Earthquakes occur when the earth's crust shifts and causes seismic waves to collide with each other. Unlike hurricanes or floods, earthquakes occur without warning and are usually followed by a number of aftershocks that are weaker than the main quake. Often there is only a second to decide what to do when you are dealing with an earthquake. Studying the following suggestions can determine life or death in the situation.
Method 1 of 3: Kneeling, Shelter and Holding (For Indoors)

Step 1. Kneel down and lower yourself
The kneeling, cover, and holding technique is a derivative of the famous "stop, kneel and roll" technique for dealing with fires. While not the only method of protecting yourself indoors during an earthquake, it is highly recommended by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the American Red Cross.
Major earthquakes can occur suddenly and without any warning, so it is advisable to immediately kneel down and lower yourself when the shaking begins. Small earthquakes can turn into big earthquakes in seconds; better to be safe than sorry

Step 2. Find shelter
Take cover under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. Try to stay away from glass, windows, doors and walls, as well as objects that are prone to falling such as chandeliers or other furniture. If there's no table nearby, cover your face and head with your arms and curl up in a corner in the building away from the door.
Do not:
- Run out. You're more likely to get hurt trying to get out of a building than staying indoors.
- Head towards the door. Hiding behind doors is a myth. It's safer to hide under a table than behind a door, especially in modern homes.
- Run to another room to take cover under a table or other piece of furniture.
Step 3. Stay inside until you are safe outside
Research shows that most injuries occur when people are trying to change shelter, or when a place is crowded and everyone is trying to get out safely.

Step 4. Hold on
It could be that the ground shakes and debris falls. Hold on to whatever object you are sheltering from and wait for the shaking to subside. If you can't find shelter, continue to lower your head and protect your head with both arms.

Step 5. Stay in a safe place
If you are in bed when an earthquake occurs, stay there. Hold on and protect your head with a pillow, unless you are under a heavy chandelier and prone to falls. If so, move to the nearest safe place.
Injuries often occur when people leave the bed and step on broken glass with their bare feet

Step 6. Stay indoors until the shaking stops and it is safe to leave the building
Research has revealed that most injuries occur when people inside the building try to move to another place in the building or try to get out of the building.
- Be careful when leaving the building. Walk, don't run in anticipation of an equally strong aftershock. Gather in a place away from cables, buildings, or ground cracks.
- Don't use the elevator to get out. The electricity can suddenly go out, so you get stuck in it. The best option is to use the stairs, if it is still passable.
Method 2 of 3: Triangle of Life (For Indoors)

Step 1. Use the triangle of life method as an alternative to kneeling, sheltering, and holding techniques
If you can't hide under the table, you have several options. Although still doubted by most of the world's leading earthquake safety officers, this method can save lives if the building you are in collapses.

Step 2. Find the nearest building structure or piece of furniture
The triangle of life theory states that people who take shelter next to, not under, home furnishings such as sofas are often protected by the void or space created when crushed by piles of debris. In theory, a collapsed building would fall on a sofa or table and crush it slightly, but leave a number of empty gaps nearby. Adherents of this theory believe that sheltering in this empty gap is the best option for earthquake survivors.

Step 3. Curl up in a fetal position (like a fetus in the womb) next to a building structure or piece of furniture
Doug Copp, the originator and main proponent of the triangle of life theory, says this safety technique is natural for cats and dogs, and can be applied to humans as well.

Step 4. Remember the following list of dos and don'ts in an earthquake situation
If you can't find a safe place to shelter near you, cover your head and lie down in the fetal position wherever you are.
- Do not:
- Take cover behind the door. People who hide behind doors are often killed by falling door frames due to the strong shaking of an earthquake.
- Go upstairs to take cover under the furniture. It is very dangerous to go up the stairs during an earthquake.

Step 5. Realize that the triangle of life method is not supported by scientific findings and/or expert agreement
The triangle of life technique is still controversial. If you have a number of choices to make in the event of an earthquake indoors, choose the kneeling, cover, and holding technique.
- There are a number of problems with the triangle of life technique. First, it is difficult to know where the triangle of life will form, because things move up and down and also horizontally.
- Second, scientific studies show that most deaths in earthquake situations are related to falling debris and objects, not falling structures. The main basis of the triangle of life theory is an earthquake that causes the collapse of building structures, not objects.
- Many scientists believe that you are more likely to get injured if you try to move elsewhere instead of standing still. The triangle of life theory suggests moving to a safer place than staying still.
Method 3 of 3: Surviving an Outdoor Earthquake

Step 1. Stay outdoors until the shaking stops
Do not attempt heroic actions such as saving someone or entering a building. Staying outside, with the possibility of being crushed by a collapsing building getting smaller, was the best option. The greatest danger lies directly outside buildings, exits, and along the outside of building walls.

Step 2. Stay away from buildings, street lighting, and power lines
These are major risks if you are outdoors during an earthquake or one of the aftershocks in progress.

Step 3. If in a vehicle, stop as soon as possible and stay inside
Avoid stopping near buildings, trees, overpasses, and power lines. Continue driving carefully after the earthquake subsides. Stay away from roads, bridges, or slopes that are suspected of being damaged by an earthquake.

Step 4. If trapped under debris, stay calm and take preventative measures
Even if it feels counterintuitive, it may be that waiting for help is the best option when trapped under immovable debris.
- Don't light a match. You may accidentally start a fire due to a leaking fuel or other flammable chemical.
- Do not move or cause dust to fly. Cover your mouth with your handkerchief or clothes.
- Hit the pipe or wall so the rescue team can find your location. Use a whistle if you have one. Yelling is a last resort. Yelling will cause you to inhale harmful amounts of dust.

Step 5. If you are near a large body of water, be prepared for a possible tsunami
Tsunamis occur when an earthquake causes extreme underwater disturbances, sending powerful waves toward beaches and human habitation. If there has just been an earthquake with its epicenter at sea, you will most likely have to watch out for a tsunami.
- If you're driving in mountainous areas, find out how to get out of a car hanging on the edge of a cliff and how to get out of a sinking car.
- If you're at the beach, go higher up.
- If you are at the airport, run to the exit or go to a safe place.
- When an earthquake occurs, do not think about saving electronic objects such as cameras, telephones, and computers or other material objects because your life is more important.