If you want to curl your hair, all you need is patience and a special wax. You can curl your hair at the salon, but doing it yourself at home will give you more natural results at a much lower cost. Whether you have curly or straight hair, the most effective way to get dreadlocks is to comb them. Once your hair has changed to dreadlocks, help keep the shape from changing by doing daily grooming. About 3 to 6 months later, your dreadlocks will be "permanent".
Method 1 of 3: Shaping the Dreadlocks

Step 1. Wash your hair with a residue-free clarifying shampoo
The process of dreading hair can be done faster if the hair is clean and without residue. The natural oils that stick to the hair make it slippery so it's best to start the process with freshly shampooed hair. Comb your hair when it is dry.
- Do not use conditioner or any products after you wash your hair.
- Before starting the process, make sure your hair is completely dry.
- This process takes about 4 to 8 hours. To get the best results, you have to spend a lot of time doing it.

Step 2. Divide the hair into sections
Separate the hair into sections using a wide-tooth comb. Use rubber bands to tie each strand of hair. Each strand of hair will be turned into a strand of dreadlocks. Make a patch about 2.5 cm thick for a standard medium-sized dreadlock, or 1.5 cm for a small dreadlock.
- For an overall neat look, try to have each strand of dreadlocks the same size.
- The lines of the parting and the columns between each strand will be visible when the dreadlocks are ready. To make it look unpatterned, make zigzag or alternating squares to make the dreadlocks look more natural.

Step 3. Squeeze or wrap each strand of hair around your fingers
If you have curly or frizzy hair, start the process by wrapping a patch (2.5 cm thick) around your finger or the handle of a rat's tail comb to create a coil. If the hair is straight, lift the strands up, starting at the scalp. With a distance of about 2.5 cm from the scalp, work the hair down, towards the scalp using a metal brush. Repeat this a few times until the hair starts to swell and accumulate at the roots. Continue teasing the strands by moving about 2.5 cm above them until you reach the ends of your hair.
- When pulling hair with one hand, use the other hand to gently twist the patch. This keeps the shape of the hair in that section and helps the cooking process.
- Continue to comb through all the strands of hair using the same technique until you have finished combing all the hair. You can speed up the process by asking a friend for help.
- Do this with great patience and care when making dreadlocks. If you rush to finish the final section of your hair, the resulting dreadlocks may become uneven.

Step 4. Tie the strands of dreadlocks with a rubber band or hair tie
Each strand of dreadlocks should be tied with a rubber band at the end to secure its shape. Tie a second rubber band near the scalp on each strand of dreadlocks. These two rubber bands will maintain the shape of the dreadlocks.
This may be necessary for straight or wavy hair, but curly hair may not need it

Step 5. Apply dread wax (a special wax for dreadlocks) on hair that has been brushed
Use natural dread wax, beeswax paste, hair gel, or hardening gel to prevent frizz or tangles. Apply the wax or gel along the length of the hair until the entire surface is covered. If using wax, only do this every 2 to 4 weeks.
- Many people with dreadlocks do not use wax or gel because they think these products hinder the process of curling hair. Understand this if you use it.
- You can buy dread wax at a beauty store, salon, or online.

Step 6. Twist the dreads with two palms if you are not using wax
Don't use wax if you want to use a natural method of curling your hair. Once the dreads are "locked," twist each strand of dreadlocks with your palms. Do this up and down along the strands of the dreadlocks. This makes the gimbal more firm and secure.
This method is perfect for curly hair. If your hair is straight or wavy, it will take you longer to curl your hair without wax, and the end result will probably be less tight
Method 2 of 3: Helping "Lock" the Gimbal

Step 1. Twist the strands of dreadlocks once a day
To keep the dreads smooth, twist the strands periodically using two palms. Start near the scalp and work your way up to the ends of the hair. Make the ends of the dreads look rounded by hitting them against your palms to push the hair into the dreadlocks.
- This twist can help make the growth of the dreads faster or neater.
- Do not twist your hair excessively because it can make the dreads easy to untie.

Step 2. Moisturize your dreads daily to prevent them from breaking
Mix 3 parts aloe vera juice with 1 part natural oil (eg coconut oil or sweet almond oil). Add up to 5 drops of an essential oil (such as tea tree or lavender oil) if you want to enhance the scent. Put the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture on your dreads lightly every day.
- Spray dreadlocks in the morning to hydrate them after you sleep.
- If you don't want to bother making your own mixture, you can buy a moisturizer specifically designed for dreadlocks at a beauty store or online.

Step 3. Wash your hair with shampoo once a week
Wait for at least 2-3 weeks after dreading your hair to shampoo. This is to prevent the dreadlocks from unraveling. After that, wash your scalp with shampoo. When you rinse your scalp, the water will run off and clean the dreadlocks without tangling them.
- Use a special soap or shampoo for unscented dreads and conditioner. Both of these ingredients can make dreads smell.
- Do shampoo in the morning so that the hair has time to dry. If you sleep when your hair is wet, mold and mildew can grow there.

Step 4. Tuck the loose strands of hair
When the hair grows and locks, some strands of hair can come off the dreadlocks, especially those near the scalp. Use tweezers or a knitting tool to pinch the loose strands of hair, then tuck them back into the dreadlocks.
For long strands, twist and wrap them around the dreadlocks before tucking them in

Step 5. Scrub the hair roots to help the growth of new dreads
When the dreadlocks are fully formed, each strand of hair will naturally intertwine. After some time, the hair will continue to grow in dreadlocks, but may be loose at first. Use your fingers to rub the new growth, section by section, so that the hair is intertwined with the existing strands.
- Don't rub your dreads too often. When the dreadlocks are fully formed, new hair growth will naturally intertwine into the dreadlock strands about 2.5 cm from the scalp.
- Be careful not to overdo it when handling the roots as this can cause them to fall out.
Method 3 of 3: Caring for Dreads

Step 1. Remove the rubber band once the dreadlocks are fully formed
Once the dreadlocks are locked, you can remove the rubber bands as the hair no longer needs a brace. Remove the rubber bands at the roots and ends of your dreads after about three months.
- Once locked, the dreadlocks will look tighter and less fluffy than they were at first. You will still find hair that comes off even if only a little. New hair will continue to grow and blend into the existing dreadlocks.
- If the rubber band is tied too close to your scalp, you may need to cut it with scissors, as the rubber may be holding tightly in that area.

Step 2. Continue to wash your hair once a week
Oil and dirt on your scalp can prevent your hair from "locking in" properly, which makes it impossible to intertwine with existing dreads. Keep the new hair growing clean and dry so it can blend into the dreadlocks naturally.

Step 3. Condition your hair 2 times a month with a mixture of apple cider vinegar
Mix 250 grams of apple cider vinegar with 450 grams of water. After rinsing the shampoo, pour this vinegar mixture on your scalp and massage it. Rinse the scalp a few minutes later.

Step 4. Wrap your hair with a head covering or a silk scarf when you sleep
This will protect the gimbal from damage and keep it moist. You can buy silk hair coverings at beauty stores or online. Alternatively, bun up dreadlocks and wrap a silk scarf around it.
When you wake up in the morning, remove the cover and spray your dreads with moisturizer
- If you want to untangle your dreads, you can use several methods other than cutting off the hair on your head. Several companies manufacture dreadlocks detangling kits that detangle and deep condition hair. After that, you may need to trim some of your hair to get rid of the split ends, but the dreadlocks will go away.
- There are many things that can be done to beautify dreadlocks. You can color the entire section of hair, color the ends, add beads, or tie it in a beautiful shape.
- You may find it difficult to style your hair alone, especially when working on the back of your head. Ask a friend to help you, or just go to the salon.
- If your hair is very thin and straight, try dividing your hair as described above, but braid it first and let it stay in the braid for at least a week. That way, by the time you're about to start the braiding process, your hair will already be bouncy when you untie the braid. Follow all the instructions above, but take the extra step of braiding your hair first (if the hair is very thin).
- Depending on your hair type, the process for curling your hair may vary. Find out how to curl your hair type before starting the process.
- Avoid pulling on dreads that have been around for a long time.