Maybe you used to like your hair blue or green (or maybe blue and green) and now decided to change your hair color. However, you really don't want to use bleach and don't know what else to do. Don't worry, wikiHow is here to help your hair color move off the cool tones spectrum. All you need is the right equipment, time and a little persistence.
Method 1 of 4: Removing the Dye with Shampoo
Clean Your Hair with Shampoo

Step 1. Buy an inexpensive shampoo that doesn't have a 'color-safe' label
This means that this shampoo is not safe to use on colored hair. You should buy a shampoo with a clarifying formula like this for color-treated hair. This type of shampoo will help remove the color in your hair. Suave Daily Clarifying is a good type of shampoo. In addition to shampoo, you will also need the same type of conditioner. This type of conditioner can also be cheaper than other conditioners. But if you dye your hair permanently, you might want to consider using the other methods mentioned in this article, as they only work on semi-permanently colored hair. Of course, this will work on permanent hair colors as well, but the bleaching process will take much longer.
- If your hair is dry and unruly, you may be able to purchase a more expensive conditioner to give your hair the nutrients it needs.
- You can also use anti-dandruff shampoo, but the end result depends on the active ingredients of the shampoo and the dye itself. The color may not go away but only looks lighter after using this shampoo.

Step 2. Try mixing baking soda with shampoo
Baking soda is a natural bleaching agent which, when added to shampoo, will make your hair color fade faster.

Step 3. Wet hair with hot water
Warm the water until it's hot enough for you - hot water can open up the hair follicles and cuticles, making it easier for the color grains to "escape" from the hair. Wet your entire hair.

Step 4. Soap your hair with a clarifying shampoo
Pour enough and give a massage on the scalp. Squeeze the hair to remove any excess foam (and it definitely contains the dye you want to remove). Make sure every strand of your hair is filled with shampoo and don't wash it just yet!

Step 5. Pin your hair up
If your hair is short, just hang out. Place a towel you no longer want to wear over your shoulder (because the color of the shampoo foam can get on the towel).

Step 6. Use a plastic shower cap
Make sure the hat covers all of your hair and is the right size for your head. Use a hairdryer to warm your hair, but be careful not to stay in one area too long, or your shower cap will melt. The heat from the hairdryer helps the shampoo in your hair to remove the color.
If you don't have a shower cap, you can use a plastic bag. Cover your head with it and clamp the open part with a clip

Step 7. Leave your hair covered with a shower cap or plastic bag for 15 to 20 minutes
When you're done, wash your hair thoroughly with hot water. Then wash with shampoo two more times, and rinse hair each time you use it until there is only a small amount of color left in the lather.
Soften Your Hair

Step 1. Apply cheap conditioner all over the hair
Wipe completely with conditioner to ensure that all sections of your hair are covered. If your hair is long enough, just pin it, otherwise leave it loose.

Step 2. Use a hair dryer to warm your hair
Once your hair is almost dry, let it sit for 25 to 30 minutes. Then rinse with cold water to clean it from the liquid conditioner.

Step 3. Wet hair with cold water
Spray hair with very cold water to seal the cuticles. This is done to ensure that your hair retains the nutrients it needs from the conditioner you use. After this, your hair color should be two-thirds lighter than before. Leave it for a day and then repeat this process again.
Method 2 of 4: Remove Hair Dye with Vitamin C

Step 1. Purchase 500 mg of vitamin C
You can get them in packets, bottles, or powders. Pour the ingredients into a bowl. If it's not yet in powder form, crush the ingredients with the back of a spoon or pestle to grind (if you have one) until they are powdered.

Step 2. Mix vitamin C into the shampoo
For this, you'll want to use a shampoo that makes your hair soft and healthy. Mix just a little (a little more than your usual amount) with vitamin C and mix the two together. Make sure that the mixture does not clump and the vitamin C powder is thoroughly stirred.

Step 3. Wet hair with hot water
As explained above, hot water helps open up your hair follicles and makes it easier for the dye to run off. Use the mixture on the hair. Wipe thoroughly so that each liquid covers the entire section and strands of hair.

Step 4. Pin your hair up and cover it with a shower cap
It's also recommended that you drape an old towel over your shoulder, as the dye that's run off will inevitably drip down your shoulder and stain your shoulder. The faded color might also catch the shower cap and not drip down, but it's better to be careful than to regret it later.
If you don't have a shower cap, you can use a plastic bag tied at the front, or plastic food wrap that can be glued around your head

Step 5. Let your hair process for 45 minutes
Over time, this mixture of shampoo and vitamin C will start working to remove color from hair. After the process is complete, rinse the hair.

Step 6. Apply conditioner to your hair
This is important to do so that your hair does not become dry and tangled. This method works with both permanent and semi-permanent dyes, except that everyone's hair is different, so you may have to repeat the process again if the dye you're using doesn't smudge or has been stuck to your hair for a long time.
Method 3 of 4: Removing Hair Dye with Home Products
Bath Salt

Step 1. Turn on the faucet on the bathtub and put bath salts in it
Bath salts, which you can get at household or bathroom and beauty stores, are known to fade the green and blue semi-permanent dyes in your hair. Fill a bath with hot water and pour a pack of bath salts into it. Soak your hair as long as possible. When you're done, the color in your hair should have faded. After that, you should clean it with shampoo and conditioner. Keep repeating this process for a day or two if necessary.
You can also use the sink if you don't want to soak your hair in the tub
Dish soap

Step 1. Use dish soap
Be aware that this product will dry out your hair, so you will need to soften your hair with a conditioner after using this method. Add four or five drops of soap to a quarter of the shampoo. Wet hair with hot water and soap with the mixture. Let soak for 10 minutes, then rinse. Continue to treat your hair using a good conditioner.
Laundry Detergent

Step 1. Wash your hair with laundry detergent
You have to make sure that the detergent you use does not contain bleach or other bleaching agents-these ingredients can damage your hair. Wet hair with hot water and sprinkle or pour a spoonful of detergent. Add another spoonful if you have long hair. Then rinse thoroughly and use a good conditioner to maintain healthy hair.
Method 4 of 4: Removing Hair Dye with Sunlight
Hair Spray
Step 1. Apply hair-drying spray
Fill the colored hair with a " strong hold " hair spray that can hold your hair in position. Leave in the sun as long as possible. After that brush your hair, wash with anti-dandruff shampoo and give conditioner to restore softness of hair.

Step 1. Expose your hair to chlorine and sunlight
Although the color doesn't go away right away, with frequent swimming and exposing your hair to the sun, the color will start to fade. But you should always wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner after every swim. Also don't expose yourself to too much sun as this will burn your skin and can cause cancer.
- Wearing old clothes and draping a towel over your shoulders will always come in handy when dyeing your hair. This is because the owner of the house where you live may not like it if the sofa in the house changes color from beige to purple.
- If you can't fix your hair color, you may want to go to a hair stylist who can fix your hair professionally.
- Use an anti-dandruff shampoo and treat your hair with hot oil. Keep doing this until the color is gone.
- Don't try to restore the original color of your hair by using store-bought black or brown hair dye to override the blue or green. Sometimes, this will make your hair color very dark and slightly bluish.
- Always be careful when using products such as dish soap and detergent. Use with care to avoid contact with eyes, ears, mouth or nose.