Mantras are rituals, and the essence of rituals is to focus your intention on achieving a goal. In this case your goal is… love. Or maybe just lust? If you truly believe in the power of love, and believe that sending powerful positive thought waves can bring you closer to your goal, then please continue reading to learn how to cast a spell to find love.
Method 1 of 2: Using Existing Spells

Step 1. Cast a simple love spell
This is a basic level spell that requires neither exotic ingredients nor an astrological chart. The purpose of this mantra is to make more friends and increase your sexual radiance if you really want to be more than just friends. If you intend to direct it to a specific person, then you should focus on thinking about that person during this ritual so that that person catches your wave or makes your relationship with him/her closer.
- Keep your bathroom clean! This is literal cleansing, not spiritual, so feel free to use cleansing and anti-bacterial products. Cover all mirrors in the bathroom with a white or pink cloth or towel.
If your bathroom has a bathtub, prepare water for a bath, then sprinkle a handful of sea salt (or regular salt is fine) while chanting: "The bad ones drift away. I'm new today! touched the heart."
If you don't have a bath but there is a shower, then stuff some salt into a bundle of cloth while chanting the above mantra. The bundle you will rub into the body during the bathing ritual
- Light three small candles (you can also use votive candles, which are small candles in store jars/glasses) or float the three small candles in a tub. Clear your mind, relax and focus on your body before starting the bathing ritual. Feel how sensual and beautiful/powerful you are. Focus on what your strengths are. If you are chanting this mantra for someone then start thinking about him now.
Turn off the lights and turn on the music you like. Choose your favorite music that also symbolizes the love you want, whose rhythm is according to your image of love and the lyrics are also according to your heart.
If you want a passionate and hot relationship, then choose music that makes you feel loose and sexy. If what you want is a soulmate who can take care of you, then choose music that makes you calm and peaceful. If you just want to make more friends, you can also play music with a cheerful or soft rhythm
- Take a relaxing bath. Make sure your entire body is exposed to water at least once. Wash with shampoo and conditioner if necessary; even if you feel like shaving, just do it. Cleaning is an important part of this ritual.
After bathing, repeat the mantra chanted before bathing, but this time close with one additional stanza: "I am blessed, I love, I am loved and I love myself! I am love!"
Follow your intuition to add unique elements. Maybe you can put on your favorite perfume or cologne at the end of the ritual, light an aromatherapy incense with the three candles, add a few drops of essential oil to deodorize the bath water, prepare a new towel specifically for the ritual, or even drink herbal tea while bathing

Step 2. Cast a spell for a lost love
If you have ever had a lover but then lost it due to circumstances, personal problems, or outside interference, then you can try this mantra to try to reunite with your lost lover.
- Purchase six candles, in the following colors: red, green, yellow, blue, and two pink.
- Place candles in the four cardinal directions. Red candles in the south, green in the north, yellow in the east and blue in the west.
- Light the six candles. Hold the two pink candles in each of your hands, then you face the red candle. Recite this mantra several times until your intuition suffices: "Dear Angel, Chivalrous Angel, hear my plea! Oh Angel, ignite my wish, multiplied by three. When fate agrees, let (insert name of your ex-lover) step on me."

Step 3. Do not blow out the six candles
Candles that have been used in rituals should not be blown out; let all the candles go out by themselves.

Step 4. Cast the soulmate spell
This mantra is to invite the person who is currently the most suitable to be your soul mate. This mantra is not just for trial and error, you have to be sure you are ready to commit fully. Don't cast this spell if you're just wondering who the spell will invite. You must be ready to be responsible for all the consequences and results of this mantra.
- This spell took a lot of preparation before it started. You have to find a paper that is special to you, use your intuition and imagination. It might be wrapping paper that you really like, wool or flax blended paper, or parchment/leather paper. Then look for stationery for this ritual. You are free to choose; maybe your favorite pen, ink pen, calligraphy pen/marker. Do not just any pen that is used everyday. You'll also need a heart-shaped box or one with a heart and charcoal on the surface. This last ingredient is very specific: moon incense, it may be a bit difficult to find in Indonesia so you may have to order it at an online shop overseas.
- Find the right time to perform the ritual. It's a good idea to choose the night and when the moon phase is getting bigger. Since you are already using moon incense, the timing of the ritual can be somewhat flexible without compromising its efficacy.
Strengthen your aura by meditating or doing spiritual cleansing. Use the special paper and stationery you have prepared to write a personal mantra to invite the most appropriate match right now. Do not enter the name of a specific person and do not think of a particular person during the ritual. Your soul mate may be among the people you already know, but it could also be new acquaintances that you have not met, so clear your mind to open up as many opportunities as possible.
If you are having trouble getting a personal mantra, you can write something like this: "If your soul mate is not going anywhere. Come Soulmate! With true love, with unanimous belief, and not out of mere lust, I cast this mantra. shackles free will."
- When you're done, reread what you wrote. Make sure your intentions have been conveyed and nothing is left behind. Then reflect on your goal while lighting the charcoal earlier.
Continue your meditation as necessary, until your mind is focused and your beliefs are solid. If the charcoal is already burning, read what you wrote three times. During reading or at the end of each repetition sprinkle a tablespoon of moon incense on the fire/charcoal.
If you've never used incense and charcoal/fire, it's a good idea to practice a few times first. Sometimes flames burst upwards as soon as the incense is sprinkled, so be careful. There will most likely be sparks emitted, this is also risky. Sprinkle incense all at once, don't sprinkle it in small pieces because later the fire can spread upwards. Do not wear clothes made of light, flammable materials or clothes that have long, hanging sleeves. Anyway you have to be very careful
- Fold the paper and put it in the prepared heart box. This is your spell box. Put it in a safe and positive energy place, then… forget it. Let the Almighty, the universe and destiny bring you together with your soulmate.
Method 2 of 2: Casting a Homemade Love Spell

Step 1. Set your goal
Do you wish that someone special would glance at you? Or invite the arrival of a mysterious new person? Cleaning up the negative energy from a broken relationship? Brighten your romance? Or just to make your relationship with everyone better? The most important part is the manifestation of your thoughts, so have a clear picture of your goal.
- Every request has a negative side, think about this too. Example: maybe you want to invite a meeting with your ideal soul mate; but think about whether you are in the right position to start a relationship! Or if you want to direct this spell to someone you're not really familiar with, then you have to be prepared if it turns out that he or she isn't so charming anymore once you get to know him more deeply.
In Wiccan belief there is known the 'rule of three', namely 'all one's good will be returned threefold; evil also returns threefold'. Remember this and give love without self or coercion.
Stay away from intentions that want to dominate or manipulate someone, regardless of form. Such intentions make you vulnerable to the same thing. Example: instead of having a healthy, supportive and happy relationship for both parties, you can invite someone who is possessive and very jealous

Step 2. Collect items with matching symbolism
What you choose and how to combine it depends on the type of relationship you want the candle to have.
- Start with the right color. Red, for example, is the color closest to lust and lust. Pink is also associated with romance but is more gentle. White means plain and is suitable for a relationship that is just friendship. Green is close to nature and can increase fertility. You can choose items such as candles, cloth, paper, flowers, and more in the color that suits you.
- Also prepare herbs/spices for your spell. According to Wiccan science, the lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) or catnip (Nepeta cataria) plant has properties in love. Meanwhile, marjoram/oregano (Origanum majorana) is used to neutralize negative energy and stimulate love and happiness. Lavender is also a very powerful flower to attract men's attention. If you want a burning passion in love, then you can use verbena which was used by Druid priests in ancient times to help harmony in the household. Caraway (Carum carvi / a type of cumin) can arouse lust but also loyalty. Fennel or cinnamon can also arouse lust.
Use objects with symbolic meaning. Try to figure out the symbolic meaning of various objects. One object can have many meanings. So, use your intuition as well and choose the one that works best for you.
- A mirror represents a healthy self-image, a piece of silk for sensuality, flowers for romance, or pretty underwear to stimulate the libido. The bottom line is the stuff that makes an impression on you.
- If your spell is specific to someone and you happen to have something from that person (clothes, hair, letters, something that person has borrowed), then that item should also be included.
- Be careful with items that have a negative meaning, such as needles, knives, ropes or any object that symbolizes aggression; Items like this can bring a bad aspect to your ritual.

Step 3. Clean your body
Perform a cleansing ritual such as a flower bath, or a bath with herbs and perfumed oils. Use rose essence, jasmine or flowers and spices mentioned earlier. If possible, take a candle-lit bath. Then put on clean clothes. You can even buy new clothes for the ritual.

Step 4. Choose your personal place
Perform the ritual in a place free of distractions. It's great when you can do it in a romantic place, like at the beach or in the woods; but your top priority is privacy and a place where you can concentrate, so it's also a good idea to stay indoors, as long as it's clean and comfortable.

Step 5. Draw a circle
For protection, circle the place where you want to perform the ritual with salt (you can add rosemary / Rosmarinus officinalis spice). If necessary you can also burn dry sage leaves to fumigate the ritual site; the point is to neutralize the negative aura.

Step 6. Light a candle and concentrate
Focus your inner intentions. Visualize the scenario you want it to happen; imagine as real as possible with all your senses. If you feel the need, you can voice everything you imagine, or at least repeat it in your mind, or write it down on a piece of paper and then burn it so that your writing flows into the universe.
- Create a mantra to your liking, it may also rhyme. This can make your ritual more powerful. You can even enter the name of your patron according to personal beliefs. Don't worry if your spell isn't poetic. Rhyme is also not essential, as long as your sincerity and good intentions are contained in the mantra.
- Make a symbolic offering. The offering may be in the form of flowers, fruit, drinks or anything that has a good meaning.
- Do not blow out already lit candles. Just let it burn out. You can fill the remaining lumps of wax into plastic to keep under your head pillow or bury in the yard and plant flowers or trees on top, as long as the dog doesn't dig it up.

Step 7. Repeat the ritual to strengthen
The higher your concentration the stronger the waves you send out into the universe. You can set this ritual regularly every day/week/full moon, or as needed. And don't worry about the effects. Be grateful first, whatever the result.

Step 8. Open your mind to all possibilities
The results of spell manifestations can vary, or even be better than you think! Don't get so attached to a narrow vision that you miss a golden opportunity.
- Perform rituals on the full moon whenever possible.
- You are free to add anything to this ritual. Sing, dance or whatever inspires feelings of love.
- You can also engrave magical symbols or your own name onto the candles you use for added power.
- Wear accessories with rose quartz stone, this type of stone has the property of stimulating love.
- Remember that spells don't always work.
- You may come across as strange if other people see you during the ritual.
- You can't force people to love you. Using a spell to do that would have the opposite effect.