the First Time Step 8

Step 2. Invite a friend to do the dream thing together

Your dream activity is definitely more fun if you do it with friends. Besides being able to become a shared memory, your doubts may be cured if someone else is next to you.

You can invite your wife, girlfriend, close friends, even your mother. Choose people who also enjoy what you desire

Do Something for the First Time Step 9
Do Something for the First Time Step 9

Step 3. Bring all the necessary things

Once you're ready, don't leave out the important stuff.

Your friend may be able to help. Give your friends a list of things to bring before the D-day, and they can help you check your luggage and make sure nothing is left behind

Do Something for the First Time Step 10
Do Something for the First Time Step 10

Step 4. Have fun

It's natural to make mistakes the first time you do something. Mistakes are part of the fun of trying new things!

Check your list of things you want to do, then cross out the ones you've already done. Do as many things as you can on the list, you won't regret it


Don't expect you to do something perfect the first time. Focus on having fun
