Known as the “Ancient Religion” and “Sorcery,” Wicca is a religion with ordinances, rules, and beliefs rooted in pagan traditions. As with other religions, there are many sects and types of Wicca, and many people practice it based on their own beliefs and lifestyles. The process of becoming a Wiccan can take time, requiring study, concentration, and focus, but when fully lived, a Wiccan can be a trust that can provide satisfaction and pleasure.
Part 1 of 3: Studying the Art of Wicca

Step 1. Learn Wiccan beliefs
Wicca base their beliefs on the belief that the Goddess is the center of all life and creation. Some Wicca schools place the gods and goddesses on an equal footing because there is a common belief within Wicca that there is a balanced duality in the universe. There are no scriptures or prophets or intermediaries in Wicca. Everyone who practices Wicca has direct access to the Goddess or the Divine and that the Divine is present within each individual.
- The Wiccan Rede, or creed, is a central principle adhered to by Wicca, which reads: “If Your Actions Don't Hurt Anyone, Do It.” This creed follows the value of harmony that everyone should follow, and as long as your actions don't hurt others or interfere with other people's ability to live their lives, do as you please. The 'triple' rule is also central to the Wiccan belief, namely that whatever you do will come back to you threefold. If your action is positive, the reward will be something three times more positive, but if it's negative, the opposite will happen.
- Wiccans are responsible for their own actions. They believe that we, and only ourselves, are responsible for our actions and words. You determine how you act and react to outside influences, and apologizing to those you hurt is the best way to take responsibility.
- Harmony with nature is one of the important keys as well as the sanctity of all life. Wiccans recognize that humans coexist with the earth and depend on the earth's riches to survive. Nature and life combine to form a cycle, and humans are part of it. Related to this belief is the existence of reincarnation in life. All things in nature will keep returning, from the oceans that return as clouds, or clouds that return as rain, and so on. It also influences the way Wiccans view death, namely that death is also part of the cycle of nature.
- Wicca comes in many forms. According to Circle Sanctuary, “Hereditary, Shamanic, Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Celtic, Traditionalist, Dianic, Faerie, and Eclectic are just a few of the many different types of Wiccan traditions out there.” Each of them has specific beliefs and rituals.

Step 2. Learn how Wiccans perform their religious rituals and ceremonies
Wiccans tend to prefer to carry out their rituals and celebrations outdoors, in places that give them a closer connection with nature. Many of the rituals and celebrations they perform are related to the lunar cycle, such as the full moon and new moon, as well as the changing seasons. However, there can also be issues related to weather and safety, which means Wiccans often perform rituals indoors. Some rituals are performed in the form of a Wiccan gathering in a circle surrounded by candles. The altar can be placed on the candle at the North end of the circle. This circle creates a space for the flow of healing energy. Wiccans gather in this circle. During this circle gathering, there will be healing, fortune telling, discussion, or other activities related to nature. Many ceremonies and rituals also involve consuming food and drinking wine or juice before the circle is removed and the ritual is concluded.

Step 3. Learn what Wiccan is not
Wicca is not anti-Christian; Wicca is not against other religions. Oftentimes, Wiccans are known as pre-Christian, because many of their beliefs are rooted in pagan practices of valuing the earth, valuing life and creation, and worshiping the Goddess. You also don't need to dress up or dress specifically to be a Wiccan. Anyone, from all walks of life, can be a Wiccan, and there are no formal appearances or customs for all Wiccans.

Step 4. Understand Wicca etiquette
This religion does not use magic or curse others or cast spells aimed at harming. As a Wiccan, you must take responsibility in your relationship to and in using magic. You must live by the ground rules of the creed, or Wiccan Rede, which reads: “If Your Actions Don't Hurt Anyone, Do It.” If you live positively and in harmony with the earth, you will be a successful Wiccan.

Step 5. Read books and other references to understand more about Wicca
The best way to get to know Wicca is to read and research about religion. Some of the most influential books on Wicca are: "The Heart of Wicca" by Ellen Cannon Reed, "Wicca for a Solitary Practitioner" by Scott Cunningham, and many more. There are lots of introductions and advanced instructions that will give you a solid understanding of this religion.
Part 2 of 3: Becoming a Wiccan

Step 1. Choose your gods and build your relationship with them
Wicca is a polytheistic belief, meaning its followers worship many goddesses and gods. These goddesses and gods are inseparable from nature, and they also have no superpowers. Instead, their existence manifests in nature. There are more than 200 gods or goddesses that Wiccans can worship, but you don't just pick one of them at random. One of these gods will choose you. While you will of course be able to choose which god or goddess you will worship, they will also be open to you, so you should also be open to learning about the many gods and goddesses. Make sure you research the deities in depth so that you can find out which of them have traits that don't suit yours.

Step 2. Keep a record of your journey in a diary
As you continue to learn about Wicca, you will begin to discover connections and clues within yourself. Writing these things down will help you form a relationship and gain self-awareness. This journal will evolve into the Book of Shadows, a book you will keep once you become a Wiccan.

Step 3. Learn magick, or sorcery, and how to use it
In Wiccan religion, divination is calling and channeling energy for a purpose. For Wiccans, divination is very different from mere stage magic tricks. Most Wiccans believe that witchcraft is a personal manifestation of the energy that comes from within us. Sorcery is not magic. Divination is spiritual in nature and can turn your dreams into reality by casting a spell. You have to learn how to use magic safely and securely by thinking about the consequences of certain requests or spells and understanding the consequences of using magic to gain something.
Practice meditation and visualization to improve your concentration on divination. Choose a place where you can meditate without being interrupted

Step 4. Learn the principle of the triple law
In Wicca, the law of threes is the principle that whatever you do, it will affect you three times as well. For better or for worse, your actions will come back to you. By understanding and living the triple law, you will understand that hateful or vengeful actions will affect you negatively. Use the threefold principle to act better and be more grateful for the blessings you get.

Step 5. Get in touch with other Wiccans
You can find them on the internet, in discussion groups and other forums, or you can find them in your local community. It's highly likely that you'll find Wiccans more easily in larger cities, but that doesn't mean smaller communities don't have Wiccans as well. Depending on religious tolerance in the local community, Wiccans may not be very vocal about their beliefs. Talk to Wiccans about what they believe in, how they worship, how they became Wiccans, and so on. Such conversations can give you a better understanding of their beliefs, and they will help you find a supportive environment.

Step 6. Have a dedicated ceremony for yourself
This ceremony will formalize your personal relationship with Wicca and manifest your belief in the gods. There are many simple and complex ceremonies you can perform; many of which can be found on the internet. One of the ceremonies is as follows:
- Collect symbols that represent a balance of nature. The objects will represent fire, water, air, and earth. You can use existing items such as a candle for a fire, a cup of water for water, and so on. In a circle around you, place water in the West, earth in the North, air in the East, and fire in the South.
- Walk or swing your arms clockwise three times. Close the circle by saying, "Three times I chant this circle, purify this sacred land." This creates a space between you and the physical world in which you can express your dedication.
- State why you want to embrace Wicca. State that you will follow Rede (“If Your Action Doesn't Hurt Anyone, Do It.”> Instead of going back into the circle by walking or swinging your arm three times in a counterclockwise direction.

Step 7. Join a Wiccan society, or coven, after studying Wicca for a year and a day
Most covens and other formal societies require you to study Wicca for a year and a day before you are considered knowledgeable enough, or serious enough, to join them. Look for a coven in the local community if there is one, and introduce yourself to them. Some covens have closed memberships and will not accept new members. Others are more open and welcoming of new members.
You don't have to join a coven to practice Wicca. As with other religions, Wicca can be an individual or group activity. Maybe the community around you doesn't support the existence of the group, or maybe you've tried participating in group activities and it's not right for you. As a solitary Wicca, you may feel lonely, but you can also feel free. You can still be who you want to be. A circle is a gathering of people who only get together occasionally, but they support each other. A coven is a more formal association, and they are often closed from the outside. They ask for trust and respect, but there can also be personality or ego conflicts in them

Step 8. Express an oath of confidentiality
One of the first actions a Wiccan must take is to declare his oath of secrecy. This includes three things: protection of identity, protection of rituals, and protection of the mysteries of witchcraft. Wiccans should not assume that other Wiccans have publicly announced that they follow the religion; many continue to do so in secrecy because of the potential for discrimination and harassment, or for various other personal reasons. Wiccans must keep their rituals secret and protect them in order to maintain trust and that everyone can open up within a trusted group and space. The protection of the mysteries of magic also honors the complexity and vulnerability of Wicca as a religion. By respecting the mysteries and inexplicable activities in it, Wiccans will help to maintain Wicca as a belief and preserve its magical qualities for everyone who actively practices it.
Part 3 of 3: Applying Wicca in Daily Life

Step 1. Follow Wiccan Rede
Rede, the Wicca creed, or principle, is as you already know: “If Your Actions Don't Hurt Anyone, Do It.” It emphasizes the freedom to act as long as you believe your actions will not hurt others. Being bound to the creed is the triple law, or belief that whatever you do will come back to you threefold. These principles emphasize a positive and harmonious life.

Step 2. Do meditation and devotions every day
Bring Wiccan beliefs into your daily life by regularly reflecting on your religious path. Wicca values creative freedom, connection with physical and spiritual self-empowerment, goddesses, family ties, and connection with nature. They can be celebrated and integrated into everyday life through meditation, increasing family time, and engaging with the environment. Many daily Wicca practices take only a few minutes, such as breathing or concentration exercises, 10-15 minutes of meditation, or being grateful for food. You can also perform a short ritual of worshiping one of the gods, talking to them about a problem you have, or thanking them for the pleasures you have in life. Other acts of worship that may take longer include: building an altar for one of your gods; create art or writing that reflects your beliefs, or take a long walk in the great outdoors.

Step 3. Celebrate the Wiccan holidays
There are 8 feast days, or Sabbaths, which Wiccans usually observe throughout the year. For example, the Wiccan New Year is celebrated on October 31 every year. These holidays can be celebrated in a number of ways, and often include acknowledgments and celebrations of nature, family, or society. Esbat is a celebration based on the lunar cycle. Some Wiccans celebrate the appearance and disappearance of the full moon, but some only celebrate the full moon. The Sabbath includes:
- Samhain (late summer, 31 October)
- Yule (winter solstice, circa December 20-23)
- Imbolc (February 1)
- Ostara (spring equinox, circa 21 March)
- Beltane (30 April-1 May)
- Litha (summer solstice, around June 21)
- Lughnasadh (31 July-1 August, first day of harvest season)
- Mabon (autumn equinox, circa September 21)

Step 4. Develop your own Shadow Book
A Book of Shadows is an integral part of being a Wiccan, and is a record of your worship as a Wiccan. This book can follow a number of pre-existing templates, and no two books are exactly alike. This book is very personal and a Wiccan can design his book based on his own experiences. Most of these books have certain elements, such as a page with Wiccan Rede, a list or description of the gods you worship, spells and incantations, rituals, mythology, and other elements.

Step 5. Grow your Wicca community
As you continue to practice Wicca and become more comfortable with Wicca in your life, you can become part of the wider Wicca community. However, this doesn't mean you should try to recruit other people to become Wiccans. This belief disagrees with the act of inviting others to become a Wiccan. However, you can become a leader in your Wicca community, and you can provide direction and assistance to new members.
- Wicca isn't just for women, despite its emphasis on femininity. Many men are also part of the Wiccan. Since Wicca is based on balance, it is natural for a man and a woman to exist together in this belief.
- Learning and adapting to a new religion is not something that can be done overnight. You will need time to fully understand his beliefs and practices. Many Wiccans go a long way-four or five years-before becoming fully Wiccans, and even after that, many feel that time is still short. There is no deadline or time limit for becoming a Wiccan, so study at the time you want.