If you've never made out before, then you're probably asking how to start a session, what to do when it starts, and whether you're doing well. Don't worry too much! In order to make out for the first time like a pro, all you have to do is relax, read your partner, and not be in too much of a rush. If you want to know how to make out like you've done it a million times before, just follow these steps.
Part 1 of 3: Getting Started

Step 1. Get privacy
You're probably afraid you'll mess it up, so take some of the pressure off yourself by making sure you don't have an audience. Abandon options like the movies or group dates, and opt instead for secluded situations like a movie on a quiet night at home, an outdoor picnic, or a quiet space instead.
- Resist the urge to turn off the lights completely. You may think complete darkness will calm your nerves and hide all faults. However, for first-timers, this actually makes things more difficult - you can't see where you're going, and you'll want to gauge your partner's reaction. Save the total darkness for the next session when you get to know each other better.
- If you're alone in bed or in the basement, you can dim the light a bit without seeing it clearly.
- Set the mood, if you like. If you know someone you like will be coming alone later and there's a good chance to make out later, then you can make sure your room is clean and tidy, where there's no chance that your parents or roommates will disturb you, and that everything smells good and is conducive to making out.

Step 2. Make yourself more attractive as the time comes
If you feel like making out is coming, make an effort to look and smell perfect. It will boost your confidence, and make you irresistible. You don't have to be too thorough with this or it can make you nervous, but if you feel and look your best, you'll stand a better chance of a great making out session. Here is a short list to fulfill:
- Clean yourself up quickly. Even if you don't have time to shower, you can still do small things like wiping your nose, brushing your teeth, sprinkling water on areas that start to smell bad. Put deodorant back on when you do.
- Add a subtle scent. For men, apply a spray or two of cologne around your neck and chest. (Don't use too much, as the strong scent is almost unbearable at close range.) For girls, apply a few sprays of perfume or apply scented body lotion to the neck, chest, arms and legs.
- Freshen your mouth. Cover your bad breath with gum or breath mints right before making out -- if you're smooth with it. If you don't have anything with you, swish the water around your mouth and spit it out. When you're making out, fight chapped lips with lip balm or chapstick. If you're on a date before you think about making out, avoid eating strong-smelling foods.
- Beautify your makeup (girls). Take a few seconds to make sure you don't have faded mascara or uneven foundation. Avoid too much lipstick or gloss, or your kissing partner will notice it.

Step 3. Signal that you want
If you're comfortable kissing someone on a regular basis, move on to making out simply by continuing the kiss and trying some of the techniques in Part Two. If you haven't kissed this person too much before, however, initiating a courtship session may require more maneuvering. Here are some steps to let your partner know you're interested:
- Find reasons to be close. Getting your body as close as possible to your partner's body is a pretty strong signal. Sit close together if you're on the couch or in the car, or hold hands and stand with your body completely opposite theirs. Make it very clear by looking deep into his eyes.
- Show a little more body skin. If you're wearing a cardigan or jacket, take it off casually. You can also remove the top button from your shirt, roll up your sleeves, and pull up your hair, so that your neck and chest are more exposed. Volunteering to show skin is more of a signal that you feel comfortable around the other person, and you want to be more exposed around them.
- Start touching. Before you start kissing, make your point clear by using your hands to initiate closer contact. Hold hands, offer shoulder or foot massages, play with your partner's hair, or gently touch your face and neck with your fingers.

Step 4. Read your partner
Is he eager to start kissing and experienced enough when it comes to locking lips? Or is this his first time too, and he's acting more nervous than you feel? If your partner is so ready to take this to the next level, relax and let him take the lead. But if you notice that you're doing more of the gesturing, touching and talking, take a deep breath and muster up all the confidence you have.
Fake it until you succeed. If you act like you know what you're doing, your partner will believe you're at your best

Step 5. Lean in for a kiss
Slowly bring your face towards your partner's face, maintaining eye contact until you are a few inches away. Then close your eyes, and start kissing. If he seems interested, you may be able to continue making out; if you're in doubt, though, it's best to try another time. If this is your first kiss, then you might be a little nervous, but take a deep breath and let your lips touch your partner's at a slight angle. This will make it easier for you to use your tongue when you are both ready.
Take a deep breath, smile a little, and slowly lean on your partner. You don't have to get it right the first time and remember, he's probably just as nervous as you are
Part 2 of 3: Making out

Step 1. Vary your kisses
Keep things interesting by changing the way you kiss. Don't change technique too often, but do it just enough to change gears when you feel your partner is losing interest. Try playing with these variables:
- Pressure: Alternate between soft, soft and firm, more pressing kisses.
- Speed: Slow kisses are a great start to making out, and they're great for taking a break in the middle. To convey more passion, you can speed up for a faster and deeper kiss.
- Tongue: Try a French Kiss, or gently touching your partner's tongue with yours, to increase the intensity. More than anything else, keep your tongue in regular motion - don't let your tongue just sit in your partner's mouth like limp noodles. Make slightly firm movements, or sweep your tongue around your partner's in a gentle, circular motion.

Step 2. Move away from the lips
As you continue, try kissing your partner in another area. If it seems that your partner likes to be kissed in a certain place, make a note so you remember to kiss him again in that place. Some of the popular areas include:
- Jaw
- Earlobe
- Throat
- Neck
- Collarbone
- Shoulders
- The inside of the wrist or palm

Step 3. Keep your hands busy
Passion deserves a little time and respect and you shouldn't throw it away the first time! Make sure your hands stay active and stay in touch with your partner's body so you're deeply connected. Here are some special touches you can try:
- If your partner is a man: Hold his head, and slowly and gently move your hands to the back of his head. Run your hand through her hair and down her shirt. Grab his biceps if you feel confident and give him a squeeze when you kiss him. You can also pull yourself closer to him to let his hands wrap around your back even more to make things hotter and sexier.
- If your partner is a woman, wrap your arms firmly but gently around your partner and rub up and down his back (or lower back if he responds happily). You can also hold her face between your hands, gently brushing your thumb across her cheekbones.
Part 3 of 3: Rest

Step 1. Take time off if necessary
Don't think you have to lock lips or kiss passionately the whole time you're together. It's fine to take a break, have a little laugh together, have a glass of water, or just make yourself more comfortable. This doesn't mean you have to stop and talk about how difficult your math homework is, or that changing another topic isn't sexy. But if you start to feel like you need a break, don't worry. The opportunity is there, and so is your partner.
- Pull up and smile, run your fingers through your partner's hair (this works for both boys and girls), and keep your hands on your partner's body.
- You can even take a break by whispering sexy things in your partner's ear. The feeling of your hot breath in his ear will heat up the atmosphere for sure.

Step 2. Compliment your partner on how well he kisses
Remember, he's probably just as nervous as you are! Not only will your compliments be a confidence booster, they will also encourage more kisses.
- If your partner is not good at kissing, be patient. Continue to use the techniques you've learned and give your partner time to follow your lead.
- If your partner does something you enjoy, encourage him or her by smiling and saying, “I love it when you _”; to continue to reinforce the good aspects of the kiss, respond to these moments by squeezing it tighter, making a short "mmm" sound of approval, and so on. Unless you're completely comfortable with each other, don't criticize your partner's kissing abilities.

Step 3. End on a strong note
When you're ready to say goodbye, keep things positive so you'll be more likely to kiss again soon. You may have mixed emotions, but focus on something that makes you feel great about what just happened. Here are a few things to try before you part ways for the night:
- Tell your partner that you are having a good time. A simple "That's awesome" will make him feel great like a pre-prepared compliment. Say how you feel and don't worry about sounding too elegant or distant.
- End with one more kiss. Make this quick, light and fluffy, especially if you make out intensely and intensely towards the end.
- Kiss the female partner's hand. When you're done making out with the girl you adore, look her in the eye and slowly bring the back of her hand to your lips for a light kiss before she leaves. It's an old world, polite demeanor that almost all girls find this romantic.
- Make your partner want it again. Tell him that you can't wait to see each other again and make it clear that you can't wait to make out again, too. The second will always be better than the first.
- Don't forget to swallow to avoid drooling too much or you may end up accidentally transferring it to your partner's mouth.
- Make sure you are comfortable with the person. Think positive that you are ready to step up with them.
- Willing to take risks. For example, explore your partner's body a little more, and find out what makes him comfortable making out! You can do this by positioning your hands, kissing different parts of your body and positioning the two of you.
- It's a good idea to go to the bathroom for a bit before you start.
- If necessary, make sure you know how to kiss with braces.
Making out doesn't promise sex.
Don't pressure your partner or offer with a partner who pressures you just because the two of you have exchanged spittles.
- Make sure you are comfortable with it the first time. How to do this the first time isn't something that everyone knows, and if your partner is a little shy, reassure him or her that there's no rush.